Larger Pets - Ranger
I’d like to see pets get bigger too.
Yeah I am bothered my character model sizes in general. We have huge characters playing phantasm mesmers covering the screen with player models. Then there’s tiny thieves running around in the middle. It’s an inherent advantage to build players this way and definately needs balancing.
Well to be fair, they are all “Juvenile” pets. Which means they are the young version of the animal they are.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Well to be fair, they are all “Juvenile” pets. Which means they are the young version of the animal they are.
So they stay juvenile forever? they should grow up at some time…maybe a lvl progression for pets idk…i really dont care i just want to see my wolf like Garm, without using a skill for it =/
If being bigger will also make them more visible, then I’m up for it. Atm it’s hard to find pet sometimes, and that makes it harde to micro it.
I’m with you Verminor! I want my wolves big!
the pets should grow in size as the character levels, by the time you are level 80…your pet should be a full size one.
the pets should grow in size as the character levels, by the time you are level 80…your pet should be a full size one.
I agree with this completely.
As much as it’s nice to be able to switch pets freely I do miss the levelling and evolution mechanics from GW1, and the fact that pets grew as they levelled up was an important part of that.
Of course it should stay within the realm of realistic sizes for the animals in question, so it wouldn’t be a huge change, but it would still be nice to see them get bigger as they ‘grow up’.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I just wish pets had some skill/power progression or some way to upgrade them that would give you something to work towards.
All other weapons have six progression levels (white, blue, green, gold, orange and legendary.)
While it is true your pet scales with your level, it is identical to every other pet of that breed.
Size could be one way to identify pet progression.
Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.
the pets should grow in size as the character levels, by the time you are level 80…your pet should be a full size one.
I agree with this completely.
As much as it’s nice to be able to switch pets freely I do miss the levelling and evolution mechanics from GW1, and the fact that pets grew as they levelled up was an important part of that.
Of course it should stay within the realm of realistic sizes for the animals in question, so it wouldn’t be a huge change, but it would still be nice to see them get bigger as they ‘grow up’.
yes of course, the max size would be what the regular ones look like.
So jealous of Garm… …he out-tanks Rytlock usually.
Is it just me or all pets rangers seem really small?
I would like to see a bear looking like a bear not like a bear puppy, same for wolfs, birds and felines.
Im saying that cause i think that everyone already seem Garm, Eir Stegalkin pet. That it’s a really wolf.
And plz do not tell me about the skill that makes the animal looks larger is ridiculous
Depends what race you play. Of course, for a norn most animals look small, they’re pretty huge. For an asura however, things are different.
Is it just me or all pets rangers seem really small?
I would like to see a bear looking like a bear not like a bear puppy, same for wolfs, birds and felines.
Im saying that cause i think that everyone already seem Garm, Eir Stegalkin pet. That it’s a really wolf.
And plz do not tell me about the skill that makes the animal looks larger is ridiculous
Depends what race you play. Of course, for a norn most animals look small, they’re pretty huge. For an asura however, things are different.
It’s always weird to me when I switch from any of my other characters to my norn, or vice versa. I’ll run around thinking “Wow, how did they get a human to look so tiny?” and then remember it’s actually just that I’m huge.
I want to create an asuran ranger for just this reason, I think it’d be fun to have pets that are bigger than me.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
A common complaint in GW1 was rangers using the larger pets in PvP. People claimed that it made it harder to target the ranger in melee on some of the larger pets.
While I don’t buy that argument in general, the Rainbow Phoenix could get a little ridiculous at times.
Of course now you can play as Asuran/Norn so I’m sure this isn’t the reason for the pets being smaller in GW2 but it is funny to note that pet size is something people will always find a reason to complain about.
My point its Garm.
Because it is a pet that looks cool even beside a norn ranger.
Even so u say that norn are a large race like the charr, and so the pets seem tiny, dire wolves and bears should be more “realistic”, I mean they should be more impressive because after all bears and dire wolves are bigger than the size they are now.
And i disagree about the pvp problem. It’s hard to see pets dying because someone is focusing on them, almost every time they die to aoe spell. So they going bigger will have no impact on pvp.
It’s a visual issue. People already complain about how it can be difficult to interpret what Asura characters are doing in PvP because of there small size, as well as how animated the game is which makes it harder to focus on combat and figure out what is actually happening.
Larger pets would only increase the visual problems people currently experience, and it would make combat even more graphically difficult.
