Melee Ranger World vs World Video

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Pain Inverter Volume 1

First video, going to try and do more.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Keetz.1350


I liked it. I have a couple of questions.

1. Is there a specific reason you use the axe with the torch instead of the sword? Bonfire + Hornet Sting gives a fire damage shield if I remember correctly?

2. What sigil is providing the proc that has the earth shards shooting up from the ground?

3. What’s your current build?

4. How important is Pain Inverter to your overall success? 5 seconds of Retailiation and Confusion on a 30 second timer is pretty nice.

5. What gear type do you run with (Power/Precision/Toughness, etc…) and what runes do you use in them?

I think that’s all the questions I have for now. Nice video, I enjoyed watching it!

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


1. So I have a “Snare” on each weapon set. Second reason is so I have both dodges on 1 weapon set for “Oh kitten” moments. Hornet sting I usually end up using just for evading back and not for really charging forward as well.

2. Superior Sigil of Geomancy, applies a PBAE bleed everytime you weapon swap..Adds up very quickly.


I use the new Apothecary Armor in this video. 1900+ Toughness, 1300+ Healing Power, 1200+ Condition Damage

4. It’s a large amount of Burst, Some people I don’t need it on… Thieves though melt pretty hard with it.. if I didn’t have it i’d probably just using Sharpening Stone though. More Bleeds the merrier.

5. Apothecary (Healing Power/Toughness/Condition Damage), Undead Rune.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


4. How important is Pain Inverter to your overall success? 5 seconds of Retailiation and Confusion on a 30 second timer is pretty nice.

From the video itself you can notice it was used almost on every single fight and the enemy didn’t even notice they killed themselfs most of the time.

The build seems decent tho, but relies too much on pain inverter which it’s not available for everyone and certainly doesn’t work vs everyone. It’s good to see someone actually using well the sword.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


That was a fun watch, makes me think I am doing it the hard way with LB/SB lol

Look forward to more!

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Keetz.1350


Thanks for the responses. That helps a lot. Keep up the good work!

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


That was a fun watch, makes me think I am doing it the hard way with LB/SB lol

Look forward to more!

I actually enjoyed your video, Because you used Longbow very effectively in it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Hadrians.4567


Good Video^^ and shows how awesome Pain Inverter is

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Awesome choice of music. Love Prodigy and SOAD.
Enjoyed the vid however it illustrates how imbalanced the Pain Inverter racial is compared to pretty much every other lackluster racial skill.
The evade build is such a troll build, IMHO a death blossom thief always does it better
I’d like to see how you fare against a good necro or mesmer. What is your passive condition removal?

EDIT: I also noticed you switched your heal from Troll Unguent to Heal as One after a little bit of the video. Do you bounce between them or generally stick with HaO?

(edited by Maniac.5163)

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: blurps.2340


If you’re an Asura Engineer, you even get an AoE version of Pain Inverter as the toolbelt skill of Technobabble.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Awesome choice of music. Love Prodigy and SOAD.
Enjoyed the vid however it illustrates how imbalanced the Pain Inverter racial is compared to pretty much every other lackluster racial skill.
The evade build is such a troll build, IMHO a death blossom thief always does it better
I’d like to see how you fare against a good necro or mesmer. What is your passive condition removal?

EDIT: I also noticed you switched your heal from Troll Unguent to Heal as One after a little bit of the video. Do you bounce between them or generally stick with HaO?

I actually crap on Necro’s pretty badly…..Most seem to think “He’ll throw your conditions back on ya” but that ability has a long cooldown….Empathic Bond on my pet goes off every 10 seconds….So long as i’m next to my pet fighting.. conditions aren’t so bad… Then you factor in i’m running 2 Health Regens + Plus the 3rd one that pops when I reach 75%…

I switched to test it out…This was my 3rd run as this build and I decided to see how well that heal did..I’d already done Healing Spring (I like it.. but it’s kind of prohibitive)

HAO is healing for I think 7700 with this build..which is actually pretty nice.

As for Mesmer, it’s hit and miss….Some Mesmer’s i just absolutely take a dump on..Some Mesmer’s give me a run for my money.. and some will beat me, but it’s like us both downing one another type win. I’ve never had one just absolutely crush me where i stood no chance.

Now a Solid Bunker Elementalist with Condition Removal would probably crap on me though.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


If you’re an Asura Engineer, you even get an AoE version of Pain Inverter as the toolbelt skill of Technobabble.

Yea i know…Asura Engineer with a Build like mine would be amazing fun..I’d thought about leveling one but I thought..“Why bother..I already have that toon”

But ya..I think Asura Engineer would work great with a setup like this.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Now a Solid Bunker Elementalist with Condition Removal would probably crap on me though.

I think they do that to everyone.
Appreciate your replies, thanks for the video and info – you’re doing a great thing for all rangers by helping out. I’ve shared it with a lot of shocked rangers who had pretty much given up on the prof.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Now a Solid Bunker Elementalist with Condition Removal would probably crap on me though.

I think they do that to everyone.
Appreciate your replies, thanks for the video and info – you’re doing a great thing for all rangers by helping out. I’ve shared it with a lot of shocked rangers who had pretty much given up on the prof.

Inc Asura Ranger Rerolls rofl
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Confusion is nasty in this game ;o)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: masztipapa.7519


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Hes full condition dmg based, the dmg is normal! Actually confusion dmg is based on the target and not the caster, people tend to forget about it and spam like crazy killin themselves. A simple conditon removal or wait for the 5 seconds and its dmg is 0.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Hes full condition dmg based, the dmg is normal! Actually confusion dmg is based on the target and not the caster, people tend to forget about it and spam like crazy killin themselves. A simple conditon removal or wait for the 5 seconds and its dmg is 0.

