Medium armors are terrible. :(
They aren’t terrible, they just aren’t quite diverse enough.
They are terrible. They should’ve made a wide range of class armors sets, changing them out as you level up. Something for a specific class instead of a specific race. It would’ve made the skins more diverse when you got a ranger that actually looks like a ranger, a thief that actually looks like a thief and an engineer that actually looks like an engineer instead of all looking the same when wearing the same armor type.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
I have a great idea for a whole new line of medium armor. It will be based around trench coats and bandit masks.
I agree. More variety would be nice. Specifically some coats without tails, maybe a few a bit tighter, more options showing skin, and perhaps some vest-type thingies? My human ranger would like that. He’s a bit of a tease
If you played the original gw, earnt your points for the hom and linked your accounts, there is an easy way to improve the look of the starter medium gear ^^
If not… it takes a long time before you are able to dress in a way that suits you more.. but then (high level) there are indeed a few armors that are no coats, masks etc..
(edited by Navi.7142)
Myself was finally able to dress my female norn ranger how I want her to look like. But guess.. she is lvl 80.. and a norn which makes it impossible to get the skirt she is wearing (cultural armor), her chest piece is doable as soon as you have enough gold (~1-2g).
Why does the medium armor mask always have to be a bandit mask. Why can’t I have a leather hood. Or even a leather helm.
Why does the medium armor mask always have to be a bandit mask. Why can’t I have a leather hood. Or even a leather helm.
You can… idk WHAT armor set it is that has it, but i know there is one because i’ve seen people in one, i personally wear a full set of the Karma Armor (i was going for a sort of magey look, and priory wasn’t that cool imo), and then you can go with the creepy kitten mask thing my friends thief wears, it kinda reminds me of the mask from dishonored, i can let you know what it’s called next time i talk to him…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
The Order of Whispers medium armor set uses a hood as it’s headgear.
I’m currently running around in a full TA armor set with the Whispers hood, looks pretty nifty but there are some clipping issues with the hood and collar.
(And you can always go to the Mists PvP lockers to preview every armor set in game.)
I just started my adventure with GW2 and made human ranger female. After playing many games ( mmos mostly) I must admit that medium armors are simply terrible. Im aware not everyone like short skimpy outfits but kitten pls add some more skins/armors. Ive checked and there are maybe 2 relatively good looking armors. Rest of them are short/long coats. (
Oh my! I could not agree with you more !!
I have been complaining about this since game launch. Have a look here:
These images are the best examples on how not to design game armour. Some these are simply horrid …
You just need to search better. For not bandit mask helmets: thiefs starting ones (I have hood on my ranger), duelist set helmet, whispers set helmet. Those are ones I remember right now, I’m sure there are more.
I play male, so I like HoM set and duelist set (from not-coat ones), for female human T3 is also great. Ofc mixing set parts helps a lot.
Im glad Im not the only one that dislike current armors. Tbh they look pretty sexy on male rangers ( im woman ) but female looks like homeless wearing w/e she can get :P
Is there a chance for any changes/ adding new skins? Since I prefer to play well- looking characters I might reroll to ele ( almost every single armor looks nice ;( )
I just started my adventure with GW2 and made human ranger female.
You just started. The armor choices for low levels are all crap. I’ve played light, med, & heavy….all crap until you get into the 40’s. Of course the best stuff is at 80. I recommend you pick up Leatherworking to craft some armors. They generally have better armor skins than the loot drops. I’ve never leveled LW or Armor, but I know tailoring does.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
more variety would be nice. I’ve looked the same from 1-55(ish), then I finally got an interesting hat from one of the story quests.
Level 30 Human Guardian
I just started my adventure with GW2 and made human ranger female.
You just started. The armor choices for low levels are all crap. I’ve played light, med, & heavy….all crap until you get into the 40’s. Of course the best stuff is at 80. I recommend you pick up Leatherworking to craft some armors. They generally have better armor skins than the loot drops. I’ve never leveled LW or Armor, but I know tailoring does.
I have already checked gw database before posting. Looked throu crafted, dungeon, karma and pvp armors and the conclusion is above. WTB more variaty pls;)
Actually the most lame are the heavy,some of them are like tins and so not brutal,just see the starting gear in pvp for a Guardian and a Ranger,Ranger got a mask,long coat and almost i cant smell the leather.
Guardians are like 2nd rated soldiers that die first in movies,the dumb ones that charged first..
Medium are totally awesome,it was one of the reason why i choose to be a Ranger.
