LOYF duration bugged?
You’re not crazy. It’s just a really bad/buggy trait right now.
does this trait applies to pet too?
does this trait applies to pet too?
Not that I’m aware of, no.
I’ve been thinking on this trait and playing with it (against better judgment lol), and I think I understand the rationale behind this skill. It’s a hybrid GM for a hybrid weapon.
I get why it has to be short. It’s actually a pretty powerful catch all skill that does a little of everything.
That condition duration applies to all sources of conditions you (the ranger) applies, not just the SB.
That condition duration increase is pretty great for stacking the bleed stacks that SB excels in, and the damage boost is respectable enough.
The only problem is the short/bugged duration.
Make it too long and it’s OP, too short and it’s garbage. Testing this in game I (and anyone else like the OP) can confirm we’re not getting the full 4s duration.
It starts at 2s, and the 0 blink can count for 3s I guess. Right off the bat if nothing else, that needs to be fixed.
However IMO, even if it were the full 4s, it still feels limited compared to our other traits in the same line (Quick Draw).
That’s enough to only stack bleeds and not, say, move in and fire off Poison Volley with the increase.
There’s little time for even little combos like that.
The timing at the moment barely allows this, it has to be perfect and you can’t hit SB2 before the end of the dodge or you waste it.
Dodges aren’t cheap. You certainly don’t want to waste both trying to keep up a trait for bleed stacks and little else.
When this trait is fixed for the proper 4s duration, maybe it’ll be more forgiving… but personally I’d make it a cool 5s per dodge.
Aye, should be 5s and on evade, not dodge, with kitten ICD.
I have never experienced the bug. its always been 4 seconds for me.
So yeah, just tested, it only lasts 3 seconds. Starts on 2, so including 0, we get a total of 3 seconds of up-time.
I like this trait, but we’re getting pretty badly ripped off here.
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
Bump, fix pls anet
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
Here’s a video of the bug in action. It is clearly three seconds of buff only.
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
Thanks man! I appreciate you doing the dirty work and making a video for proof of it.
Bump for LOYF fix
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]