Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Esrever.8613


I think pets need this. They are so useless against anything that cloaks. Even the AIs.

Maybe make it a trait or something.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: thrice.9184


As much as id like to see Anet actually implement “tracking” (they removed it from the game)

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908


Make pets “see” hidden enemies on map.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: tiboi.3108


as much as I wanted this feature implemented haha. I’m afraid this will make all the thieves out there qq and rage quit the game. Yup, I’m serious XD

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Silverkung.9127


Should be “passive smelling/tracking” when pet in passive peaceful mode.
It be more useful for our buddy.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: skittlebob.4850


This would be so funny. I already love watching thieves try to solo my drakehound with 25 stacks of master’s bond and wasting so much effort just to get them to half life, then suddenly I pop troll and let the thief watch in horror as my pet gains 1.5k/s regen and does the knock down skill which bursts for like 5k. Of course with me in the background shooting with a shortbow :P.

Rangers are really nice WvW wise in 1v1 encounters and very small skirmishes. They are not so great in zergs, although having a canine with 25 masters bond makes it an armored mech if you have a heal build. But detecting stealth would just be brutal! Then we could be of use in zergs! All the thieves that stealth into frontline to gank cannot escape as easily!

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Tracking was actually in the game in a very early beta, but was removed again for unknown reasons. It just allowed you (and your allies I think?) to see enemies on the mini-map. I would love to see it back in the game again, though, considering that Thieves can have close to permanent stealth now.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Engels.8537



And not just pets, mobs too, at least in WvW, otherwise remove them completely.
I have only had a few “kitten this game” moments, and most of them where after fighting a p/d thief in WvW. Not only my pet stands still everytime he cloaks and won’t attack him when he appears, but EVERY single mob around aggro me…ONLY.
So I have one brain-dead pet, 5 drakes/bears/wolves biting my kitten (thank you Anet, they can hit moving targets now) and a 80% time invisible enemy. Really?

I know you can at least make our pets keep aggro so they automatically start attacking the thief as soon as he comes out of stealth.

But what about mobs? Is this really supposed to be like this? It is impossible to fight a p/d thief if there are red mobs around.

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351



pets should stay on target when someone cloaks, but they shouldn’t attack

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


They can barely sense visible ones I think you’re asking alot here.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dried Donkey.8504

Dried Donkey.8504

Guys if this happens thieves and mesmers will QQ especially the thieves, they will say they die in 3 hits and stealth was the only defence they have! and A-net took that away and in return A-net will nerf it to a useless state.

I do like the idea very very much however i do agree with Manekk

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I think pets need this. They are so useless against anything that cloaks. Even the AIs.

Maybe make it a trait or something.

TBH i think both pets (they have super senses they’d be able to smell/hear/ even -see- stealthed people) and illusions (they are literally in the targets mind) should be able to attack through stealth, turrets, and mecro minions…. yeah not so much…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Esrever.8613


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Taruvoyant.4318


I don’t know if this will ever be implemented, but I like the idea of it. We are rangers after all – masters of hunting prey. And our pets are animals that hunt. I don’t think every pet should get the ability to do this, but a select few make sense. Drakehounds for example are bred to sniff out prey. Pets that would rely on sight for hunting, like an owl, would obviously not get this trait.

80 Human Ranger
Crystal Desert
Rough Trade [RTGC]

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I don’t know if this will ever be implemented, but I like the idea of it. We are rangers after all – masters of hunting prey. And our pets are animals that hunt. I don’t think every pet should get the ability to do this, but a select few make sense. Drakehounds for example are bred to sniff out prey. Pets that would rely on sight for hunting, like an owl, would obviously not get this trait.

Actually, an Owl may be better at it because their vision puts ours to shame, so whose to say they aren’t capable of seeing what others aren’t?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Taruvoyant.4318


I don’t know if this will ever be implemented, but I like the idea of it. We are rangers after all – masters of hunting prey. And our pets are animals that hunt. I don’t think every pet should get the ability to do this, but a select few make sense. Drakehounds for example are bred to sniff out prey. Pets that would rely on sight for hunting, like an owl, would obviously not get this trait.

Actually, an Owl may be better at it because their vision puts ours to shame, so whose to say they aren’t capable of seeing what others aren’t?

True. They do have incredible sight. I was thinking very basic senses. Overall though, I like the idea.

80 Human Ranger
Crystal Desert
Rough Trade [RTGC]

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I don’t know if this will ever be implemented, but I like the idea of it. We are rangers after all – masters of hunting prey. And our pets are animals that hunt. I don’t think every pet should get the ability to do this, but a select few make sense. Drakehounds for example are bred to sniff out prey. Pets that would rely on sight for hunting, like an owl, would obviously not get this trait.

