Mighty Ranger (Dungeons/High level Fractals of the Mists)
My goal with this thread is to define the best general starting place for a ranger build in high level fractals as well as general PvE and dungeon encounters.
The premise of the build is that peak efficiency and damage are achieved with berserker stats. That means glass cannon so it must be played in a strongly positional manner. That is within reach of your ability and getting to that level is very rewarding. You must know the encounters, anticipate, and outmaneuver the enemies—evading at the right time and utilizing things like leap heals and blast finishers. This is meant for advanced gameplay.
Based on the huge, massive buff to Companion’s Might (adept trait, Skirmishing)
High precision, fortifying bond, sigil of strength, and companion’s might all work together to keep a ton of might on your pet (15 to 25 stacks might). Fortifying bond is essential because it allows the pet to get buffed regardless of the 5 person limit on aoe boons. Also, spirits form a key part of this build. They won’t let you down, I promise.
- The basic template
- Armor: Berserker
- Upgrade Slot: Can be ruby orbs, Superior Rune of the Ranger (6), or Superior Rune of the Scholar (6); If you cannot keep health about 90%, Scholar might not be better than rune of ranger. Of course, ruby orbs is the cost efficient option.
- Trinkets: Berserker
- Weapons: Sword / Torch and Axe / Axe (all berserker stats)
- Food: I show the soup but candy/ghost for 66% lifesteal is nice for durability with a zerker setup
You can bring longbow, shortbow, or greatsword, this particular load out is just my preference because of the access to reflection, pull, cleave, vulnerability, retaliation and weakness that dual axes offers. The offhands depend on how your group plans to blast might. For example, if you have an elementalist, you probably don’t need torch.
The sword will produce might on the pet, the torch still does good damage and allows the team to blast/leap for aura…besides, got to love the ‘Indiana Jones’ feel of the torch. The offhand axe is essential for pulls, reflects, and vulnerability stacking, and the mainhand axe allows the ranger to range.
- Heal: I almost always take Healing Spring unless I’m fighting large mobs that don’t use condition damage (krait/grawl/ascalon) but in general it’s to personal preference.
Healing Spring is probably the best option since you should be leaping and blasting it…so as a general utility heal, this is your best bet
Troll Unguent is safest bet for the ranger in mobs that don’t one shot…unless there’s conditions to clean. It’s very good against krait, for example.
Of course, heal as one for more rapid burst heals, making it better for bosses you tend to range/kite (Captain in ascalon or the archdiviner in cliffside) but I wouldn’t use it where you want aoe condition removal such as the legendary lmbued shaman.
Think on your feet! Be flexible! Work with your team! Don’t duplicate…diversify—like stocks.
- Elite: RaO or Spirit depending on fight
Trait Envelope
30 (steady focus, spotter) / 25 or 30 (companion’s might) / 0 or 5 / 10 or 15 (vigorous spirits) / 0
(fully buffed)
- greater than 100% critical chance due to precision stacks on sigil
- 118% crit dmg
- 4019 attack
- 16582 health
- 2030 armor
- Vigorous Spirits and spirits…yes you should use them. No, they won’t let you down. I wouldn’t lie to you—especially underwater. Sometimes you might want more condition removal or stun breaks so be flexible, yet I fall back on spirits for general encounters.
- As far as I know, spirits do not stack so it’s probably not advantageous to have multiple instances of spirits, assuming there’s more than one ranger in the party.
- If there is another party member providing protection, use a storm spirit for more DPS.
- In general, drakes and devourers are great general purpose dungeon pets. The drakes blast finish on tailswipe and the devourers just are survivors. If you can immobilize a single target, you can’t beat cats. If you need a tank, switch to bear and use “protect me” shout. Be flexible with pets; the ability to hotswap them for the right utilties needed in the next fight is a big advantage. What if you need crowd control? Dogs and spiders—again, be creative and have fun.
- If there’s more than one ranger in the party, try to diversify pets to fill any holes the party has. Missing fury? Red moa. Need more blasting? Slot another drake. Need more healing? Slot a pig or a fern hound.
(edited by Chopps.5047)