Looking for some different Ranger tPvP builds

Looking for some different Ranger tPvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Raghken.1485


I main my Ranger in PvP despite only getting it to Lvl 30 in PvE but I’m looking for another build to play. Been playing a condition/trap build for a while now and I’m looking for something else to try out.

It doesn’t really matter whether it’s something everyone uses or only you I’d just like to see some other people’s builds.

EDIT: Changed the title as I realised it was kind of misleading.

Seafarer’s Rest

Fitheall – Warrior

(edited by Raghken.1485)

Looking for some different Ranger tPvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Try BM. Try Full zerker. Try spirits. Experiment. Though something like x/x/30/x/30 would probably be the most rounded replacement (BM) can either go power or condis, use cats (jaguar is best imo) or birds (ravens imo).

Full zerker is really good if you’re good and your team can peel for you though you would need to be well trained with GS/LB first.

But seriously, experiment. I like to think about the extremes first. What If I go full tank? full DPS? Now how do I do damage? BM. How do I survive? “protect me”, signet of stone, or just kill them faster? I think the best builds are the ones we make to our playstyle.

Looking for some different Ranger tPvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorian.4028


A cleric’s bunker build is quite useful for stalling and distracting enemies. I was recently trying this out and it has worked quite well so far.

Looking for some different Ranger tPvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

My build http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=VHg-V;1wEku-e2kDF-0;9V8E;1TE4-J38A0;656-S-V0;2H7W3H7W38RP i change entangle with RoA sometimes. I like the mobility with Shortbow and the burst of Greatsword. I don’t think people except such a burst from me so i like it so far.

Looking for some different Ranger tPvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Taym.8326


Here are some odd builds I have toyed with.

Aggressive Trap Ranger:
Basically increases the crossfire bleeds from 3-4 seconds and most other things (rangers like multiples of 3) to increase rather nicely as well. You lose survivability but it is quite an increase in pressure if you are good with side hits. Use the increased pet condition duration for the dog to immob + hit with a trap at the same time, when you get good at it you will get 2-3 ticks off almost every time.
note Make sure your pet moves to attack first or the condition duration will not count (no F2 on instant pet swap)

Slash and Burn:
Gives you the increase of the bleeds of the previous build but also gives you + 50% burn duration. Meaning your fire trap will now tick for 3s instead of 2. Also both you and your pet will proc sun spirit for 4.5s, (and the effect on pet recharges on pet swap) you just need to learn to hide it well

Pet Conditions:
This is pretty much about your pets doing conditions while you try to stay alive and contribute. The spirit gives the pet burning, shortbow 4 gives them 3 bleeds for 8 seconds, and torch can be used as a firefield for them as well (though you should save it for devourer). The spider gives 2x 3s immobs and a poison field, while the devourer gives a pretty good poison, a knockback, and poison chance on autoattack (shoots 2x making it better for procing fire fields). Other than that, the ranger just has the regular stuff to keep himself alive, SoR+Muddy Terrain are pretty much placeholders, but you get the general idea.