Licking my wounds

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Just tried to kill a downed ranger without stomping him
Spoiler alert: Im -very distraught-.
Can we get a nerf already?

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

erm no , thats your first pvp Mistake you can’t dps down a downed ranger you need to apply some hp regen counter like Poison+bleed first or a Aoe effect for the duration of the lick wounds and bandage untill the pet is ether K.oed from the Aoe then dps/cleave down the ranger , though after wasting all that time you may as well just stomp rather than wasting skills or utility on a ranger.

just stomp or apply Aoe pressure keeping the ranger in downed state , because a rangers down state is weak it has a slow interrupt and only heals, focus on a different target and use the ranger as a bait magnet to draw more people into the aoes.

sooner or later the ranger will ether get up if left alone or die from Aoe since he can’t use ports or stealth or move like other down states.

if your melee based just stomp and watch out for wolf howl and bait a stomp cancel > move behind ranger or dodge behind ranger to avoid fear > stomp.

the downstate is fine its the classes Strenght to obsorb dps/cleave damage but is generally weak to Aoe’s.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: arron.7348


you do less than 5% hp damage/s in pvp? have no cleaves? no general aoes? are you an uplevel?

spoiler: l2p

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


1. Stabbing a person in the face while they are down is common sense not a mistake, it works for every other class, it -needs- to work for ranger. Downed stills are for stalling for time while a buddy comes to heal you, not to completely mitigate another players DPS because your healing 15% of your hp a second. The way to counter this skill should be either to CC the pet or nuke it but unfortunately pets are balanced unlike players to have no active defence and just a big hp pool so they don’t suffer from the same danger that players do while standing still to revive somebody. This is obviously a problem when i got fury and might stacks on and this critter isn’t going down, and the rangers hp pool aint going down either. Also from what I’ve heard you can knock them back and they’ll just get right back up and go to healing
2. Arron, please use the forums for -constructive- criticism
3, Back to my original plea, we all know its broken so wheres the nerf?

(edited by Silhouette.5631)

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

full zerk medi guard, more than 5% hp a sec i would think

i face these all the time its really easy to stop the burst attacks and it does only a little more than 5% by the time the cooldowns for your burst combos are ready the second Bandage is off cooldown and proberly pet swap , this gives a ranger perm uptime of healing while downed though lick wounds is on cooldown and this generaly counters any normal Dps Zerk or not makes no difference it will just mean he won’t die nor get back up if the target ranger can stop your Higher damage skills , as just using auto will not kill a good downed ranger that can time his lick wounds and bandages well.

your a medi zerk guard , you shouldn#t even be stomping/cleaving dead only focus on dps support to get more targets into downedstate.
the build just isn’t made for that kind of fight especially the 1vs1 kind.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Im full damage stats with a giant greatsword, should I REALLY be needing anything more to kill a downed ranger?

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Roeore.6274


I had this same problem on my zerker Medi guard the other day too
I didn’t come onto the forums and complain I just loled and kept on playing because I believe it is balanced, the only pet that should be able to outlast your dps/cleave is bear or drake in which case you should not focus the pet but finish the ranger
There are plenty of ways to mitigate the lease lick wounds if you aren’t in down state as well

Regards Roeore

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Attacking is a basic thing, it works on 7/8 classes, it even works on rangers when they are not downed. This is not balanced. Nerf.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Monoman.2068


There is no such thing as balancing downed state. The mechanic is dumb and all you can really do is tell yourself that you downed him first so you win. It’s why out numbered fights are insanely difficult and it’s why barely winning a fight can very well mean that you are dead.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: arron.7348


1. Stabbing a person in the face while they are down is common sense not a mistake,

i fail to see why you wouldn’t simply stomp someone while downed, especially as a guardian with nigh limitless access to stability

it works for every other class, it -needs- to work for ranger.

the only thing rangers need is less people saying everything about them needs nerfed

Downed stills are for stalling for time while a buddy comes to heal you, not to completely mitigate another players DPS because your healing 15% of your hp a second.

5% hp/s, which is an incredibly low amount and easily removed by simply using a control on the pet

The way to counter this skill should be either to CC the pet or nuke it but unfortunately pets are balanced unlike players to have no active defence and just a big hp pool so they don’t suffer from the same danger that players do while standing still to revive somebody. This is obviously a problem when i got fury and might stacks on and this critter isn’t going down, and the rangers hp pool aint going down either. Also from what I’ve heard you can knock them back and they’ll just get right back up and go to healing

what the literal kitten are you talking about? any pet aside from bears/drakes die in 2-3 hits, how is your guardian unable to kill them by accidentally using one of any of your skills that cleaves? how do you claim pets have high hp, when their hp is cut in half in pvp? how are they somehow resistant to the danger of players, when their ai is completely broken and doesn’t even work right?

