[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


I want the past three weeks of my life back. This class is broken with no fix in sight. It reminds me of another company’s game which I left to come here coughbiowarecough

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Guys wait a while b4 “abandoning” our favorite class,

If they officially claim it is intended, I gonna work on my SB thief or start working on a “obvious OP” warrior.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Reading this, I was rather concerned. Having just checked it out, I don’t notice a difference. Though I cannot comment on the stacks.

Is it possible that this is a bug only affecting a number of people?

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I don’t think it is intended, as this change makes the ranger unplayable in pvp content.. it is a gigantic damage per second downgrade.. the damage of crossfire (at my level) is cut by something like 35% with this change. I’m even having problems with downleveled content (1-15 areas) right now.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jujube.4981


I have been using shortbows exclusively for the last few weeks and this nerf very noticeable.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: ituhata.6830


I’m not really sure what you guys are all doing, but before I could stack 9 bleeds, now I can stack 8. Not that big of a deal.

Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: faytte.1057


Until they post otherwise, I will presume this was intentional.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: TheAltarBoy.3176


Unlikely hunter.

I also didn’t notice a difference at first. When I first tested I used the training dummies in Lions Arch so bleeds weren’t added.

Once testing it in the mists I found the same results everyone else has mentioned. I am getting consistently fewer stacks of bleed than before the patch. This is all done withouth the “bleed on crits” trait.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I don’t think devs read the forums other than sporadically here and there.. the amount of dev posts on the forum is extremely low, maybe they just don’t have the time. But it’s hard getting feedback from the community if you don’t read your own official forums.

I also don’t understand why they didn’t test this change before making it live, they would have noticed this crippling damage downgrade right away, maybe the problem occured during the upload? Right now ranger profession is simply unplayable, pve or pvp.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jujube.4981


When longbows do higher dps than short bows at point blank (target facing you). Something is broken.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Reading this, I was rather concerned. Having just checked it out, I don’t notice a difference. Though I cannot comment on the stacks.

Is it possible that this is a bug only affecting a number of people?

Hmm, try using QZ and link with quickness from pet swap trait. With the 4 sec of quickness buff, you will see the difference very very very obviously.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I’m not really sure what you guys are all doing, but before I could stack 9 bleeds, now I can stack 8. Not that big of a deal.

Please don’t lie, before the patch you could only stack 6-7 bleeds, not 9.. now you can stack 5-6.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Reading this, I was rather concerned. Having just checked it out, I don’t notice a difference. Though I cannot comment on the stacks.

Is it possible that this is a bug only affecting a number of people?

Hmm, try using QZ and link with quickness from pet swap trait. With the 4 sec of quickness buff, you will see the difference very very very obviously.

So we used to be able to stack more bleeds?

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


I dont see the difference personally. I just went to test dmg on those veteran tree guys to see the difference between longbow and shortbow dps time and on average using quickness and 1,2,3 on longbow exclusively those mobs died 5 seconds slower then justusing quickness and #1 spam on shortbow.

DPS on shortbow is much better then longbow still.

I can stack 7 bleeds on a mob from behind with no points in condition duration and no runes that provide condition duration. I can stack 10 max with quickness. If people could stack 14 previously then I’d say they lowered the speed on quickness not the speed of the shortbow itself.

Are we sure that they didn’t nerf quickness on the side?

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: NyteFox.9176


Can you buff longbow and make it playable at least Anet…

They just did, buff the longbow. As far as making it playable thats another debate.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Like Leogolas said, try using QZ, you’ll notice how crossfire is twice as slow under that boon now.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


(Ignore this post, a test cuz I can’t see the thread anymore.)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


I can stack 7 bleeds right now with condition duration and no rune durations.

I can stack 10 bleeds with quickness which matches other reports here.

That actually leads me to believe if people are truthful about how many bleeds they got before with quckness then the quickness buff itself with stealth nerfed.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: faytte.1057


I’m comparing my attacks to videos of SB attacks online (no quickness) and I can noticed a slow down. Its not an easy comparison though given those videos are erratic in combat where abilities are being used. i dont think the numbers are 40%, but something closer to about 20% slower.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trojun.4751


It definitely seems much slower than 40 thousandths of a second as the patch notes said. Maybe they missed a zero somewhere.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


No, because I can stack six bleeds now without quickness (6 normal, 7 for a split second), which is less than I could before (7 normal, 8 for a split second), so this has nothing to do with quickness.

This means the slowdown is far higher than 40 miliseconds.

My other weapons are equally fast with quickness than they were before the patch, so again this has nothing to do with quickness.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


If people were stacking 7 bleeds before this nerf and now they stack 6 as indicated in other treads then mathematically it’s only about a 10% slowdown if that. It’ still better then longbow from my tests which obviously are not exactly “proof as it’s a small test pool that I did” but I know for a fact that I can stack 7 bleeds right now without moving behind a mob.

I do not know how many I could before this patch though. I never had reason to test.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: ituhata.6830


I’m not really sure what you guys are all doing, but before I could stack 9 bleeds, now I can stack 8. Not that big of a deal.

Please don’t lie, before the patch you could only stack 6-7 bleeds, not 9.. now you can stack 5-6.

You were saying?

Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


do you guys test the crossfire under QZ? it shoots like rapid fire on longbow now, only a little bit faster than normal attack >.>

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: gibby.9328


why lord? WHYYY!!?!?!

aren’t our pets and spirits horrible enough? why take away our awesome shortbow?!?!

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Ituhata, my bad, I forgot about condition duration increases, I apologize.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jujube.4981


For those of you who are saying 10-20% dps nerf is not that big of a deal, remember the entire reason they added a longer cast time was to sync animations and not balance. Short bows/Rangers got hit big for anyone who used them in competative PvP/WvW, no one cares about your damage karma farming or doing dungeons.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: ituhata.6830


Ituhata, my bad, I forgot about condition duration increases, I apologize.

That’s ok. Just for reference, here’s a short clip I shot a while back trying to see if a ram would win a fight with a leopard, but it got jumped by a second leopard…long story short I got caught up in it and you can compare bow speeds in the two videos I posted, but unfortunately I was not positioned properly to get bleed counts, but I know I consistently got 9 before tonight.

Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Elentir.9723


I am noticing animation inconsistencies AFTER the patch that was supposed to fix such things. Also I agree with the overall speed reduction others are noticing. It’s noticeably slower and I can not stack as much bleed. ANET I did not notice any animation glitches before the patch nor have spoken to anyone or read anything on any forum claiming such bugs. Please back this out!

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trojun.4751


I used to count around 25 hits during quickening zephyr pre-nerf. Now I’m counting about 12 or 13 hits during qz. Maybe somebody at anet accidentally added a zero on the supposed 40 millisecond nerf.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


ituhata the only problem I see with this video is there’s no proof at all that condition duration didn’t improve the time of the bleed duration.

I just went to the trainer in lions arch and respeced. I put 30 points into power. My conditions now last 9secs/10 secs momentarily.

I’m not saying that the video wasn’t accurate but I am saying there’s no way to know unless someone has a video that shows talents and then shows duration. I doubt anyone made one though =(

For me though I dont see much of a difference.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: ituhata.6830


Well I havent changed my talents since, give me a sec I’ll upload a shot. I’ll edit this post.

EDIT: Here we go, nothing particularly special about the 10 pt talents I chose.


Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit

(edited by Moderator)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


That’s what I said, during quickening zephyr after patch now, the shortbow does 50% less damage than before. Shortbow damage during quickening has literally been cut in half, since you only get in half as many hits before the boon ends.

Normal fire rate damage (without bleeds) has been cut by about 30% at least. It takes me almost twice as much time to kill a monster as before the patch.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


That’s impossible Zsymon. If you lost one stack of bleed duration then that’s only a 12% drop in speed. It’s definitely not 30%.

However, I personally want to point out that i’m definitely not advocating stealth nerfs and if they really overnerfed I’m all for the reversing this. However, I don’t want to see us ignored just because we’re crying wolf here.

Ituhata came with a good video that showed the nerf. A .04 second decrease in attack speed should not have changed our bleed durations hardly at all. If it did then they definitely messed up but we need to see proof of this that cant be disputed.

I don’t see a difference with the naked eye on my regular attack speed. I think I see a difference quicknessed but I could just be a result of the nerf posts here.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Crossfire under QZ is now 13 arrows instead of 25 arrows (a 50% dps decrease), while the direct damage of normal crossfire has been cut by about 30-35% as far as I can tell, it could be more, because it takes me roughly twice as long to kill a monster now, without using QZ.

