Long Range Shot changes, enough to compete?

Long Range Shot changes, enough to compete?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I am just curious do you guys think the damage boost to the closer ranged tiers of the Long Range shot skill is really going to make much difference on foes that can close over 1,200 range in less than 2 seconds?

Currently my skill facts are listing

  • 1000+ range: 821 damage
  • 500-1000 range: 684 damage
  • 0-500 range: 547 damage

With the changes it will be

  • 1000+ range: 821 damage
  • 500-1000 range: 731.88 damage (732, I don’t believe it will be rounded up)
  • 0-500 range: 639.99 damage (640?)

Do you guys thing this will be enough or do you think the closer 0-500 and the 500-1000 ranges should have an additional feature such as a .5-1 second cripple to make classes that have a lot of gap closing abilities have a harder time getting to our soft bodies? More specifically warriors with their gap closers, and yes I know they are virtually immune to cripple now but it still causes gap closing abilities to fall short of their full distance.
The .5-1 second cripple is really not over powered for it affecting the closer ranged tiers and allows more reaction time and competitive fighting styles, other than getting smacked in melee in less than 2 seconds after you attack someone with “the longest distanced ranged weapon.”

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Long Range Shot changes, enough to compete?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

if predatory hunter is added next balance patch, we could always at Predators insitints for a Granted cripple when targets hp is at 50% , so that one is personal preperance , a bit more power or movment control.

with the short range changes , at least our damage won’t be so low ,if we are stuck in Lb unable to swap for a few seconds .

the current short range damage is pretty much obsorbed by basic regen and even with a poison on its only just enough to turn the table to your favour.

its not much of a boost , but atleast its a boost where its needed , it was way to easy to avoid damage by getting close to a ranger with a lb.

with the signet changes it should be a bit more difficult to just get into melee with a ranger , i say the changes give us more melee Ability with a Lb , thanks for Signets being changed too , it won’t hamper us too much, compaired to now.