Less QQ - State of the Ranger

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Hi all,

Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that you can officially stop QQ’ing.

I say the following with a 80 ranger, spvp of every profession under my belt, and a lot of time spent tourney’ing in general:

Yes, the shortbow nerf is annoying (and hopefully unintentional), but still more than viable.

Yes, the longbow attack speed is underwhelming, but actually still serves as a great second weapon with its knockback, and crippling aoe volley (not to mention rapid fire + quickzeph is still pretty good).

Yes, the greatsword is terrible since it’s nerf right out of beta.

Yes, pets AI still somewhat sucks, but with good management (seriously, hot key your bars rangers) they’re actually quite good. (Note, if you’re not running double wolves in spvp and/or some type of tank pet in pve, then you’re doing something wrong).

Yes, warriors rifle does better damage overall, but seriously, stop QQ’ing about rifle warriors – they are so easy to put down with the right stun breaks (which you should have for any general pvp build).

Just a quick rant, get to know the ranger and you’ll find that it is an amazing profession.


(edited by docMed.7692)

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.3645


Rifle Warrior does more damage overall? I wanted to start a Ranger alt but if that statement is correct no thank you SIR! Rifle Warrior is so low my Condition Necro kills faster in PvP and PvE!

If that wasn’t bad enough my Pistol/Dagger Thief kills even faster than my necro and has amazing mobility!

So why exactly would I play Ranger?

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

I like how longbow is apparently still good for its knockback and cripple lol, sad too see it come to that. I will point out that rapid fire + QZ vs cross fire + QZ is inferior.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Rifle Warrior does more damage overall? I wanted to start a Ranger alt but if that statement is correct no thank you SIR! Rifle Warrior is so low my Condition Necro kills faster in PvP and PvE!

If that wasn’t bad enough my Pistol/Dagger Thief kills even faster than my necro and has amazing mobility!

So why exactly would I play Ranger?

No don’t play a Ranger. You will be disappointed.

I’m so angry I wasted so much time getting mine to 80 and getting great soulbound gear.

It feels so much weaker now. I die much more often.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: The Coma Kid.5184

The Coma Kid.5184

Rifle Warrior does more damage overall? I wanted to start a Ranger alt but if that statement is correct no thank you SIR! Rifle Warrior is so low my Condition Necro kills faster in PvP and PvE!

If that wasn’t bad enough my Pistol/Dagger Thief kills even faster than my necro and has amazing mobility!

So why exactly would I play Ranger?

No don’t play a Ranger. You will be disappointed.

I’m so angry I wasted so much time getting mine to 80 and getting great soulbound gear.

It feels so much weaker now. I die much more often.

If you’re dying a lot as a ranger you have to be doing something wrong. I’m often the one to die last, you can kite like a boss and no other profession can kite as well as a Ranger. At least in PvE I don’t die often, and die a lot less than most people I group up with.

In PvP I die quite a bit, but I still end up in the top 3 and I’m still refining my build to put out more damage which is really the only thing wrong.

WvW though we are severely kittened unless we’re in small groups taking camps/picking off dolyaks/stragglers.

Gwen Andraste – Human Elementalist
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma

(edited by The Coma Kid.5184)

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


OP, your premise is wrong.

You’re assuming it’s an intended nerf. But that’s not what A’NET told us. We’re told it’s a “fix” to a “graphic bug”. Now, any “fix” that lowers the DPS of the shortbow by 20-30 percent, and which bugs QZ so that it doesn’t double the attack speed anymore, is clearly wrong.

So stop your “QQ” and L2P attacks on people that are rightfully angry, and direct those at the people that messed up the patch notes and/or the shortbow coding instead.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Hey Coma Kid,

Have you really played all the other professions enough to know that no other profession kites as well as a ranger? I know the answer to this question already, which is “No”.

A Thief with offhand dagger can kite by applying cripple for infinity. Just keep on applying it…over and over, with 100% up time, forever until whatever it is dies. (All while moving faster than a ranger)

Just throwing that out there.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Not mentioning thief shortbow skill 5 which is one of the best kiting tools around…

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


OP, your premise is wrong.

You’re assuming it’s an intended nerf. But that’s not what A’NET told us. We’re told it’s a “fix” to a “graphic bug”. Now, any “fix” that lowers the DPS of the shortbow by 20-30 percent, and which bugs QZ so that it doesn’t double the attack speed anymore, is clearly wrong.

