LF Druid Full Support Healer WvW build
This is the one i have been using, its on page 5 of the build list on the front page stickies. Courtesy of gussjr
For pure WvW support, I recommend a train focused Druid build like this (remember that the build calcs do not have the updated trait/skill tooltips):
Here’s the break down of the key traits/interactions:
- Spotter for 7% crit to party
- Quick Draw for burst heals and extremely high mobility. When entering or exiting CA form (within the confines of the ICD rules) you will trigger this, allowing you to use Lunar Impact or Rejuvenating Tides twice in rapid succession and Ancestral Grace x 2 within 5s of each other. This is a double blast or double escape.
- Enlargement for self-stability when in trouble.
- Brutish Seals for reducing the above stability, as well as the CD on Signet of Stone.
- Remorseless is the only useful choice here with our weapons, and has insane synergy with the Revenant fury pulse which will trigger opening strikes (100% crit + 175% damage + Vuln stacks) every 3s. This will significantly help with your damage, especially if you switch to GS for Maul.
- Druidic Clarity is our shortest CD of our 3 stun-breakers and takes care of our lack of condi cleanse.
- Natural Stride will significantly reduce soft-CC duration’s, which is vital for train players.
- Grace of the Land will give your allies a significant damage increase when spamming heals in CA. If you want to play a bit more trickily, I suggest switching to Ancient Seeds for CC (you have access to a lot of daze, and this trait will proc in AOE if you hit all targets with a single attack).
- Monk runes + Rice Ball + Natural Mender will give you a futher 30% healing increase on top of your ~1600 healing power.
- You can swap the power increase spanner for more +healing if you want to focus mostly on just healing.
- You can use Glyph of Equality offensively when in CA to pull in nearby enemies, similar to the Guardian GS #5, albeit with a shorter range.
- You can switch out some +healing for more toughness/vitality/power by trading some Magi armor for PVT or Sentinels.
- You could switch out GS for x/WH, but I prefer the damage, mobility and block on GS.
- You can switch out a sigil on your weapon of choice for healing stacks if you want.
N.B: If you do not have a Revenant in your party, but have reliable Guardian stability then you can switch the Marksmanship line out for WS or NM traits.
(edited by aB EXT.1287)
This is what I’m using and it works perfect…
(edited by Wyrdfell.8327)