I saw a thread like this in another profession’s forum and decided that we totally needed our own. I’m going to list them in order according to date and I will list changes that are simultaneously a buff/nerf. There are things listed that seem like bug fixes but since A-net has not specified them as being so I am going to keep them.
Beastmastery Trait: Instinctual Bond – Now grants 5 seconds of quickness to the player’s pet and can only occur once every 50 seconds. (Did not have an ICD prior)
Crossfire: Increased casting time by 40 milliseconds. This was done to fix some glitches in the animation that caused problems with this skill.
Shouts will now apply a buff to the ranger’s pet, to make the skills more visible. (Allows enemy players to know what skills you’ve used.)
Sick ’Em: Decreased the duration to 10 seconds. Increased the damage and move speed from 25% to 40%.
Splinter Shot: This skill is no longer able to fire at enemies behind the player.
Guard: Pets will no longer guard areas that should be inaccessible to them. (Pets can longer run up and down the walls of enemy keeps to destroy siege equipment.)
Empathic Bond: Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply transferred conditions to pets. This trait now transfers three conditions to the ranger’s pet every 10 seconds rather than all of them.
General Nerf: Reduced quickness from 100% attack speed to 50%. (This nerf hit Rangers especially hard.)
Tail Wind trait: Now has an internal cooldown of 9 seconds.
Furious Grip trait: Now has an internal cooldown of 9 seconds.
“Search and Rescue” skill:
Increased cooldown from 85 seconds to 180 seconds in PvP.
No longer revives defeated allies.
Lightning Breath skill (Drake Skill): Reduced cast time from 2.7 seconds to 1.5 seconds. The lightning from this attack no longer tracks targets. (No more stealth tracking.)
Coral Shot skill: Projectile speed is no longer 75% of what it should have been. The bleeding on this skill now interacts correctly with the Eagle Eye trait, granting an extra stack of bleeding at maximum range. This skill can no longer be shot backward.
Feeding Frenzy skill: Projectile speed is no longer 75% of what it should have been. This skill can no longer be shot backward.
Mercy Shot skill: Projectile speed is no longer 75% of what it should have been. This skill can no longer be shot backward.
Pets now draw aggro from guards in WvW.
Pet leash range decreased to 2000 units.
Lightning Reflexes: The travel distance for this skill has been halved when underwater.
Man O’ War: The base recharge has been increased from 18 to 25.
Counterstrike: The base recharge has been increased from 15 to 20.
Crossfire: Decreased the range to 900.
Poison Volley: Decreased the range to 900.
Quick Shot: Decreased the range to 900. Increased the damage by 14%.
Crippling Shot: Decreased the range to 900. Increased the damage by 14%.
Concussion Shot: Decreased the range to 900. Increased the damage by 14%. Reduced the aftercast by .25 seconds.
Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Eagle: Lacerating Slash: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced the damage by 34%.
Canine: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%
Devourer: Twin Darts: Reduced the damage by 20%.
Drake: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Insect Swarm: This skill can no longer fire behind the drake.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced the damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Jaguar: Stalking: Critical chance increase while in stealth reduced to 25%.
Jellyfish Blue: Chilling Whirl: Decreased the damage by 33%.
Moa: Peck: Reduced the damage by 7%.
Pig: Jab: Reduced the damage by 25%.
Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness has been increased to 3 seconds. (Went from being a 5 point trait to a 30 point trait. Significantly reduced the effectiveness of Zerk rangers.)
(edited by Soilder.3607)