Looking For An Alt

Looking For An Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: Hawke.9013


Hey, I wasn’t sure where to post this, so sorry if this is in the wrong forum…

So my dilemma is… I like the Ranger professions TOO much. I’ve been wanting to make an alt badly for awhile but I’d always level it to ~5 then remember how awesome my Ranger is and going back there.
My question is what’s a profession is somewhat similar to the Ranger playstyle? I’d prefer to keep away from melee ranger but hey if it’s fun I’ll give it a shot. I’m looking for a profession thats fun to level.


Looking For An Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: achensherd.2735


I’ve been thinking about alting a Thief because it looks like it can be played like a Ranger. Thieves are a medium armor class like Rangers, can use pretty similar weapons including the shortbow (albeit in different ways), and can deploy traps, so there are enough similarities at least to start.

Sometimes I wish I had mained a Thief instead, but for personal lore reasons I stuck with the Ranger. Some days I’m happy I did, and some days I’m depressed about it. Shrug

(edited by achensherd.2735)

Looking For An Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

I have Thief and Engi alts.
I don’t know if either of them fits your bill exactly. Thief has the mobility aspect of Ranger and was a blast to level, but I don’t know if I’d recommend the class to somebody who doesn’t want to get close to the action. Engi potentially has the multitasking aspect of Ranger and I feel like I can stay at Range, but the early levelling experience was pulling teeth for me.

Looking For An Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: Hawke.9013


Yeah I was thinking of trying my thief, the problem is I don’t want to do Whispers story line again and to me it doesn’t feel right to put a thief in the Vigil or Priory. I was looking at the Engi, I might try that. Do they play well?

Looking For An Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I would suggest War, reason is, most recent patches they’ve been getting a lot of Buffs in addition to one of the game highest dps stats etc…

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Looking For An Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


Try ele or necro,both involve Afair amount of kiting for alot of their builds and necros have minions so you won’t get lonely :P