Longbow/Greatsword Glass cannon build
Personally I like this
But really, you can change any of the traits in the MS line you want, there are plenty of good ones to take (too many infact). You can take survival utilities instead if you prefer, you can move the BM traits anywhere you like, you can take wolves or spiders, can take more or less berserkers/knights/soldiers armour… Its really up to you. But thats how I usually do it.
Edit: Actually I forgot to ask what this is for. For PvE ignore my build and look below, this was for WvW what I posted. Not an expert of power builds in PvP so IDK.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Cufufalating.8479)
but the meta build for dps is this if im not wrong http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNBMhf6koiqgjswqCWLDErH7Z//hz4QJyfoUZs0JzkA-jACBYfC0EEAUBhOzUZNPVQs4qIas6aYKXER1A-e
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
I feel like 30 into the top line is a must for spotter and maybe eagle eye, 20 would be prefered in the second line for that extra precision and reduced CD on bows. But you might have to sacrifice that how cool down for condition removal by going 30 into wilderness survival.
Traits are kinda crappy, you usually have to sacrifice something because of the almost mandatory 30 into wilderness survival for condi removal.
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
If going glass cannon use a sword.
(edited by urdriel.8496)
If your looking for a PVE explorer/hunter/world boss killer build, here is my main.
Norn Longbow/Greatsword max dps on any PVE mission.
play style: pew pew pew from max range (usually attack 1 then 2) and when they get in close swap to the Greatsword and use attack 2 and a spread of 1 and they are usually done.
For hard to beat down mobs: summon spirits, pew from range, swap to Greatsword, run in and hit an Entangle, throw an area heal and then attack 3 for the burst regen effect and go to town.
I use a full complement of the Nika exotic armor set with superior Ogre runes. (the rock dog spawns a lot and is a good companion for my other pets. Until you can get the set, any yellow/orange Berserker armor pieces will work
I use a non-named Berserker longbow and the Ebonblade (Named greatsword) and they complement the playstyle greatly.
Its a fun build to explore Tyria with and run with other guildies with in a support role.