Sword and ranged dmg was the other……(sigh)
I have the Vigil set + duelist shoulders on my Sylvari male and it looks OK… apart from the fact the designers in their infinite wisdom decided to make everything skirt-like below the waist ‘hover’ on the race like Sylvari have anti-gravity hips.
So, with medium having precisely 0 options beyond starter gear without some kind of skirt no matter what you equip you look like you’re wearing an 18th century dress.
Edit to add: I’ve nothing against skirts per se, and anyone who thinks they are entirely feminine can take it up with a Scottish Highlander or Spartan warrior. It’s just the exact same gear looks annoyingly good on a human male because it hangs properly. Seeing as humans and Sylvari males aren’t so different in physique, why the dramatic difference in physics?
(edited by Faze.6948)
Now i like my look its neat
Server: Piken Square
I have the Vigil set + duelist shoulders on my Sylvari male and it looks OK… apart from the fact the designers in their infinite wisdom decided to make everything skirt-like below the waist ‘hover’ on the race like Sylvari have anti-gravity hips.
So, with medium having precisely 0 options beyond starter gear without some kind of skirt no matter what you equip you look like you’re wearing an 18th century dress.Edit to add: I’ve nothing against skirts per se, and anyone who thinks they are entirely feminine can take it up with a Scottish Highlander or Spartan warrior. It’s just the exact same gear looks annoyingly good on a human male because it hangs properly. Seeing as humans and Sylvari males aren’t so different in physique, why the dramatic difference in physics?
i couldn’t agree more…
Join the Rainbow Pride
I just started my adventure with GW2 and made human ranger female. After playing many games ( mmos mostly) I must admit that medium armors are simply terrible. Im aware not everyone like short skimpy outfits but kitten pls add some more skins/armors. Ive checked and there are maybe 2 relatively good looking armors. Rest of them are short/long coats. (
Last thing the game needs is more sexist armor (at least for the “humans” – norn, humans & sylvari). There’s plenty to choose from already. In fact, most of the longcoats annoyingly show off lots of cleavage or otherwise have lots of little strategic cutouts.
Admittedly, they are not as bad as human medium tier3 – which is pretty much certified trampwear. But if all the longcoats were fixed not to have these cutouts, sure, I’ll get behind more skimpy crap.
They are terrible. They should’ve made a wide range of class armors sets, changing them out as you level up. Something for a specific class instead of a specific race. It would’ve made the skins more diverse when you got a ranger that actually looks like a ranger, a thief that actually looks like a thief and an engineer that actually looks like an engineer instead of all looking the same when wearing the same armor type.
I think that’s asking for too much.
But it would be awesome
My set. I wouldn’t say it’s ugly
How did you get the Thief hood to transmute or are you a Thief? Because strictly speaking, I rolled a second Thief just to get the hood to transmute for my Ranger but it won’t work, original hood is soul bound and you can not transmute something that is soul bound to another character, and transmuting it soul binds it as well.
My set. I wouldn’t say it’s ugly
How did you get the Thief hood to transmute or are you a Thief? Because strictly speaking, I rolled a second Thief just to get the hood to transmute for my Ranger but it won’t work, original hood is soul bound and you can not transmute something that is soul bound to another character, and transmuting it soul binds it as well.
Well try transmuting the thief hood too a blue helm on ur thief, low lvl helm so its cheap, then put it in bank go on ranger, pull it out and transmute it to ur helm. Thats how I did it for my ranger. Should work.
Yeah, the options available to medium armors, particularly female, are slim-none. Almost every set is the same basic trenchcoat + pants option (not counting cultural armors).
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
In GW2, there are 48 medium armor sets, and they turn out a list like this:
17% (14% for males) Non-coated = 8 (7 for Males)
83% (86% for males) Long Coats, Trench Coats, or Dusters = 40 (41 for Males)
note * Asura and Charr use Male armor skins for their female sets, and the difference between Male and Female is the PvP duelist, which is a skin-tight leather for the ladies, and a coat for the guys.
This is just A-net’s artists bouncing back from GW1, where medium armor had 57 total sets, and worked like this:
95% (89% for Males) Non-coated = 54 (Males = 51)
5% (11% for males) Long Coats, Trench Coats, or Dusters = 3 (Males = 6)
They tend to do all of one or the other, not a balance between the two. This is evident in the Cloth armor too. GW1 was nearly void of Robes, while GW2 is absolutely full of them. And in plate, where full body coverage was rare in GW1, and common in GW2.
In GW1 you asked for more of the types of armor you see in GW2. Now that you’ve got it, you want more of the stuff you wanted less of in the first place, ‘cause it’s rare now.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
The Acalonian Catacombs Leather set looks really good.