Lol, the sad part is that it is still better than longbow, which goes to show how horrible the longbow really is. The shortbow got nerfed so hard that the ranger cannot be played in pvp and wvw anymore, but the longbow is still worse heh.

I hope to Pale Tree that this is just a major unintended screwup.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


Ituhata if you got 9 consistently before this patch and you have 30 point in bleed duration then I can safely say that nothng has changed becuase I’m doing that now in game. 9 seconds of bleed duration. 10 second momentarily with 30 points in power tree.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Freky.1903


I don’t know why you’re all so upset. They posted it in the update notes sooooo why are you all crying over it. Go use a longbow now.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


The point is that the slowdown is far higher than what they wrote in the update notes Freky. I also just said that the longbow is still worse.. it’s never been a viable weapon. Before the patch it did like 25% of shortbow damage at ~400 range, now maybe 40% or so, and that’s without crossfire bleeds, it’s not usable for anything, it’s like trying to fight as an elementalist with only staff water auto attack.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


All right guys, Anet has responded to our concern and they are looking into it now.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Bemused.3187


They made it sound like it was just a small fix to make the animations line up better. I’d be really surprised if they did this massive damage nerf intentionally. This is far more than 40ms, closer to 100-175 ms. It becomes horribly noticeable with quickness, I wonder if they had even play tested this before release

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Where did they respond?

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


I don’t know why you’re all so upset. They posted it in the update notes sooooo why are you all crying over it. Go use a longbow now.

Blah, long bow is still worse compare to “nerfed” SB . Do some testing and you will see what we meant.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: chasingfuries.9635


I had gotten very used to the speed with shortbow over the last few days and the difference now is just super obvious, like without a doubt there’s a huge difference. with quickness running it’s undeniably slower, it literally feels like it hits at half the speed as before. I need to do some testing still against people i’ve been fighting a lot the last couple of days to be sure of the real effects of the change(i hadnt leveled it in pve to really know), but my guess is that the whole sb crit build is effectively ruined cause of it. It worked simply because you would burst people faster than they burst you, now that dmg is just gone

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: sukiyaki.9745


I’ve done some number crunching and it’s not as much of a nerf as people think it is. I can repeatedly hit 118 attacks per minute using a stopwatch. Before the patch it was a flat 2 attacks per second. This is then equivalent to the +0.04s to each attack. Now the real problem occurs when you active quickening zephyr. Before the patch it would allow 16 arrows in 4 seconds. This corresponds to the previous 2 attacks per second rate of fire. Post patch I can only fire off 12-13 arrows during the 4s interval in which zephyr is activated. I can repeat this trial and obtain the same results. This corresponds to 3 attacks per seconds WITH zephyr, which means a base attack speed of 1.5 attacks/second. THIS is where I believe the error occurs in which it’s not actually +0.04s but rather +0.4s added to base when zephyr is activated.

All in all without including the reduced firing rate of zephyr the loss in damage equated to about 3.86%. (This is solely common attacking!) Losses are much greater when you include quickening zephyr.

In conclusion, I think the only nerf involved here is when zephyr is activated. Go ahead confirm my results. >.>

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


It’s quite a bit slower yes, as in i can’t get 4 arrows flying in the air at once, however it’s still really fast… and i think you’re over exaggerating…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


Sukiyaki this is also what I noticed. I think there may have been a quickness nerf. Maybe it’s accross the board. Unless there’s a bug with quickness with shortbow directly.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Durzlla, please stop kissing anet kitten /p>

This was just another slap in the face to people who want to play the ranger class, one of many nerfs/stealth nerfs that are intended to reduce the amount of people playing the ranger class.

ArenaNet literally wants people to just play elementalist and warrior

They really do not care about the players, and they will not undo this devastating change to the ranger class.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dware.4259


Sweet, so the warrior is a better ranged class than a “rang-er” awesome.

[Merged] New Patch: Big shortbow downgrade.

in Ranger

Posted by: LostMK.4089


Sweet, so the warrior is a better ranged class than a “rang-er” awesome.

100% true thanks to anet