Krisp's Poison Druid

Krisp's Poison Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Krispera.5087


I’ve been having fun bursting poison on people in PvP in the past few days, I didn’t try in open PvE yet, but it should be fun.

I’m not pro in PvP, but I like to have fun in unranked . You can stack 15 poison easily over other conditions and CC with Ancient Seeds. So here is the build :

Things that can be changed :

- Pets for : Murellow, Marsh Drakes, Spider, Devourer. (I like Wolf for Fear and Smokescale for burst).

- Sigil : On Staff can be changed to get more poison with Sigil of Doom, but I like the chill and extra endurance to get you away from sticky situations.

- Rune : Rune of Thorns is not in the template yet, but I’m using it (I have put Rune of Orr for the sake of it, you can use it too). Rune of Traveler can be an alternative (See below)

- Trait : Verdant Etching can be changed for Natural Stride. It all depends of your runes and how comfortable you are to move without moving speed and use Ancestral Grace to move.

- Amulets : Carrion or Rabid, I guess it depends of your taste. Power and Precision is not a huge decision maker, it should be between Vitality or Toughness. Settler could be good, since if you’re Druid, people ’’expect’’ you to help more with healing and support.

- Stunbreakers and why ‘’Protect Me!’’ ? : It’s shorter than Signet of Stone and gives you a Stun Break. I’m aware you’re scarifying a pet, but I like it better than Signet of Stone and it works on conditions that were ON before, which SoS doesn’t. You can always put Glyph of Equality (Way shorter cooldown), it doesn’t help you to soak the damage, but will daze/blind and gives you a seed (if traited) to work with it.

Feel free to give feedback and comment.

(edited by Krispera.5087)

Krisp's Poison Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I came up with a pretty similar build back in bwe3. id only use trapper runes for the survivability.

Krisp's Poison Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

I’ve been having fun bursting poison on people in PvP in the past few days, I didn’t try in open PvE yet, but it should be fun.

I’m not pro in PvP, but I like to have fun in unranked . You can stack 15 poison easily over other conditions and CC with Ancient Seeds. So here is the build :

Things that can be changed :

- Pets for : Murellow, Marsh Drakes, Spider, Devourer. (I like Wolf for Fear and Smokescale for burst).

- Sigil : On Staff can be changed to get more poison with Sigil of Doom, but I like the chill and extra endurance to get you away from sticky situations.

- Rune : Rune of Thorns is not in the template yet, but I’m using it (I have put Rune of Orr for the sake of it, you can use it too). Rune of Traveler can be an alternative (See below)

- Trait : Verdant Etching can be changed for Natural Stride. It all depends of your runes and how comfortable you are to move without moving speed and use Ancestral Grace to move.

- Amulets : Carrion or Rabid, I guess it depends of your taste. Power and Precision is not a huge decision maker, it should be between Vitality or Toughness. Settler could be good, since if you’re Druid, people ’’expect’’ you to help more with healing and support.

- Stunbreakers and why ‘’Protect Me!’’ ? : It’s shorter than Signet of Stone and gives you a Stun Break. I’m aware you’re scarifying a pet, but I like it better than Signet of Stone and it works on conditions that were ON before, which SoS doesn’t. You can always put Glyph of Equality (Way shorter cooldown), it doesn’t help you to soak the damage, but will daze/blind and gives you a seed (if traited) to work with it.

Feel free to give feedback and comment.

check out my Poison master druid spec its posted here

its a More glyph focused build that changes refined toxins for shared Anguish or off-hand traning and uses spotter instead of hidden barbs to power rapid Bleeds , and Grace of the land , due to the glyphs and Healing spring + blast using Asteral form to bunker up team defences.

focusing on Defensive condi damage , than offensive condi damage like yours is applied.

yours a very nice build and it synergises well with poison master using Protect me and poison volly gives you ample reason to swap pets often too for poison master to apply.

the opening strike of this build with Refined toxins+poison master fast high stack application maintained but you’ve scarificed most of the support apart from staff.

the only thing it lacks is Condi clear for team use outside of the one blast you have and drake though in a good team this is more than enough.

Krisp's Poison Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Pick Sharpened Edges instead of the trapper trait, I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised in combination with Staff.