If anything, for tactical purposes, I would love to make the pets as tiny as possible. Give me a mosquito sized pet, so that it is hard to follow its movements and interpret its actions, so its near impossible to tell whether it is winding up for a big spike damage attack.
It’s just a difference of opinion in how it would implement into an “in practice” scenario I suppose, because I do think the mechanics behind the size of the pets was pretty cool in guild wars 1. I hated them graphically as well though, as it blocked visuals and made it harder to play against other people at times by blocking/obscuring sightlines on positioning. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Any time that you’re wanting to see the skill animations of an enemy you don’t want to have a big pet backside blocking the view. There’s no point having a big pet if your groups always tell you to stow it.
It’s a visual issue. People already complain about how it can be difficult to interpret what Asura characters are doing in PvP because of there small size, as well as how animated the game is which makes it harder to focus on combat and figure out what is actually happening.
Larger pets would only increase the visual problems people currently experience, and it would make combat even more graphically difficult.
If anything, for tactical purposes, I would love to make the pets as tiny as possible. Give me a mosquito sized pet, so that it is hard to follow its movements and interpret its actions, so its near impossible to tell whether it is winding up for a big spike damage attack.
It’s just a difference of opinion in how it would implement into an “in practice” scenario I suppose, because I do think the mechanics behind the size of the pets was pretty cool in guild wars 1. I hated them graphically as well though, as it blocked visuals and made it harder to play against other people at times by blocking/obscuring sightlines on positioning.
Disagree in all terms, but of course everybody has your own opinion.
I still belive that wont be a problem in pvp, since everything can block a animation of an asura, and is not a bigger pet that will make diference.
I realy dont see any visual problems in scenarios, we will always have mesmer with tons of copies necros with minions, so i dont think that it’s a big diference, cause anyone can distinguish a player from a pet.
but again i see your point, just disagree.
I’ve made a post re guarding the same thing, I really want the pets to resemble their real life counter parts.
Also I’d like a wider variety of pets vs the pet clones we have right now. I don’t need 3 moa’s that do the same thing. I’d rather pets have a more dynamic approach.
Ex I get a juvenile wolf (no suffix) as HE levels on his own ASIDE from my level I CHOSE his abilities he will use on his own, and eventually pick a tier Black, White, Red, Rock Whatever type wolf he turns into. And for added affect…. when I choose pets I say I choose you !!! No just kidding. But I’d like to see a real change to the pet system to make it more immerse. I don’t like these cookie cutter pet themes, it doesn’t feel like a pet or a companion… It feels like my meat shield. v_v I’m so guilty of animal abuse in this game. Rabits more than anything. However that’s another story.
It’s a visual issue. People already complain about how it can be difficult to interpret what Asura characters are doing in PvP because of there small size, as well as how animated the game is which makes it harder to focus on combat and figure out what is actually happening.
Larger pets would only increase the visual problems people currently experience, and it would make combat even more graphically difficult.
If anything, for tactical purposes, I would love to make the pets as tiny as possible. Give me a mosquito sized pet, so that it is hard to follow its movements and interpret its actions, so its near impossible to tell whether it is winding up for a big spike damage attack.
It’s just a difference of opinion in how it would implement into an “in practice” scenario I suppose, because I do think the mechanics behind the size of the pets was pretty cool in guild wars 1. I hated them graphically as well though, as it blocked visuals and made it harder to play against other people at times by blocking/obscuring sightlines on positioning.
Disagree in all terms, but of course everybody has your own opinion.
I still belive that wont be a problem in pvp, since everything can block a animation of an asura, and is not a bigger pet that will make diference.
I realy dont see any visual problems in scenarios, we will always have mesmer with tons of copies necros with minions, so i dont think that it’s a big diference, cause anyone can distinguish a player from a pet.
but again i see your point, just disagree.
Truth be told though, it could be a PvE/PvP split. I actually think that a player should be able to go into the pets stat menu and use a slide bar to adjust the size of the pet to where they want it to be.
Then, in pvp, the only change they would have to make would be on their side (think custom arena options) by locking in a certain size for the pets.
That would be the most ideal solution and would probably appeal to the largest audience. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Am I the only one who misses the GW1 Crystal Dessert lizards. T_T He is still in my Heart. R.I.P. Evil (I Cry Every Time)
I don’t know why they don’t do a lot of these things client-side. Can have whatever size pet you want (Enlarged as default size) and maintain the standard model on the server side. Same with a million other things. They added standard models to PvP so it cannot be that hard.