Actually, an Owl may be better at it because their vision puts ours to shame, so whose to say they aren’t capable of seeing what others aren’t?

True. They do have incredible sight. I was thinking very basic senses. Overall though, I like the idea.

They could also slip in the whole “Well these owls are different from our owls” sort of thing, seeing as how they are able to freeze people with their claws. They could do the same with other animals cough cough water breathing bears and cats xD cough.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Esrever.8613


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

I do pathetic damage to a thief compared to my pet if Im spec to actually survive an encounter. Please do tell how Im going to kill them in stealth when my gs swings does 800 damage per cut while they can be anywhere. Also do tell of how a thief is going to be standing still getting smacked by a tooth pick until he dies?

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

I do pathetic damage to a thief compared to my pet if Im spec to actually survive an encounter. Please do tell how Im going to kill them in stealth when my gs swings does 800 damage per cut while they can be anywhere. Also do tell of how a thief is going to be standing still getting smacked by a tooth pick until he dies?

Every 3rd attack you evade, as long as you hit a target your #1 skill moves over to the next skill, smash the #1 skill until they come out a lot of thieves will either hold back trying to wait for your evade to end, or they’ll try to jump in and back stab you ASAP so they don’t miss their window. Both of these options hinder them because it gives you the chance to evade their backstab or to hold back for to long and miss their stealth all together.

and 800 damage per hit is a lot to a thief, they have the LOWEST health in the game, if they’re a glass cannon there’s going to be no way they’re going to even want to deal with an auto attack especially after they waste their heal to get into stealth.

It’s very easy to find a thieves general location with a great sword, just swing your sword around like an idiot and keep moving around in circles as long as your auto attack keeps moving forward.

EDIT: Just throwing this in there, projectiles (when they don’t pierce) will stick into mid air when you collide with the target.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Esrever.8613


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

I do pathetic damage to a thief compared to my pet if Im spec to actually survive an encounter. Please do tell how Im going to kill them in stealth when my gs swings does 800 damage per cut while they can be anywhere. Also do tell of how a thief is going to be standing still getting smacked by a tooth pick until he dies?

Every 3rd attack you evade, as long as you hit a target your #1 skill moves over to the next skill, smash the #1 skill until they come out a lot of thieves will either hold back trying to wait for your evade to end, or they’ll try to jump in and back stab you ASAP so they don’t miss their window. Both of these options hinder them because it gives you the chance to evade their backstab or to hold back for to long and miss their stealth all together.

and 800 damage per hit is a lot to a thief, they have the LOWEST health in the game, if they’re a glass cannon there’s going to be no way they’re going to even want to deal with an auto attack especially after they waste their heal to get into stealth.

It’s very easy to find a thieves general location with a great sword, just swing your sword around like an idiot and keep moving around in circles as long as your auto attack keeps moving forward.

EDIT: Just throwing this in there, projectiles (when they don’t pierce) will stick into mid air when you collide with the target.

Easier said then done. I do 800. They do 3k. They have 15k health, I have 20k. What does that mean? I die before they do.

Thiefs can evade with their attacks too when they aren’t cloaked and since they do more damage, they will win. I don’t get to time my attacks either since they can blind me whenever.

and there is noway to consistently hit with projectiles when you are fighting someone who keeps cloaking.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

I do pathetic damage to a thief compared to my pet if Im spec to actually survive an encounter. Please do tell how Im going to kill them in stealth when my gs swings does 800 damage per cut while they can be anywhere. Also do tell of how a thief is going to be standing still getting smacked by a tooth pick until he dies?

Every 3rd attack you evade, as long as you hit a target your #1 skill moves over to the next skill, smash the #1 skill until they come out a lot of thieves will either hold back trying to wait for your evade to end, or they’ll try to jump in and back stab you ASAP so they don’t miss their window. Both of these options hinder them because it gives you the chance to evade their backstab or to hold back for to long and miss their stealth all together.

and 800 damage per hit is a lot to a thief, they have the LOWEST health in the game, if they’re a glass cannon there’s going to be no way they’re going to even want to deal with an auto attack especially after they waste their heal to get into stealth.

It’s very easy to find a thieves general location with a great sword, just swing your sword around like an idiot and keep moving around in circles as long as your auto attack keeps moving forward.

EDIT: Just throwing this in there, projectiles (when they don’t pierce) will stick into mid air when you collide with the target.

Easier said then done. I do 800. They do 3k. They have 15k health, I have 20k. What does that mean? I die before they do.