Yeap…I played a Dominator in Rift as well, so I know the power of those abilities on spammers ;o)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


Xsorus check your PMs Sir….

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: matenji.3809


How viable is this build in open pve and dungeons? Thanks for your reply.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Irie.7149


@matenji I use a very very very similar build to this for PvE and dungeons. (the traits are identical to the last o.O tho the weapons and their sigils vary.). And I do pretty well I would like to say. Very survivable for sure.

Have yet to brave myself to try this in WvW tho, lol. From this video, looks pretty good. Thanks for the inspiration Xsorus.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


How viable is this build in open pve and dungeons? Thanks for your reply.

Open PVE it runs just fine… You’ll murder stacks of mobs quite easily with it

Only thing I change in Dungeons is Vigor on Heal (Soften the Fall) and using Healing Spring Instead.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’m currently working on getting video’s for Volume 2 of this.

I’ve managed to get just 4 so far…

I’m either getting Zerged down (happens more often) or someone on my side Aj’s my fights (which annoys the piss out of me)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Hes full condition dmg based, the dmg is normal! Actually confusion dmg is based on the target and not the caster, people tend to forget about it and spam like crazy killin themselves. A simple conditon removal or wait for the 5 seconds and its dmg is 0.

Yea, but no one is going to expect 3 stacks of confusion and retaliation from a ranger, especially since this is something that can only happen in WvW.

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Dallason.7859


This vid is awesome!
Why don’t people use these weapon sets more often is beyond me.

Have you tried it in s/tpvp at all?

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Everytime i watch these sorts of videos i sit there and go “Zomg! why does their pet do so much more dmg then mine!?!” then i remember, i’m using a drake, and they only auto attack… god i wish they fix my drake pets ASAP!! i want to use my giant lizards but they’re so broken =(

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Zox.5964


A pity I can’t use pain-inverter as I am a Charr

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: ski.4927


I wish this thread wouldn’t have been called “melee Ranger WvW” but instead “Asura WvW”. While the OP playsa a similar set-up to me, I am a Norn. All of the quick kills and pure ownage in this video is from Pain inverter. There are a few times when a swift clean kill is not a result of Pain inverter, but of a clearly low level player.

No disrespect to the OP, I love it. It makes me want to go home, log in, and head out to WvW on my melee ranger. However, this video makes me sad that the strongest (and clearly OP) ability in your arsenal is an Asura racial….

Turkish Krul – Druid

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I wish this thread wouldn’t have been called “melee Ranger WvW” but instead “Asura WvW”. While the OP playsa a similar set-up to me, I am a Norn. All of the quick kills and pure ownage in this video is from Pain inverter. There are a few times when a swift clean kill is not a result of Pain inverter, but of a clearly low level player.

No disrespect to the OP, I love it. It makes me want to go home, log in, and head out to WvW on my melee ranger. However, this video makes me sad that the strongest (and clearly OP) ability in your arsenal is an Asura racial….

oh it clearly is the strongest ability in my arsenal. Hell it’s fly out better then pretty much everyone of the Ranger Abilities.

You looks at other Condition Based classes like Engineer/Necro/Mesmer and they don’t run it because they have far better abilities they can run. I mean you don’t even have to invest in the actual abilities in their line to make them “good”

Rangers on the other hand, if I want to use Traps, I’m forced into investing 30 points into Skirmish line..flat out..

Spirits are out of the question, Even if they didn’t suck, you’d be forced into the Nature Line

Pet Shouts are awful, I’m actually hoping they may improve them enough to take the place of Pain Inverter

Signets are about the only thing I could run otherwise….

As for Quick kills, I actually put out fairly quick damage even without pain inverter, the First and Second Fights are examples of that, They survive Pain Inverters initial hits, and then pop out of stealth only to have me burn them down extremely fast.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Hes full condition dmg based, the dmg is normal! Actually confusion dmg is based on the target and not the caster, people tend to forget about it and spam like crazy killin themselves. A simple conditon removal or wait for the 5 seconds and its dmg is 0.

Yea, but no one is going to expect 3 stacks of confusion and retaliation from a ranger, especially since this is something that can only happen in WvW.

Not only that, Who’s going to be watching for it as a ball of death is right in your face flipping around ;o)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Melee Ranger World vs World Video

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Yea, you’re a kitten good player and it shows in these videos, but the damage from Pain Inverter is just stupid, especially for a racial ability.

Hes full condition dmg based, the dmg is normal! Actually confusion dmg is based on the target and not the caster, people tend to forget about it and spam like crazy killin themselves. A simple conditon removal or wait for the 5 seconds and its dmg is 0.

Yea, but no one is going to expect 3 stacks of confusion and retaliation from a ranger, especially since this is something that can only happen in WvW.

Not only that, Who’s going to be watching for it as a ball of death is right in your face flipping around ;o)

You’d be surprised how many times people kill themselves after my Reef Drake puts 5stacks of confusion on them… a lot of people are to stupid to realize “Hey maybe i -shouldn’t- fight the greatsword ranger spinning to win infront of his drakes mouth…” when players learn this, melee range drakes wont be as worthwhile, but i don’t think they will =D.

PS: I’ve noticed that even my SYLVARI racials are better then our utilities… it’s pretty stupid…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna