Let's find the best camp flipping ranger!
Ok here’s mine.
I’ve been using a straight out of pvp Spirit ranger build in wvw for roaming and flipping camps. I like it for its survivability and 1v1/2 potential.
Gear is by no means optimal, but it’s what I’m wearing.
I might go get a recording next time I am on, but we all know its all about the trap ranger luring all the mobs behind the rock by the entrance and then entangling and trapping the hell out of them.
Gunnar’s Hold
Flipped a camp pretty fast..
Axe/axe power signet ranger 30/30/0/10/0
Aoe dmg alll round.
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
i use the RaO cool down as a kinda timer (i pop it as i engage the clamer)
Depending on how i get the ranged blind spam guards to stack i have about 50-60s left of RaO cool down.
Ill try and get some prof when i get home tonight.
I might go get a recording next time I am on, but we all know its all about the trap ranger luring all the mobs behind the rock by the entrance and then entangling and trapping the hell out of them.
This one is on the money. I think we’re looking at a full rabid, axe/torch, trap ranger for the win here.
Sub 1 minute to kill all npcs.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Out of all the builds i’ve tried, be it BM Bunker, Spirit, Trap ect ect
Nothing comes close to killing a group of mobs like a Trap Ranger.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
I’d wager traps will win this. I don’t feel like spending money to minimize killtime for a video though.
Besides trap ranger what also works really well ist full zerker Longbow/GS Ranger with two drakes (or bears if upgraded camps). Lure them around a corner to have them all together, barrage and one rapidfire can kill most of them in a few seconds while your pet tanks them. After the first ones are down you can jump in and use the GS to finish the rest or shoot them from range as you prefer.
What is important is that you position yourself well so that you hit at least 2 of them with piercing arrows. Often you can hit 3-4 at the same time.
I think the fastest was like 20-30 seconds to kill the NPC’s in a standard non upgraded camp without dollys. Piercing arrows while not being blinded because you can stay at range kills them really fast.
The spec was 30/25/15/0/0.
Sadly I don’t run this spec anymore since I found a more useful spec with more survivability which also works in melee trains. It was really fun to do camps. With that spec and two bears I was able to do a fully upgraded 250 camp before any of the mobs respawned.
i dont build for pve when i play wvw btr condition build seems to be the best for camp flipping. 30-40 sec if not defended and / or upgraded. full upgraded camp is possible in around 90sec.
Stomp some Piken!
Best I’ve done so far is 46 seconds with full rabid/trap.
30 is definitely possible if the mobs bunch up for you, and you dodge at the right time.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
you dont need to dodge. torche 5, entangle, ( radiation field ), drake F2 burst skill and switch to gs / lb for aoe dmg. condition power hybrid build and the camp is down in around 25-30sec. pull all the mobs behind a building / stone
Stomp some Piken!