Lol so I tried a ranger today

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


Played for 5 months and never tried it yet. Tried it for 2 hours today, and lol.

What’s with all the weak traits and utilities? I find myself having to pick traits that on my Necro I would consider weak, like transferring disables to the pet lol. Like I really want my pet to die… those traits and utilities are so awful. Why would you want your class mechanic to die.

There’s practically no condition removal. I find myself being forced to use the condition removal signet, at least 1 trap and 1 more utility which is usually a stun breaker.

And then there’s a whole lot of garbage traits… and I thought traits on the Necro were bad. Rangers have a trait that grant a whopping 1 Might for 1 second to their pet? lol. And how rare of a chance to bleed is sharpening edges? Spamming attacks with 60+ critical chance would rarely get 1 bleed up.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


Sharpening edges grants 1 stack of bleeding per hit for 1s each. In other words, garbage. Another really bad trait is Beastmaster’s might (master) in the marksmanship traitline whichgrants 1 stack of might for 5s on signet activation. Our lowest signet has a 24 second cooldown (with 20% cooldown reduction).

I’m just going to stop here. Yes, our utility skills and traits are all generally bad. Yes, we lack reliable condition removal. Yes, our pet needs to die for us to live. Who knows why it is balanced this way. I just hope they get this all sorted out by the February patch (Wv3 patch).

Note: For PvE, this stuff doesn’t matter than much, but in PvP you can really tell the ranger isn’t on par with most other professions. This is why you will see the threads that say, “I just started ranger and you guys must suck because I’m level 20 and it is awesome! I can kill stuff above my level.” I can do that with any profession, ranger just makes it simpler because the pet will tank for you.

(edited by Indoles.1467)

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Trait Marksmen/Skirmishing/Wilderness Survival/Natural magic…. I run 20/30/10/10 and love it.

Honestly (as with any class) Ranger’s aren’t bad, players are bad. I’m not saying you’re a bad player in general, I’m just saying after 2 hours with it you aren’t a pro

Give it sometime. Rangers can be phenomenal once you learn how to work with it.

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


Trait Marksmen/Skirmishing/Wilderness Survival/Natural magic…. I run 20/30/10/10 and love it.

Honestly (as with any class) Ranger’s aren’t bad, players are bad. I’m not saying you’re a bad player in general, I’m just saying after 2 hours with it you aren’t a pro

Give it sometime. Rangers can be phenomenal once you learn how to work with it.

I don’t think he was asking for help on how to build a ranger, just more or less asking if what he sees is what he gets. Is ranger better than these 1s mights/bleeds? Short answer, of course, if you are willing to get good at using the functioning/useful mechanics. Does he still see crap trait/skills, yes. Many skills/traits the ranger can unlock are either altogether poor, or only useful for a certain build (and the ranger terribly lacks build diversity).

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Trait Marksmen/Skirmishing/Wilderness Survival/Natural magic…. I run 20/30/10/10 and love it.

Honestly (as with any class) Ranger’s aren’t bad, players are bad. I’m not saying you’re a bad player in general, I’m just saying after 2 hours with it you aren’t a pro

Give it sometime. Rangers can be phenomenal once you learn how to work with it.

I am pro with it. And I agree rangers ARE bad. There is nothing a ranger does better than any other class. Our best pvp builds are evasion tank and trap condi builds, thieves can do evasion+condis all in 1. Other classes do condis much better and more efficiently than ranger. Our power/crit builds suck, I can just go warrior and melt face on him easily. Our traits and utilities suck, pretty much the only cool thing about ranger is the name.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Jazenn.7526


Trait Marksmen/Skirmishing/Wilderness Survival/Natural magic…. I run 20/30/10/10 and love it.

Honestly (as with any class) Ranger’s aren’t bad, players are bad. I’m not saying you’re a bad player in general, I’m just saying after 2 hours with it you aren’t a pro

Give it sometime. Rangers can be phenomenal once you learn how to work with it.

I am pro with it. And I agree rangers when I play them ARE bad. There is nothing a my ranger does better than any other class. Our best pvp builds are evasion tank and trap condi builds, thieves can do evasion+condis all in 1. Other classes do condis much better and more efficiently than ranger. Our power/crit builds suck, I can just go warrior and melt face on him easily. Our traits and utilities suck, pretty much the only cool thing about my ranger is the name.

There, fixed that.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryoki Hokishami.2756

Ryoki Hokishami.2756

We don’t need another one of these topics.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Silvanus.5821


The main reason of all these arguments of whether the ranger as a class is bad or the player himself is bad, is because you don’t define “bad”. Ranger has some good builds. The reason why the class bad is because those builds are only a couple. If you make any other build and actually use those useless traits (1 second of might?) you are going to feel underpower. At least, that’s my opinion.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Yeah, it’s really bad. Traits are by far the biggest problem the Ranger has right now, next to pet responsiveness. ArenaNet themselves have even admitted that the Ranger traits are weak, and doesn’t allow for enough build versatility.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Barachias.2371


I’ve seen these threads on every major MMO out there…

You do know, skill tops build right? I can be the best ranger ever, have a sucky build, and still beat the crap out of people. I could also be the worst anger ever, have an amazing build, and get my butt kicked everytime. Stop looking at statistics and start looking at strategics.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Leuca.5732


There, fixed that.

Actually, Dante was pretty spot on; the two strongest specs for ranger are condi and evasion tank, and your ability to branch from the basic stats required to run them is extremely limited. Sure, you can change your amulet and say that you’re running something completely different, but that’s pretty disingenuous. The majority of our pets are useless; the “pet fix” update was a complete joke on top of that, so it didn’t even increase viability for the ones that were never used to begin with.

Rangers cannot run cannons without sucking balls, their CC is workable but pales in comparison to other roamers, and their bunkering ability can’t even be justified because their ability to buff allies is garbage. Good players make the ranger look viable from an in-the-moment standpoint, but actually looking at the abilities granted to us and the pets that are actually used in higher level play reveals a lack of variety of self-sufficient synergy that’s pretty laughable.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: sotose.4312


My main gripe with the ranger is not so much the traits but the utility skills.Most classes get utility skills that do more than one thing and can be used creatively.“Burn foes and cure conditions” for the elementalist for example,“take all conditions from teammates/gain all buffs” for guardian.They have interesting mechanics.

On the other hand you have “sick’em,protect me,seach and rescue” extremely mono-dimensional skills that do one thing only and pigeonhole builds into one trick ponys.If you want to play beasmaster with a strong pet then you’ll have to give up stunbreakers,condition removals,the works just to make it work and it’s all down to how badly designed the utility slot skills are.Even the only reliable condi removal you get that is not a heal requires that:1)you have a pet alive2)it’s in range3)you condemn it to die shortly after.

The ranger can still be a killer if played right,the real problem in my opinion is how one track minded the builds tend to be due to bad utility skill design.

If anything,guardian should have some solid slot skills and stuff like “sick ’em”/“protect me” should be pat specific,adding an additional layer of customization to a build.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: Moderator.6837



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