Thiefs can evade with their attacks too when they aren’t cloaked and since they do more damage, they will win. I don’t get to time my attacks either since they can blind me whenever.

and there is noway to consistently hit with projectiles when you are fighting someone who keeps cloaking.

How much armor do you have that causes you to get hit for 3k? on anything OTHER than their backstab? they don’t hit -that- hard, and a thief can only evade with their #3 if they’re a d/d. And when they aren’t cloaked -you- should deal more damage, because you have both you and your pet mauling them.

PS: It’s not that hard to his a thief with a projectile while they’re stealthed, you just hurl your projectiles in the general direction they stealthed in, if they change direction you’ll know because the projectiles are traveling further.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

The problem is PREDICTING where they’ll come at you from. Unless you throw down nothing but traps at your feet, you’ll be a sitting duck. Especially considering most people keep Zephr and Signet of the Hunt on, meaning just 1 trap to use (most likely flame or spike). That isn’t going to save you while it’s on cooldown.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Esrever.8613


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

I do pathetic damage to a thief compared to my pet if Im spec to actually survive an encounter. Please do tell how Im going to kill them in stealth when my gs swings does 800 damage per cut while they can be anywhere. Also do tell of how a thief is going to be standing still getting smacked by a tooth pick until he dies?

Every 3rd attack you evade, as long as you hit a target your #1 skill moves over to the next skill, smash the #1 skill until they come out a lot of thieves will either hold back trying to wait for your evade to end, or they’ll try to jump in and back stab you ASAP so they don’t miss their window. Both of these options hinder them because it gives you the chance to evade their backstab or to hold back for to long and miss their stealth all together.

and 800 damage per hit is a lot to a thief, they have the LOWEST health in the game, if they’re a glass cannon there’s going to be no way they’re going to even want to deal with an auto attack especially after they waste their heal to get into stealth.

It’s very easy to find a thieves general location with a great sword, just swing your sword around like an idiot and keep moving around in circles as long as your auto attack keeps moving forward.

EDIT: Just throwing this in there, projectiles (when they don’t pierce) will stick into mid air when you collide with the target.

Easier said then done. I do 800. They do 3k. They have 15k health, I have 20k. What does that mean? I die before they do.

Thiefs can evade with their attacks too when they aren’t cloaked and since they do more damage, they will win. I don’t get to time my attacks either since they can blind me whenever.

and there is noway to consistently hit with projectiles when you are fighting someone who keeps cloaking.

How much armor do you have that causes you to get hit for 3k? on anything OTHER than their backstab? they don’t hit -that- hard, and a thief can only evade with their #3 if they’re a d/d. And when they aren’t cloaked -you- should deal more damage, because you have both you and your pet mauling them.

PS: It’s not that hard to his a thief with a projectile while they’re stealthed, you just hurl your projectiles in the general direction they stealthed in, if they change direction you’ll know because the projectiles are traveling further.

I have 2.5k armor, which is decent but not full tank. Each heartseaker can do 2k damage and BS can do 8-9k on a decently glassy thief. The numbers are a bit exagerated but they do more dps than me.

Anyways d/d thiefs aren’t problems which this thread was made for. 99% of them are horribad and can’t kill me because they like to smack into my counter attack and let me burst them afterward.

The problem is a thief with condition and evade and cloak. The pet is useless and your damage alone is just pathetic. The only decent weapon is the sword and I really do not like the style of it. And even if you use the sword you won’t win since they do more dps.

If by projectiles you mean targeted AOE, then its 50/50, if you mean by auto attack on a bow, I don’t know how thats even going to go remotely in the right direction.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


right now it impossible to fight a thief with 60% cloak uptime. the pet is useless and you can barely hit them. Even if you get a good burst going, you will never kill them. Best it will end is a draw if you are full speced into healing and tank and condition removal. Its just stupid.

They can be hit while they’re in stealth… the sooner you realize this the easier thieves become to take down.

I do pathetic damage to a thief compared to my pet if Im spec to actually survive an encounter. Please do tell how Im going to kill them in stealth when my gs swings does 800 damage per cut while they can be anywhere. Also do tell of how a thief is going to be standing still getting smacked by a tooth pick until he dies?

Every 3rd attack you evade, as long as you hit a target your #1 skill moves over to the next skill, smash the #1 skill until they come out a lot of thieves will either hold back trying to wait for your evade to end, or they’ll try to jump in and back stab you ASAP so they don’t miss their window. Both of these options hinder them because it gives you the chance to evade their backstab or to hold back for to long and miss their stealth all together.

and 800 damage per hit is a lot to a thief, they have the LOWEST health in the game, if they’re a glass cannon there’s going to be no way they’re going to even want to deal with an auto attack especially after they waste their heal to get into stealth.

It’s very easy to find a thieves general location with a great sword, just swing your sword around like an idiot and keep moving around in circles as long as your auto attack keeps moving forward.

EDIT: Just throwing this in there, projectiles (when they don’t pierce) will stick into mid air when you collide with the target.

Easier said then done. I do 800. They do 3k. They have 15k health, I have 20k. What does that mean? I die before they do.

Thiefs can evade with their attacks too when they aren’t cloaked and since they do more damage, they will win. I don’t get to time my attacks either since they can blind me whenever.

and there is noway to consistently hit with projectiles when you are fighting someone who keeps cloaking.

How much armor do you have that causes you to get hit for 3k? on anything OTHER than their backstab? they don’t hit -that- hard, and a thief can only evade with their #3 if they’re a d/d. And when they aren’t cloaked -you- should deal more damage, because you have both you and your pet mauling them.

PS: It’s not that hard to his a thief with a projectile while they’re stealthed, you just hurl your projectiles in the general direction they stealthed in, if they change direction you’ll know because the projectiles are traveling further.

I have 2.5k armor, which is decent but not full tank. Each heartseaker can do 2k damage and BS can do 8-9k on a decently glassy thief. The numbers are a bit exagerated but they do more dps than me.

Anyways d/d thiefs aren’t problems which this thread was made for. 99% of them are horribad and can’t kill me because they like to smack into my counter attack and let me burst them afterward.

The problem is a thief with condition and evade and cloak. The pet is useless and your damage alone is just pathetic. The only decent weapon is the sword and I really do not like the style of it. And even if you use the sword you won’t win since they do more dps.

If by projectiles you mean targeted AOE, then its 50/50, if you mean by auto attack on a bow, I don’t know how thats even going to go remotely in the right direction.

actually was talking about auto attack on a bow, it works best with a short bow because of how much faster it shoots, just spray and pray as you keyboard turn (well at that speed) if the arrows vanish before they go really far in the distance, he’s right there, if they are flying really far out he’s going the other direction, if you’re fighting on a point in sPvP make sure you get your back on a wall so he can’t hit you for 2x damage.

As for the condi thieves, THOSE are what the good thieves tend to use, which is what makes them harder to deal with for many reasons, 1) they can dot you up and bail, 2) they evade a lot while you -can- see them, which is really annoying. -My- build can take them fairly easily because i’m built to outlast and thus can slowly whittle them away and remove my conditions fairly easily (mostly because they only stack bleeding). However, the major flaw with the condi thieves (at least so i’ve noticed) is that they run out of initiative faster, and then they can’t run away or evade, leaving them very vulnerable.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Leuca.5732


The problem is not that pets do not detect stealthed enemies; the problem is their pathing and occasional huge delays on acquiring targets again. The most recent buff to pet AI was really a pathetic attempt considering you can still kite most pets in a circle without any movement buffs. Your pet will also waste its F2 if it’s set to use it on a foe that later stealths, forcing you to call your pet back to you to interrupt the casting.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


As a thief, I support the idea that ranger pets should be able to “sniff out” stealthed players. Definitely not constantly, but a trait or a utility skill that allowed certain pets to do it would be great.

It would definitely give rangers a good use in WvW

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Elthuzar.9478


If there was a survival skill on a 60 second cooldown (Like Sick ‘Em) that let the pet sniff out stealth I think it would give rangers some much needed love. Or maybe Sick’Em could have a trait associated with it that grants the pet the ability to reveal nearby stealthers.

The Painted Norn of [WILD]We Intercept Lost Dolyaks

(edited by Elthuzar.9478)

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarosna.6708


as much as I wanted this feature implemented haha. I’m afraid this will make all the thieves out there qq and rage quit the game. Yup, I’m serious XD

Do we really need that many Thieves in the game to begin with? Thief was fun and acrobatic when I played it but I just couldn’t stand playing the FotM. Ranger is supposed to be an outdoor survivalist…did they suddenly loose their ability to track…anything?

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


as much as I wanted this feature implemented haha. I’m afraid this will make all the thieves out there qq and rage quit the game. Yup, I’m serious XD

Do we really need that many Thieves in the game to begin with? Thief was fun and acrobatic when I played it but I just couldn’t stand playing the FotM. Ranger is supposed to be an outdoor survivalist…did they suddenly loose their ability to track…anything?

