LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958


Hey guys.

I posted this in another “Light On Your Feet” thread, and put it in the ranger bugs thread on the bug forum, thought I’d share this here as well to raise community awareness and get a fix:

As you can clearly see, the “Light On Your Feet” buff for +% damage and condition duration only lasts for THREE SECONDS whereas the trait is advertised as four.

LOYF is considered by most as a niche grandmaster at best, and even on some shortbow builds, it’s competitor, quick draw, is still preferred. I personally like the trait, but with this bug, it’s not all it could be. I hope this is addressed soon.

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


LOYF is such a horrible trait, 10% is nothing

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Looks more like 4s to me.

1s for the icon to appear
2s countdown
1s countdown
0s countdown

Also, on the video, you dodge at 3s and the icon disappears at 7s.

It might just be 4s, but the interface is just a bit clunky.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958


Maybe, but I doubt it. Companions’ defense doesn’t have that problem, not sure why LOYF would.

I was in the OS for like 30 mins doing this with a stopwatch, and consistently got around 3 seconds per.

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Just make it 30% flat condition duration increase already..
Engi’s pistol has -20% cd AND 50% flat condition duration increase with one MAJOR trait with NO trade-off (LOYF trade-off is Quick-Hand)

I do not know why Ranger always has to take the inferior version.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

I’d actually welcome a mechanic that stays the same way it is now.

But the 10% condi and direct damage should go up to 25-30%.
Well I mean yea. You have to sacrifice Quick Draw for it. And you do have to stop attacking by dodging for it to work – so it is not a DPS increase for PvE. You also sacrifice utility/defense uses from Quick Draw.
And the access to this trait is very limited by nerfed endurance and Vigor

25-30% seems just about fine. It would actually make a viable choice for those bursty builds that focus solely on hitting that Maul and/or Rapid Fire. And since shortbow benefits from both Condi and Direct – it might just as well become a wanted weapon for PvP.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I’d actually welcome a mechanic that stays the same way it is now.

But the 10% condi and direct damage should go up to 25-30%.
Well I mean yea. You have to sacrifice Quick Draw for it. And you do have to stop attacking by dodging for it to work – so it is not a DPS increase for PvE. You also sacrifice utility/defense uses from Quick Draw.
And the access to this trait is very limited by nerfed endurance and Vigor

25-30% seems just about fine. It would actually make a viable choice for those bursty builds that focus solely on hitting that Maul and/or Rapid Fire. And since shortbow benefits from both Condi and Direct – it might just as well become a wanted weapon for PvP.

They wouldn’t do that, I honestly do not see the point of 10% condi duration pvp. 3 second bleeds will be 3.3? LOL

Might as well change it something else, 10% damage is good enough for me, buffing this is more than welcome

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I would like to see it proc on evade and not dodge, same reasoning as Primal Reflexes and for synergy with that trait. Then you could up the damage and duration quite a bit, it would also work well with GS and sword then too.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Might as well change it something else, 10% damage is good enough for me, buffing this is more than welcome

Well, Power Rangers need a source of burst. And this would be the ideal place to address the issue. I had a mass DPS test in PvP area and Warriors and Guardians said they are hitting for 32K with auto-attacks (full buffed, my Frost Spirit, banners etc).
My maul hit for 12K peak.

Plus skirmishing is a perfect trait-line to buff direct damage burst. If you want to go for burst – you need remorseless. And if you took MM and Skirmishing, you either have to choose between BM (cc) or Wilderness Surival (condi cleanse)
And you do not even have Protective Ward regardless of option.

10% is just not cool. Maybe if it was a 10% global damage modifier – we could talk. But that would again become really boring since all a Ranger does for DPS is auto-attacks. At least for PvP we could gain a sort of Peak Burst by combining Remorseless, LoYF, SotW and SotH – and we still wouldn’t go past 12K, even might buffed against light armor.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Might as well change it something else, 10% damage is good enough for me, buffing this is more than welcome

Well, Power Rangers need a source of burst. And this would be the ideal place to address the issue. I had a mass DPS test in PvP area and Warriors and Guardians said they are hitting for 32K with auto-attacks (full buffed, my Frost Spirit, banners etc).
My maul hit for 12K peak.

Plus skirmishing is a perfect trait-line to buff direct damage burst. If you want to go for burst – you need remorseless. And if you took MM and Skirmishing, you either have to choose between BM (cc) or Wilderness Surival (condi cleanse)
And you do not even have Protective Ward regardless of option.

10% is just not cool. Maybe if it was a 10% global damage modifier – we could talk. But that would again become really boring since all a Ranger does for DPS is auto-attacks. At least for PvP we could gain a sort of Peak Burst by combining Remorseless, LoYF, SotW and SotH – and we still wouldn’t go past 12K, even might buffed against light armor.

So how bout the 10% condi duration? This is the most useless effect of it, since we lost condi duration on MM line.

I would say keep the 10% damage one or buff it, then add a damage effect to replace the condi duration. Any thoughts?


I agree with you making it on evade will make it more skillful too at the same time. And this synergizes with SB 3 for god’s sake this is an SB centered (most part) trait.

We could just add a global damage modifier for SB too, SB still didnt get any love, no damage buff, no range buff.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Light on your Feet currently increases condi duration by 100%.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Light on your Feet currently increases condi duration by 100%.

Yep, but they will nerf it so we are back to square 1. For sure they will nerf it. That’s why I asked to just replace that effect entirely.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958



LOYF got nerfed, but not fixed!

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582


LOYF got nerfed, but not fixed!


LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Alright, who put that trait on and went dev hunting? Look what you did…

But in all serious, I don’t know what kind of Kool-Aid they’ve been mixing over there, the trait is just not that good to begin with.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Skullface.7293


Nerfing a terrible trait, that’s cool.

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hirothebeast

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958


Bump for Duration fix

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Britto.6374


Pathetic Master Trait.

Im condi and +10 condi duration for 4 sec is ridicolous. Better Quick Draw and stop.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


LOYF and MDG are so bad lmao

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Mohagi.2738


LOYF is indeed underwhelming atm. But like i said in another thread i actually like the idea behind this trait. In my mind it needs to be atleast 6 seconds and it needs to work when you use and evade skill aswell. I also dont think it stacks with itself (double dodge), though if any1 have done extensive testing pls let me know

The %dmg and duration could be looked at aswell but we have to remember that this is a SB centric trait. So if SB was actually buffed to be a usefull hybrid weapon the %dmg might be ok, though the condi duration might need some love still depending on how SB was changed.

(edited by Mohagi.2738)

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958


bump for buff duration fix

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


if you want to add 1tick of bleed from flanking strike you have to gather +33% cndition duration MINIMUM.
ATM it will add NOTHING for your short bow.

It’s real shame to make such bad weapon. To compare it for example with necromancer.
Scepter has faster auto-attack and if compare it with SB it has MORE physical DPS output with same distance and with no flight w8.
In additional it no need flanking to apply bleed and it apply it for 10sec not 3 sec.

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958


True, but Necro sceptre does pretty much no physical damage. Ranger SBow with cele/zerk can physically hit for a decent amount to be viable for both those stat combos

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

LOYF +10% Damage Duration Bug *Video proof*

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


True, but Necro sceptre does pretty much no physical damage. Ranger SBow with cele/zerk can physically hit for a decent amount to be viable for both those stat combos

Just try scepter with berserker gear and you’ll see that it make almost same damage kitten

SB damage(noCrit) 419
Scepter damage (noCrit) 367 367 524 Math = (367+367+524) / 3 = 419.33333

Same attack speed with same gear.

So it do even more PHYSICAL damage than rangers ShortBow!