Looking for a pve build

Looking for a pve build

in Ranger

Posted by: Crazy Branden.6951

Crazy Branden.6951

hey guys, im looking for a good pve build that uses longbow, this build is not for raiding it is only for map events
must have good survivability and be able to do damage

any build will do

Leader of Angels of Clarity

Looking for a pve build

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


any build will do

You answered your own question. If you’re using LB, it’s nearly impossible to die and very easy to tag things.

Typically you run berserker stats in PvE. Everything else is whatever the hell you want. Modify the fractal build from metabattle.com if you are completely and totally lost, but really just do whatever you want and you’re good to go.

Looking for a pve build

in Ranger

Posted by: Westenev.5289



Marksmanship/Skirmishing/Druid (sustained dps/minor support with astral form)

Marksmanship/Beastmastery/Nature Magic (personal burst)

For map exploration, if you’re intending to be on the map for a long time and making exclusive use of your bow, put a sigil of bloodlust on your bow to increase your overall dps. Sigil of fire can also help with tagging targets, as the bow is very much a single target weapon.

As for your second weapon set, I would suggest a staff (which you can use astral wisp to put some distance between you and the target – and has untraited piece), Greatsword for personal burst, and sword/axe for sustained dps and sheer fun. Ultimately, you don’t want to be using a bow in melee – especially if you’re outnumbered.