2. Arron, please use the forums for -constructive- criticism

i am, learn to play you massive kitten

3, Back to my original plea, we all know its broken so wheres the nerf?

because it’s not broken, learn to play

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Hey guys. I tried to do something that the game didn’t allow and I couldn’t do it. Can we change the game to fit my personal whims? I’m pretty terrible.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


OP, are you kidding? Licking Wounds still need a buff of location change
- aka pets draw us out of danger zone -

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


1. Stabbing a person in the face while they are down is common sense not a mistake, it works for every other class, it -needs- to work for ranger. Downed stills are for stalling for time while a buddy comes to heal you, not to completely mitigate another players DPS because your healing 15% of your hp a second.

Many rangers have been asking for this since day 1. Get rid of the pet, roll its damage contribution into the ranger’s by buffing ranger weapon skill coefficient. I mean it’s common sense that your DPS wouldn’t drop by 15%-30% just because you have a pet, right?

Oh wait, you want to be able to ignore the pet, without compensating the ranger for the DPS and utility loss of having an ignorable pet, so that he’s an easy kill? Well I’m sorry, that’s not going to happen. As-is, ranger is the defacto pet class in the game. And downing a pet class means you need to deal with the pet as well as the ranger.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Anyone remember when we could be nigh invincible underwater because of this?

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Sevans.4619


You can’t use the same solution to every problem. The prompt to stomp enemies is there for a reason and the reason is to put an end to them in a timely manner. Lick Wounds is double-edged anyway; It’s literally useless if an enemy knows to just stomp you, where some other classes can be more of an annoyance with their Downed3 skill.

I’d say it’s there to make up for the fact that rangers have the worst class mechanic in the entire game.

Saethe — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Maguuma

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


  • You forwent the counter mechanic of downstate and got punished when you could have just stomped, that’s on you
  • You are are claiming imbalance based on perception and then claiming that perception is developer intention, that’s on you
  • You got outplayed by a mechanic that every other functioning player has no issue with, and are asking for nerf based on bias and not equilibrium, that’s on you

Watch the movie Idiocracy and then explain to us why you think your ideal society (balance) would be good for us. In the meantime, we’ll all be hoping that you can find where the door is (you know, that hinged access barrier that separates spaces and provides access routes from space to space? I figured it needed explaining since the stomp mechanic and how it interacts with downstate is clearly a foreign concept).

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: yLoon.5289


haha thumbs up for jcbroe.4329, couldnt agree anymore !

Silhouette.5631 what class did you use when you got owned by a downed ranger? People here may love to give you some tips and points out your weakness.

12K AP
Level 54 Bear Rank

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

haha thumbs up for jcbroe.4329, couldnt agree anymore !

Silhouette.5631 what class did you use when you got owned by a downed ranger? People here may love to give you some tips and points out your weakness.

It was a Glass Medi guard . if he just stomped he would of not had any problems.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


If it were me, I would have just interrupt the pet while he was licking the ranger’s wound with something like… humm… GS#5.
And no, the pet won’t restart licking the wound if he is interrupt unless the ranger skill is up again. Though the wiki is wrong about the fact that the pet will resume and attenpt again.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Infatum.2481


If it were me, I would have just interrupt the pet while he was licking the ranger’s wound with something like… humm… GS#5.
And no, the pet won’t restart licking the wound if he is interrupt unless the ranger skill is up again. Though the wiki is wrong about the fact that the pet will resume and attenpt again.

The pet does resume if interrupted, although I’ve only ever had it happen in PvE, since in PvP people just throw on stability and stomp me >_>

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Anyone remember when we could be nigh invincible underwater because of this?

You still can be. I’ve downed people at starting at 50% health who just didn’t attack the pet while I flung dozens of daggers at them.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Shanks.2907


I don’t have any trouble dealing with a downed ranger with a medizerk, must just be you Silhouette. Try stomping them instead of dps, they aren’t going anywhere with movement skills. Generally you want to dps a thief, elementalist or mesmer down while stomping both rangers and warriors. As for guardians, engineers and necromancers it doesn’t really matter which way you do it.

Try timing your blind on VoJ to stop both the ranger’s down #2 and wolf fear.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


The pet does resume if interrupted, although I’ve only ever had it happen in PvE, since in PvP people just throw on stability and stomp me >_>.