Can’t believe no one has made a size doesn’t matter joke…
I prefer my birds to stay small and hard to see but I would definitely be cool with a slider option.
well one of the reasons they are smaller are because the are Juvinile but i dont se why they cant like grow since I have had most of my pets for like 2 years
Rather than larger, I’d prefer a cosmetic change to show it’s not juvenile anymore. Like the River Drake having larger horns, fins, a different color, and a larger tail.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Creates a Bald Eagle pet.
Limits it to the drab brown juvenile plumage preventing us from ever getting the iconic white and dark brown coloring seen in adults.
Well trolled Anet.
Creates a Canthan White Tiger model.
Limits it to mini pets available for a limited time in the Gem Store for only 800 gems!
Creates a Canthan White Tiger model.
Limits it to mini pets available for a limited time in the Gem Store for only 800 gems!
Don’t forget they also roam around the Borderlands maps.
Always wild, never tamed. #mustangsforlyfe
Sooooo imagine the Wyvern!!! hahahaha
Man they should at least tell why it cant be done.
Add some sort of scale slider in the pets selection window. Set the current size and “Normal”, then add a slightly bigger version as “Medium” and a bigger still version as “Large”, which is about the size of Signet of the Wild. Should not been too hard.
Make beastmastery traitline increase pet size.
Well one thing at a time they said they will be looking into the pets standing in aoes and getting damaged first, id much rather have this issue looked at before larger pets.
Well one thing at a time they said they will be looking into the pets standing in aoes and getting damaged first, id much rather have this issue looked at before larger pets.
+1 Totally.
I’ld realy like to see Wolves as they were in GW1..
They were pretty kitten there, in GW2 they look like tame puppy’s
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer
I’ld realy like to see Wolves as they were in GW1..
They were pretty kitten there, in GW2 they look like tame puppy’s
In gw1 they looked like they descended from camels or something.
I’ld realy like to see Wolves as they were in GW1..
They were pretty kitten there, in GW2 they look like tame puppy’sIn gw1 they looked like they descended from camels or something.
Lol I actually do remember the colors. But they where not all like that.
I’ld realy like to see Wolves as they were in GW1..
They were pretty kitten there, in GW2 they look like tame puppy’sIn gw1 they looked like they descended from camels or something.
Lol I actually do remember the colors. But they where not all like that.
Black Wolf forever.
I have to agree, pet need to grow. this was one of the reason why i enjoy warhammer online back in the days with the hunter class. the pet really level with the character and didn’t get stuck in “Juvenile” form. Even GW1 pet had the ability to gain evolution right from Juvenile to Elder.
The size of the pets never bothered me. But I also run all Shortest possible height Sylvari so things seem different for me.
But if we’re going to talk pets and size. I want a wolf like Garm.
this is a problem im mentionning for a long time – the issue is simple – the “traditional” animal pets are normed towards a human ranger… besides a norn, charr or even asura (due to their overly large extremities) they seem small…. instead of norming than towards “earth” standards, tyria should have its own standards…. boars in the “old world” (warhammer) also have the size of horses….
Would be nice, if they used a system similar to Guild Wars 1 to where when your pets leveled up, they would grow larger. Instead of the level up system, maybe a mastery system for them? obviously with a Cap on how large they can get.
<3 My Rainbow Phoenix
Fort Aspenwood
The size of the pets never bothered me. But I also run all Shortest possible height Sylvari so things seem different for me.
But if we’re going to talk pets and size.
I want a wolf like Garm.
Man Garm its awesome indeed besides the fact its black wolf another thing they should add too.
Make beastmastery traitline increase pet size.
Thats its a nice suggestion. When u equip this traitline your pet should grow to some kind of adult form
I’d love for our pets to actually mature as we level into their adult forms too! As a ranger it’s been a real complaint with me that we don’t feel as awesome as we should with taming the beasts of the wild to aid us in battle.
Make beastmastery traitline increase pet size.
Looks like someone beat me to it, Make that trait line always enlarge pets like the Signet of the Wild effect (but without the functionality bonus).
I would really prefer for this to be a choice—it’s frustrating to have my larger pets hide enemy tells when I really need to be seeing them clearly. However, I will miss the Bristleback SotW bug (RIP).