So stop your “QQ” and L2P attacks on people that are rightfully angry, and direct those at the people that messed up the patch notes and/or the shortbow coding instead.

“(and hopefully unintentional)”

Guess you can’t read.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Rifle Warrior does more damage overall? I wanted to start a Ranger alt but if that statement is correct no thank you SIR! Rifle Warrior is so low my Condition Necro kills faster in PvP and PvE!

If that wasn’t bad enough my Pistol/Dagger Thief kills even faster than my necro and has amazing mobility!

So why exactly would I play Ranger?

If you were not to dodge, not flank, then the rifle warrior is pretty strong (depending on stat allocation, runes, sigils, and amulet). Nonetheless, they’re also very easy to CC and kill.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


“I like how longbow is apparently still good for its knockback and cripple lol, sad too see it come to that. I will point out that rapid fire + QZ vs cross fire + QZ is inferior.”

Yes, I agree it’s inferior (especially of course when stacking bleeds), nonetheless, it is still a viable dps option and good to use when you don’t have your weapon swap up for shortbow. Nonetheless, I run axe/torch + shortbow, so I don’t use that combo too much anyways unless I’m bunkering.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


OP, yes I can read. I read how you think there are all these things that are great about the ranger, which is why all of us shouldn’t “QQ”. But you see, those things are beside the point. The “fix” that you see people “QQ” about was a mistake, either in SB coding or by patch notes, or both.

Whether or not there are OTHER things that ARE good – or not good – about the ranger is utterly beside the point. I’ll be the first to point out the beauty of this game, as I have in another thread. Heck, I’m actively persuading my entire guild from another game to come play this one. But this is neither the time nor the place for it.

Oh, and did you know that you insult people when you describe their rightful cries of anger “QQ”? In the very TITLE of your thread?

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Desipte this unintentional nerf (which I reference in my original post), shortbow is still more than viable. Not to mention I touch on many other topics people are QQ’ing about if you simply read these forums.

“Rightful” cries – you mean uneducated cries.

I’m well aware of my post’s presentation.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Corew.8932


It wasn’t “unintentional”, it was done because spamming 1 isn’t fun apparently (wich I can agree with, it isn’t) they just didn’t bother to tell us that, but there are better ways to fix that..

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Corew – you really need to read this post from beginning to end so we’re not going in circles here. Thanks.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


My goodness docmed you’re so full of yourself. You presume that you have more experience in PvP than those that post in this thread, or ANY other thread for that matter where you spam links to this thread.

You’re like one of those guys on the titanic that’s playing the music while the ship is sinking, shouting “WE’LL BE OK, REALLY, EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT! TRUST ME! I’M VERY EXPERIENCED!”

Docmed. Everything is NOT alright. When a class loses some major burst capability, which with your unparalleled experience in PvP will appreciate is very important for any class, people will be up in arms about it. And, yes, RIGHTFULLY so. Yes. Because the coding mistake and/or false patchnotes are not their mistake. They’re being lied to in the face, left and right, by the devs and forum reps. This is not the time to spread YOUR love for the ranger. It’s misplaced. I don’t care how many tournys you won with your ranger. Noone cares. And while I truly doubt your stories, and suspect you’re being carried by his teammates, that is utterly besides the point. In fact, your whole thread is, as I have stated earlier.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Cloud.7613


I don’t really understand how this stops the QQ – you’ve just given me more reasons to complain, sorry, but you must be a thief or a warrior, lol! It’s fine <3

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Mox.2861


Other classes have ranged weapons that do more damage because they don’t have pets! A jaguar does massive damage at range even out of line of sight!

I really think the whiners on these forums just don’t understand the class.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


Rangers are the Witch Elf/Hunter from Warhammer Online. Nerfed into the ground and never looked back and only fixes you’ll see are description changes and more nerfs if they can find a place to put them. It’s sad but true. Powerful classes will be “nerfed” but at same time buffed in a different part so they won’t really notice anything but a spec change every now and then cause that’s were the main population will be playing.

My guardian is on it’s way to 80 (65) and my Warrior is also on it’s way now. Using my Ranger mostly to gather tokens from instances so i can gear either of my alts. That way I can jump right into whatever action I want them to when they reach their 80s.

On another note. Since they nerfed Short Bow, I have been playing with my Greatsword allot more and it’s quite fun but the dps feels lacking even though i am running a power/vitality spec with around 55% crit.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

To prevent further flaming and derailing, this thread is being closed.

Thanks for your understanding