Made a great Druid SPvP build!

Made a great Druid SPvP build!

in Ranger

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

I wanted to run druid but have been hearing a lot of QQ about them, found this offensive druid build which I’ve been running with great success. Basically replaced the long bow with the staff since surprisingly their auto-attack does similar damage. The extra heals, the escape, the root, it all comes together very nicely in this marauder build.

Made a great Druid SPvP build!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Take on staff sigil of hydromency, the damage will trigger the roots from the on swap daze.
Also try the new pets(electric weyvern and smokescale) I think they both are better for CC.

Made a great Druid SPvP build!

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491

streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

(edited by SadKeanu.3491)