Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Jubei.5923


This forum gives me cancer. Cancer of the balls.

It’s because we have what appear to be great arguments for and against the ranger class, but little evidence to prove it. I want to be proven wrong and I want to better understand this class, despite the frustrations I have with it.

I invite you to upload your ranger videos with a little explanation of what you’re demonstrating. Whether it be showing a build you’ve enjoyed, useful techniques, a flaw/bug, PvE/WvW/PvP, general frustrations… it doesn’t matter as long as it’s constructive and helpful to the rest of us. More importantly it provides a chance for the Devs to see what you’re on about, instead of having to decipher your page -long rants (as merited as they might be).


No animals were harmed during the typing of this post.

Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: angan.6572


- OP cries that the forum gives him cancer
- Then proceeds to claim that there is no evidence for the ranger complaints to be valid
- OP lives in a dreamworld and thinks that devs don’t know how bad they messed up ranger class and they are just cowards to come in forum and talk about it
- OP is thinks people don’t see that he is just bad obvious troll

OP pls…


Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


I do have a video of what you’re asking for but I’m not sure I’ll post it, although I agree with angan there has already been substantial evidence of ranger issues.

They should go through some of those long rants because some contain more detailed information and ideas pertaining to helping the class. Videos should not be required otherwise why make a forum in the first place?

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.

Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


It does not matter what anyone posts as what Anet uses to balance anything is stats that they pull from the server. Ie if 99.9% of rangers are using X skill all time they will either nerf it or buff another. They don’t base any balancing around actual game play. You can see this by some of the Eng nerfs in the past patches. If someone from Anet would actual play the game in right context they would of never done the changes.

Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Jubei.5923


- OP cries that the forum gives him cancer
- Then proceeds to claim that there is no evidence for the ranger complaints to be valid
- OP lives in a dreamworld and thinks that devs don’t know how bad they messed up ranger class and they are just cowards to come in forum and talk about it
- OP is thinks people don’t see that he is just bad obvious troll

OP pls…

Wow. I’m not sure where you got that from, but I really just wanted to know of any bugs/flaws that I didn’t know about or haven’t come across… and also anything that’s remotely (and currently) enjoyable that involves the ranger. More than anything I want to see these things in video, not in words.

There are some people who have posted evidence, some have not. I’m calling out to those who haven’t so I can better understand.

When did I say ANet devs weren’t aware of our problems?

Do us all a favour and go kitten yourself up the kitten this is no place for dick heads like you to stretch your kitten.

No animals were harmed during the typing of this post.

Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

Those discussion aren’t great, they’re terrible.
Bunch of pointless navel gazing between entrenched white knights and disillusioned GW1 malcontents that can’t quite seem to get over fact this is indeed a pet class.

It buries salient criticisms under so much unfocused bile, it distracts from real actionable solutions with suggestions that land somewhere between hopeless and crazy, and it creates a front so fractured we can’t get any traction at all on issues that aren’t even base breaking.

This discussion doesn’t need production values, it needs to stop.