Keeping up with CA?

Keeping up with CA?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

So… anyway, these days how best to generate enough Celestial Force in order to use CA as soon as it comes out of CD?

Ideally CA is ready to be used in every 10 seconds. Is it possible?


Keeping up with CA?

in Ranger

Posted by: hellsmonument.4852


hope i dont get crucified by the masses who claim CAF can’t be obtained at all ever but here goes…

pick some aoe regen trait/s and equip signet of the wild.. make sure both tick as much as possible i.e. stuff is getting healed. attacking also helps, especially attacks that hit multiple times.

i’ve been able to have CA up off coolown ( in pvp)


(edited by hellsmonument.4852)

Keeping up with CA?

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


Problem is, giving up a signet of the wild slot is huge because u want to fully utilize fully all ur utility slots. In gorseval its a must to maximize dps so u bring sun spirit frost spirit and glyph of empowerment. Signet of the wild doesnt tick when ur hp is full which is most of the time.

To gain AF fastest make sure ur pet is attacking boss (healing is also done around ur pet), use staff 1 constant on boss as u move, staff 2 gives AF, staff 5 into staff 3 is epic heal. (Tho staff 3 alone s good on target), glyphs gives, while u either use glyph heal or traited healing spring. U can also leave astral form earlier when healing isnt needed and u know u need AF quick as theres burst healing needed inc.

I like this style as u have to know the fight and prepare/ time it, at the same time with this method u can use it back off cd, though faster if teammates are below hp so they take healing (which thankfully works in raids as they always eat some damage).

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Keeping up with CA?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

signet of the wild used to give AF even out of combat… now… sigh…