I’ve seen it happen when we down each other. The other player will use their downed state skill to interrupt/pull/fear the pet, but he comes back to me. And that’s pretty much the only time licking wounds is of any use in PvP.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Balsa.3951


downed ranger are very strong i must admit that a lot interrupts and a free rezz

first i get down then use skill 2 to innterrupt

then use my wolf for the howl and fear

then take my dog for the next interrupt by jumping on the stomper

then use 2 again while my dog rezz me

yes its a little op if the stomper is not fast enough or has stability

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496


/15 char

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


downed ranger are very strong i must admit that a lot interrupts and a free rezz
first i get down then use skill 2 to innterrupt
then use my wolf for the howl and fear
then take my dog for the next interrupt by jumping on the stomper
then use 2 again while my dog rezz me
yes its a little op if the stomper is not fast enough or has stability

Then you die nearly as soon as you’re downed, because of invulnerability & stability skills.
I can interrupt up to 5 times and my foes doesn’t even notice it, without having stability. Gamebug?

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


the skill is different, why nerf it and make it yet another pointless skill while being downed (in pvp or pve)

Necros have life leach while they attack, i unless theres nothing to attack no necro will use bandage EVER. wanna nerft that one as well?

jeez… use your class to counter it, maybe try a different set up, tweak your build instead of qq my metabattle build cant counter lick wounds while there are other metabattle people around me..

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


I guess nobody has noticed that you can literally just interrupt the pet and it will cancel lick wounds. It puts the skill on a large cooldown.

This sounds like a L2P issue of the worst kind.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


I have one of each profession. I have my ranger, thief, necro and warrior at 80. The skill in question starts off on CD. It also depends on the pet. Interrupt the pet and you interrupt the skill.

On my thief, if I get SR down before I go down then I can skill 2 away and res myself back up before the stealth wears off. I guess, using skill 4 should reveal you?

Warriors have a trait that gives them a 100% chance to rally if they get credit for killing something after using their skill 3. So they can use it, burst down a normal mob (a nearby deer or bore) and they’re good to go. Can’t out dps that. I guess something needs to be done about that too?

Now not all are created equal. Necro can give up it’s build and with the right traits, can actually achieve a regen from their #1 downed skill that rivals the ranger’s lick wounds. I guess this shouldn’t be allowed either?

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen ele’s mist form their way into a keep or tower to res themselves back up.

How about you L2P instead.

L2 Interrupt the pet to interrupt the skill.
L2 Immobilize the ele so they can’t go anywhere when they mist form.
L2 Stop putting all your dps onto the Shadow Refuge field after it has expired (the thief won’t be there anymore) and place it in the area around where the SR was.
L2 Interrupt the downed necro’s #1 skill (especially in the very unlikely case that they spec’ed for downed state).

Most importantly…


Additional hint regarding the thief in stealth. Listen carefully, you just might hear their character say something like “Help me!” when they use skill 4 while in stealth. I have surround sound so not only do I know that they are trying to rez but I know which direction it comes from. So I auto in that direction. I often get whispers from said thief accusing me of using some ‘see through stealth’ hack.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


He has a point imo, but no nerf needed here.

I always notice my pet gets interrupted while healing, but it seems like whenever I try to interrupt a “Lick my wounds” on an enemy ranger, their pet just gets back up and continues healing…

I’m kitten serious

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


I just wonder why our pet’s can’t draw us away for a while…
As I experienced, thieves, mesmers can get away much more in combats than us with this “licking wounds” when they teleport away and even stealth/clone. Most of times it’s really a lifesaver when there are man friends around…
But it’s more overpowered than any standards.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

this is the reason why id im going to go down i do it off point because that increase my chances of getting back up 10x fold since ranger can Self res , while other classes need to be on point to get res support thats the difference it also plays into what the ranger does when he gets back up he reses himself in a postion where he is able to postion for Range attack since being on point while downed with lick wounds ontop of Aoes and cleave damage will just Trash the rangers downed hp while other classes can just port off point or near the edge avoiding most cleave damage and maybe the aoe if it places you in the correct location.

the trade offs ^

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Why everyone forgets that our “self-res” get’s disabled within seconds after we barely been able to activate it at all?

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Skullface.7293


I think it’s pretty hilarious how 2 years after the game’s launch, some people still don’t know how to deal with ranger’s downed state and come here in the ranger forums to complain.

This was not never a good place to start this.

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Cc the pet and poison if you don’t go for the stomp.