Why do medium users get forced into Arena nets obsession with trench coats all the way through the game…
Time for an over haul guys, its not fun…
I recently transmuted my exotic coat to the cultural human tier 1 Scout’s Coat (NO TAILS!) – one of very few (2 afaik, perhaps 3) without tails/trenchcoat. I have already gotten 2 random comments on my male ranger’s hind quarters
It’s a shame. It’s been there the whole time and you’d never know it.
The female human cultural medium armor is probably the skimpiest armor I’ve ever seen in a major MMO. I really think they’ve got something for everyone in each armor type. Personally, I like the Twilight Arbor Medium set.
I’m working on getting the full set.
Sylvari cultural armor is a joke, especially for females. Which leaves much to be desired when looking for a decent medium armor set.
There just needs to be more diversity in the armor designs…
The one set I have found and taken quite a liking to is the Falconer’s set (tier 2 human) with an Anonymity Hood, and Trooper’s Shoulder Guards; Sleek, form fitting, and looks nice.
I love my sylvari T3 cultural set. I just don’t like how the chest glitches with the pants ):
I love my sylvari T3 cultural set. I just don’t like how the chest glitches with the pants ):
Whats sword is that?
I don’t mind greatcoats and dislike skimpy armour – my GW1 female ranger settled on the monument set. But I’d agree here’s just too many coats overall and some more diversity would be good. More tunics, more tops. Just a few different shapes.
I dislike most medium armor. Tier 3 Norn medium seems like a light armor, was hoping for a kitten, fur-trimmed mixture of tiers 1 and 2 with more steel.
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool
It seems to me that the designers spent a lot of time on making a wide variety of nice looking cloth/light armors, and then just stopped caring when they started working on the medium and heavy armors.
That’s not to say that all the medium armor looks terrible, but there are definitely a ton of very similar looking pieces and very few that make me say “Wow, I want that!”
I had some nice looking armor before I hit 80 and started getting my exotic wear. Everything is this stupid short skirted coat with short sleeves. Gack, so ugly. But, it’s what I roll with. There isn’t anything better, and I dislike the idea of buying armor just for a different look (no change in stats). Seems a waste of gold, which is in short supply anyway.
My husband mains a human female ranger, I have a charr male ranger, one thing we both utterly despise about medium armor is…wait for it..BUTTFLAPS. Almost every single piece of medium armor has to have some gaudy buttflap-like cape that drapes over the legs. Sure in GW1 buttflaps were pretty common, but they weren’t the only thing you had available. I think out of every armor set for medium armor, there are 3 chest pieces that don’t have buttflaps. In comparison, that is a lot of buttflaps.
The female human cultural medium armor is probably the skimpiest armor I’ve ever seen in a major MMO.
Meet Tera
The female human cultural medium armor is probably the skimpiest armor I’ve ever seen in a major MMO.
Meet Tera
Very nice. What game is that?
I really wish there was a medium armor set that looked like the attached image (red and black set). I saw an NPC with it and she was holding a bow, which made me believe medium armor since the texture looked like leather.
But yes, the only good medium armor sets are (not including racial) :
-Order of the Whisper
-Twilight Arbor
This is a link of the leather armor sets in GW1. I don’t know what happened, the GW1 armor sets were cute!
Is there a way to ge the whisper armor if you’re in one of the other orders?
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
i think you can – because i’m in the order of whisper and yet i can enter the vigil hq and view the armors. although i’m not sure about the prerequisite.
note: i have 3 characters and each one is on a different order and completed the storyline.
i think you can – because i’m in the order of whisper and yet i can enter the vigil hq and view the armors. although i’m not sure about the prerequisite.
note: i have 3 characters and each one is on a different order and completed the storyline.
As long as you get to the part where you arrive in fort trinity you can go to all of the orders and i believe you can purchase their armors at that point…
PS: You can go into the HQ for the orders at ANY point in time, but you can’t really do anything there until later…
OT: I rock my Temple Armor minus the hat, freaking love that set!! best way to spend my karma ever!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
The medium armor sets for female armors are absolutely terrible. The cultural armor set is not bad but the boob sticking out of the bottom of the shirt is just kind of silly.
Good looking gear is spastic and typically clipping with a fair deal of other stuff.
I’ve found two~ good setups for medium armor, but that’s out of the dozens and dozens of armor sets released… that’s a terrible ratio for gear… ESPECIALLY when they are the only reward… other games can get away with it since they had stats tagged on or the PvP was really enjoyable in and of itself, but not GW2…
I have also chosen the thief-like look for my ranger , it is one of the few good looking ones .