WoW Hunters were trackers. Literally. They could actually see humanoids and beasts on their minimap, depending on which tracking skill you had activated.

GW2 Rangers can’t track anything. We’re not trackers. We’re gimped archers with pets dragged from the special animal olympics.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Banjal.7328


With A-nets Pet AI no thanx.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I’d say just make it a slot skill you can use that gives you a boon that lets you ‘see’ things in stealth as if you had the senses of your pets for 30 seconds. It’d also let you ‘mark’ them. The screen would stay the same, but stealthed enemies would appear transparent, letting you know they’re stealthed. The ‘mark’ would work whenever you hit an enemy who is stealthed. Hitting them will force the reveal status onto them instantly. It’d make rangers viable in all forms of PvP, and it’d create a counterbalance for anything that can stealth.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I’d say just make it a slot skill you can use that gives you a boon that lets you ‘see’ things in stealth as if you had the senses of your pets for 30 seconds. It’d also let you ‘mark’ them. The screen would stay the same, but stealthed enemies would appear transparent, letting you know they’re stealthed. The ‘mark’ would work whenever you hit an enemy who is stealthed. Hitting them will force the reveal status onto them instantly. It’d make rangers viable in all forms of PvP, and it’d create a counterbalance for anything that can stealth.

This would be an excellent way to finally have a hard counter against stealth.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I and a mesmer had some fun dueling in WvW against a thief and an engineer for some hours, in the beginning they would beat us more than not in 2v2, then we did 1v1 duels for a long time and I won all against the engineer and most against the thief at beginning I used both a 30/20/0/0/20 build for signet immunity and a more defensive 0/10/30/0/30 not sure exactly what he was running first but he did use a full burst dps spec in the end and that is practically unbeatable for a ranger unless you get lucky because he could literally one shot me with some 1800-1900 toughness from stealth only chance is to either time him with signet immunity or dodge exactly at the right time and then burst him back with petswap quickness and 1hsword + dagger evading I found.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Stormdancer.4972


Yeah, I put a post about this up in Suggestions, a little while ago. Because it’s a suggestion.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarosna.6708


as much as I wanted this feature implemented haha. I’m afraid this will make all the thieves out there qq and rage quit the game. Yup, I’m serious XD

Do we really need that many Thieves in the game to begin with? Thief was fun and acrobatic when I played it but I just couldn’t stand playing the FotM. Ranger is supposed to be an outdoor survivalist…did they suddenly loose their ability to track…anything?

WoW Hunters were trackers. Literally. They could actually see humanoids and beasts on their minimap, depending on which tracking skill you had activated.

GW2 Rangers can’t track anything. We’re not trackers. We’re gimped archers with pets dragged from the special animal olympics.

Exactly. I played mostly Hunter and Feral and the ability to track people was in no way OP. Tactical advantage perhaps but you still needed a brain and some skill to win. And hunters were the only ones who could track hidden. Rogues could still sap you a mile away though. And WoW rogues rely on PERMA stealth.

Imagine the added gameplay element if you have Rangers in PvP calling incomings on Thieves…

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Tracking would be awesome too. At least it gives Rangers something unique and effective. And as I remember from playing my Hunter in WoW it was nowhere near OP against the Rogue who was invisible all the time.

But we’ll never get it as a tracking ability would make a lot of (bandwagon) Thief players scream like the world was ending because they’d lose their godmode.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Tracking would be awesome too. At least it gives Rangers something unique and effective. And as I remember from playing my Hunter in WoW it was nowhere near OP against the Rogue who was invisible all the time.

But we’ll never get it as a tracking ability would make a lot of (bandwagon) Thief players scream like the world was ending because they’d lose their godmode.

Gods forbid they would actually have to think about what they’re doing during combat.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sifu.6527


I think pets need this. They are so useless against anything that cloaks. Even the AIs.

Maybe make it a trait or something.

Yeah! They should also give thieves a skill called 1-800 Animal Control which takes away Ranger’s pet for 5 mins.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

great idea and if this isn’t included in later patches i will be a sad face

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Yeah! They should also give thieves a skill called 1-800 Animal Control which takes away Ranger’s pet for 5 mins.

No, they don’t.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: Esrever.8613


Tracking would be awesome too. At least it gives Rangers something unique and effective. And as I remember from playing my Hunter in WoW it was nowhere near OP against the Rogue who was invisible all the time.

But we’ll never get it as a tracking ability would make a lot of (bandwagon) Thief players scream like the world was ending because they’d lose their godmode.

Gods forbid they would actually have to think about what they’re doing during combat.

Them not thinking actually makes killing them possible.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht