Longbow Crisis

Longbow Crisis

in Ranger

Posted by: Shanhaeval.4971


I use the longbow mainly as my ranger but was curious on any ideas on utilities. I’d like to have some that I can use in any setting. I don’t mind switching out one but switching out 5-9 is annoying. I’m not the best obviously but was curious what you all thought.

Longbow Crisis

in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


If you use longbow, especially in PvP (W3 included) you NEED an alternative weapon.

Longbow Crisis

in Ranger

Posted by: darkace.8925


I use the longbow mainly as my ranger but was curious on any ideas on utilities. I’d like to have some that I can use in any setting. I don’t mind switching out one but switching out 5-9 is annoying. I’m not the best obviously but was curious what you all thought.

As a (nearly) exclusive PvE player I run the following utilities with my lonbow/X:
7. Sharpening Stone – used for an extra bit of offense against veterans/champions/etc.
8. Muddy Terrain – used for defense/crowd control when I begin to get overwhelmed.
9. Signet of the Wild – used to help keep my feline pet alive and doing more damage.
10. Entangle – reserved for when things begin to go very badly.