Most influential GW2 rangers
Without any doubt this guy is the best
Almost every good ranger has learned from him
My favorit ranger always was – Xsorus.
But he’s an ESO player now.
1) very innovative build crafter and a skillful player.
2)Upload videos to youtube.
Xsorus (aka Terravos) +1
Faux – in the same boat as xsorus, total kitten. Also brought in the once popular RRR build.
Bababu – pushed the boundaries for highest damage on ranger (not dps)
Chopps – I hated this guy, but he brought actual arguments to the forums without the “l2p noob” or “idiot-labelling”.
Sadly, I think most of these guys have left the game/profession. Nothing excites me in the ranger forums nowadays :<
Xorsus was stuck in the old bm meta and refused to play anything else to any notable degree. He was rude, arrogant and had more then a few snide remarks in his posts.
Chopps is studying, he got permabanned from these forums a long time ago. NA player, resides on desolation server in EU.
There is only 4 people id consider to be worth listening to;
These guys know’s what they are doing, are skilled, honest and innovative in their own right. A few heavily edited frag movies on YT shows nothing more then that; a player beating a horde of bads. Just look at all the Pr0 1-shot teef videos. or the uber leet solo lupi warriors.
Proof of skill is what you do ingame, not in a video with god knows how many cuts and edits. Even i can solo lupi, gonna take me 40+ attempts to get it perfect, but i could make 40 recordings post the one where i made it and “pretend to be a god”. Instead i play the game for real, i win some i lose some, but i never try to appear as if one lucky shot is how my usual gameplay is.
If you blatantly believe all the pr0 videos on YT you are just too gullable a person.
Most of you will and probably do hate my guts, good for you, keep hating, i’ll still be right. Doesn’t matter if i tell you to L2P in a nice way or right to your face, if it is an L2P issue, it is an L2P issue. No ore no less.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Maybe if I recorded more and wasn’t mic-shy :x
I think this is an issue accross most professions. Guardians have Tap Dat Mouse, who’s such a tool you can’t listen to him for more than 5 seconds; Engineers used to have Teldo who’s moved onto other games and are left with Wolfineer who’s good but doesn’t output videos on a frequent basis; Thieves once had Mugi and Caed who are both long gone — I think you get the point.
I’m positive that there are better players of every class who don’t have the will/means to record, so your best effort may be to find some decent players who main the class in-game and ask for help or spectate them during PvP.
Without any doubt this guy is the best
Almost every good ranger has learned from him
this guy. me, and fluffy, are the only notable rangers I know. /shamelessselfbragging
though my guild does enjoy calling me the only good ranger :P
edit: oh and the anet guy that mains a ranger, and a person i knew from a guild I used to be part of
(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)
Right now, in the forums there isn’t anyone I consider, influential. I’d Say JCbroe is brilliant and Durzzla also, but the state of our forums is a little quiet at the moment. I look up to Rangers in game, but I mostly play PvP and all the Rangers I know from there I would consider to be “top” rangers. Try and find people in game rather than those who post on here.
Also you can always message me in game to ask about the class, I consider myself experienced enough.
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
Most of you will and probably do hate my guts, good for you, keep hating, i’ll still be right. Doesn’t matter if i tell you to L2P in a nice way or right to your face, if it is an L2P issue, it is an L2P issue. No ore no less.
I don’t understand how you call Xsorus rude and arrogant and then you pull something priceless as this. Even if you are right, and you are aggressive and entitled like this, how are people not supposed to hate you (if they indeed do)?
No ranger has influenced me more than Bredin. The dude is/was (he hasn’t logged in for a couple months) an absolute monster with this class. Sadly he never bothered to make YouTube videos so he’s not a ‘big’ name since YT videos are what seem to matter to most people.
Tanbin and Sol are also up there. These guys are so good.
Overall influential? I think Xsorus has done a lot for the class and for ranger players. He’s also a really cool guy.
The most influential ranger must be the guy from arenanet who wrote the ranger class summary, effectively saying rangers are good archers, should range from far and let their pet tank.
Full melee Ranger since August 2012
Maybe if I recorded more and wasn’t mic-shy :x
I think this is an issue accross most professions. Guardians have Tap Dat Mouse, who’s such a tool you can’t listen to him for more than 5 seconds; Engineers used to have Teldo who’s moved onto other games and are left with Wolfineer who’s good but doesn’t output videos on a frequent basis; Thieves once had Mugi and Caed who are both long gone — I think you get the point.
I’m positive that there are better players of every class who don’t have the will/means to record, so your best effort may be to find some decent players who main the class in-game and ask for help or spectate them during PvP.
Caed still streams on a very regular basis with his thief actually. live as I make this post. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
The most influential ranger must be the guy from arenanet who wrote the ranger class summary, effectively saying rangers are good archers, should range from far and let their pet tank.
you are mistaking most influential with biggest troll.
Whoever at Anet that wrote that description must have been uncapable of being honest.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Well, I appreciate some of you guys listing me!
I know not everybody gets along with Prysin guys, but his game knowledge and skill level is solid. We’re a community on an internet forum, so there is going to be clashes with each other and things we like and don’t like, and not everybody’s way of responding is appealing to every forum user, but that doesn’t mean we should discount any information they provide.
I mean, myself personally, I know I’m not perfect. I just volunteer some of my time to the forums and try to come to a consensus about how we can push the class to the limits of its current playability.
That being said, I’ve always been sort of a PvP “fanboy” so to speak, and there are a few rangers that really pushed the class up to the highest tier of competition and played it at the highest level that I’d like to mention.
Ryan; he’s still around on the forums, he actually posted recently on my “Let’s Talk PvP Meta” thread. Always a strong opinion with good reasoning and a solid PvP player.
Sol; Haven’t seen him in awhile, I think he moved on to a different game or got forum banned or something, but a top PvP guy through and through.
Eurantien; Still semi-active on the forums, still active in game, and as far as I know, has been playing ranger since launch and is one of the few rangers that has played just about every competitive build at a competitive level, and is the only person I know that makes Glass ranger competitive at a top tier level.
Battosai; I hope nobody feels insulted when I say that on top of being one of the best PvP rangers in the game, that this guy was beyond intelligent game knowledge wise. He had/has incredible foresight, and his ideas on how to tweak and run builds were always intricate and custom tailored to make advantages out of mechanics that at times were so subtle I didn’t even know they were things people actively thought about.
None of those descriptions should be indicative to any of the people on that list that they DON’T share any of the listed qualities, because they in fact all do. But I mean, these 4 guys, combined with a few others in game, basically shaped competitive ranger builds into what they are today.
I think that I will abstain from restating names that people have already stated because this thread shouldn’t become a “love fest” ego stroking thread.
Instead, I’m going to refer people to one of the better and more consistent ranger streamers on twitch. He doesn’t only play ranger, but his gameplay is pretty solid, especially compared to how few regular ranger streamers there are, and then the ones that actually are regular and what and how they are actually playing.
In general though, I think that every consistent contributor that is willing to adapt their opinions over time and have constructive conversations should be on a list of people to regard. That is what makes a community a community and not a toxic place, and from what I’ve seen from just glancing through, it may not always seem like it, but the ranger community has some of the most constructive players and contributors, and I think that in itself speaks to where we are now versus some of the darker places we as a community have been in the past.
So keep it up everybody For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Well said, jcbroe.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
I wish I did have a bit more of a community presence, but the truth is i’m usually only active on the forums when I am procrastinating and am at my computer (ie studying for midterms/finals haha).
Being a ranger from the start hasn’t been easy, I felt like I have often been trying to push the boundaries of the class while other “top PvP” rangers simply roll to what is the best; traps → BM → spirits.
While my meta has gone from BM (I used double wolf, I was noob, I didn’t realize how good it could be) → traps → power (with training wheels)→ power BM (dual raven RIP), spirits (had no choice) → power (full zerk).
Because of that I feel like it has been hard to find rangers that I have really looked up to because I never felt anything truly special about them.
That being said, there were a couple:
Hurtappl, just some random ranger I dueled near launch, used crazy regen healing.
Deku God, spirit ranger since launch (sad to see the man become overshadowed when the meta hit)
Kimochi, first player to really get me thinking about pet and ranger synergy burst combos.
In retrospect they didn’t have a huge impact on the game, but they had an impact that resonated with me.
But in the end, to me. The most influential rangers have been those that have tried to be innovative and do something crazy. A lot of times there are rangers on the forums that post builds that are just so awful in terms of PvP, but every once in awhile there is that diamond in the ruff. I don’t mean 100% viable I mean like 10% viable, something that gets me thinking about ideas I could try/improve on.
So to me, the most influential rangers are those that know how to play the class and are trying to be innovative.
Am I good?… I’m good.
The people who make discussion theads, podcasts, videos, and guides are the real influencial players. Players like Xsorus, Durzzla, Jcbroe, Eurantien, and Sol (prob missed some) are the guys who really have an impact on the community because of how much work they do to help players and the impact they have had..
(edited by Ryan.9387)
I have to say I dont feel the ranger comunity has influencial players, certainly not in the same way other games or even other classes do.
Sure there are people who post here regularly, and many of them are regarded as good players, but honestly I think looking at the Arrow to the Knee podcasts really sums it up. The most recent podcast was hosted by 3 of the people most commonly mentioned names on the thread, and no even 200 people have watched it. This isnt meant in any way as a knock at them, I have listened to most of their podcasts and agree with many of their posts on the forums, but the fact that the top forum-going rangers podcasts cant even draw 200 views shows how little impact anyone here has on the game-wide ranger community.
So yeah. .we might have good rangers around, but none I would consider influencial.
Gunnar’s Hold
I have to say I dont feel the ranger comunity has influencial players, certainly not in the same way other games or even other classes do.
Sure there are people who post here regularly, and many of them are regarded as good players, but honestly I think looking at the Arrow to the Knee podcasts really sums it up. The most recent podcast was hosted by 3 of the people most commonly mentioned names on the thread, and no even 200 people have watched it. This isnt meant in any way as a knock at them, I have listened to most of their podcasts and agree with many of their posts on the forums, but the fact that the top forum-going rangers podcasts cant even draw 200 views shows how little impact anyone here has on the game-wide ranger community.
So yeah. .we might have good rangers around, but none I would consider influencial.
I just want to say that in part, that’s the fault of how we podcasters handle the podcast (aka not having gameplay going in the background to provide something to watch) and the irregularity and inability to tell large portions of people when we’re going live. Like, we can make a forum post about it, but that doesn’t mean that many people will be available at that time or tune it at that time.
BUT, all of the SOAC podcasts, for the most part, average around 500 views on youtube, which is really only surpassed by people like MattVisual and WoodenPotatoes, aka, people that already had a good youtube following to begin with.
I’m just mentioning it because I think we’ve hit an exposure wall. All we can really do is put out forum and reddit blasts saying when we’re going live and maybe spam a few in game chat channels. Ultimately though, for a better live audience, we would have to figure a way to get information on when we go live to our youtube viewers in order to actively increase the live audience. Outside of that, there isn’t much we can do. Even the longest time GW2 streamers peak at an average of 100 live viewers, with again, exceptions being MattVisual and his youtube audience.
I don’t even think there are 100 people that regularly post in the ranger community lol. GW2 just isn’t something people tend to tune in and watch on twitch unfortunately, and ANet doesn’t just let anybody break in and grow an audience (notice how Dulfy and MattVisual get first access information to share with people, and only certain people end up being okayed for shoutcasting mode for PvP, and that they don’t do that for just anybody that asks).
I respond in this way mainly because I, and others, would love to be able to figure out an avenue to get information to people as best as we possibly can outside of the forums.
For instance, would it help if I started recording and making videos and sharing with you guys? Should I get on reddit too? Is there a better way to get information to masses of the players than what we’ve been doing? I mean, the GW2 playerbase, if it truly is as expansive as ANet claims, is extremely sheltered from all 3rd party information sources outside of whatever appears on their login screen, and it’s something that people who aren’t MattVisual need to figure out how to work with/around. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
The rangers that influenced me the most were Battosai,Xsorus and Vyndetta. None of them really play much any more. Kinda wished Batto was still around. He was one of the most knowledgeable ranger in the game and like JcBroe said he did some things with ranger I never knew was possible. He showed me that there was more depth to the class and inspired me to do more and learn more with the class.
Oh you’re entirely right, like I said I didnt mean it in an at all bad way towards you or the other hosts. There just isnt a huge audience on the forums, or on YT, or on twitch, or anywhere for GW2 content which means theres really very hard for someone to influence the game or play in any real way.
It’s then not helped by the different play modes.. For example I will admit to having no clue who these “famous” PvP rangers people are talking about are.. because PvP combat is so far removed from WvW Roaming (which is all I do) I really couldn’t care less what PvP rangers are doing, or PvE ranger for that matter.
GW2 just isn’t like that.. It’s not like Dota (picked purely because its the other game I play regularly) where litterally millions of people watch the big tournaments and then go take the tactics, heros picks, item builds, etc they see used and try to use them in their games (with varying degrees of success). All of which brings me back to there being no influencial Rangers, IMO.
Gunnar’s Hold
I’m just gonna throw it out there that there are a lot of good rangers out there who dont read nor care about the forums. I read the forums alot, and I consider myself a pretty solid ranger as I have played every build I can find and have settled on and been successful with a zerker lb/gs build. I recognize names of all of the most staunch ranger forums posters, and I have respect for them, but just because someone has a ridiculous post count in the forums doesnt make them the best rangers in the game.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
It’s then not helped by the different play modes.. For example I will admit to having no clue who these “famous” PvP rangers people are talking about are.. because PvP combat is so far removed from WvW Roaming (which is all I do) I really couldn’t care less what PvP rangers are doing, or PvE ranger for that matter.
This general view is all in all detrimental to the profession as a whole it basically states that “As long as what I do is unaffected, the rest (of the profession) can go to skritt.”
Without some unity ranger will continue to be at the mercy of the developers listening to masses of angry pvp players who ask for the whole sale destruction of the profession.
I think I hate LB the most out of all of you. That is all I have to my name!
I always come back to my ranger, but really, can’t think of anyone who “influences” me. I don’t really need someone to make a build for me, the traits are not complicated at all if you can read.
Prysin makes me laugh, but he almost always has a solid reason for telling people L2P (most of the time, L2P is a valid response). Only one that comes to mind, but I don’t surf the forums looking for people to worship because I am the best already!
Skritt Happens
It’s then not helped by the different play modes.. For example I will admit to having no clue who these “famous” PvP rangers people are talking about are.. because PvP combat is so far removed from WvW Roaming (which is all I do) I really couldn’t care less what PvP rangers are doing, or PvE ranger for that matter.
This general view is all in all detrimental to the profession as a whole it basically states that “As long as what I do is unaffected, the rest (of the profession) can go to skritt.”
Without some unity ranger will continue to be at the mercy of the developers listening to masses of angry pvp players who ask for the whole sale destruction of the profession.
Maybe, but at the same time it’s better than people constantly weighing in on discussions they know nothing about.
Perhaps I was a little harsh before saying I dont care.. I care enough to be aware of the general metas, roles and builds rangers play in all game modes, but honestly, what is the gain in someone like me participating in a discussion about PvP or PvE balance? I have nothing of value to add and anything I did add would be pure conjecture which is worse than not participating at all because it gives rise to completely untrue notions.
Gunnar’s Hold
Wow I can’t believe you guys forgot about Guang.
GuanglaiKangyi <———-This guy 100%
This is the guy who 2 years ago taught us about frost spirit spotter and inspired Brazilhue to create his legendary PvE build that has been the meta for +2 years. He kept telling us the truth but didn’t have video to back it up. Finally Brazil took a video with his build and BAM instant meta. Everyone thought he was on crack but he sure showed us.
Read this thread.
(edited by rpfohr.7048)
i personally was a noob at start who nevermind to watch vids how to Play, which builds are existent, which rangers are fame and made which builds. So i dont know about Xsorus, Sol i think i heard, and when i saw a good ranger in pvp i never used to remember his Name.
But i call my bro snoow, after i started reading the QQ Forum as a noob i was before thinking they are all right. The discussions with him, an experienced and by some of the best pvp Players known guard, around the ranger changed my way of thinking. It prevented the community from a new QQ ranger.
I call Lypion as the real Inventor of the Regen build, he played it and killed so many in the 1v1 Angz Arena, and not even as main ranger, before Faux got fame with it.
And yes we could say the most influential rangers are the podcasters and so on, but i less used this form of learning, but People who could really influence rangers are good writers in this Forum. Who can Change the mind of one “Ranger Sux”er to someone who finally understands that rangers are REALLY GOOD and just Need some help here and there has the biggest Impact.
For me is that as first Prysin, in my eyes one of the true rangers here on Forum, who has knowledge about the class and everything around it and who understands ranger balancing and not ranger OPing. and i luv it when he destroys his “L2P list”
for jcbroe i have a lot of respect for his activity on Forum and his knowledge and his good Soul to teach this community.
durzlla is cool too
and i hope my Posts are no random kitten with no deeper meaning xD
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
Wow I can’t believe you guys forgot about Guang.
GuanglaiKangyi <———-This guy 100%
This is the guy who 2 years ago taught us about frost spirit spotter and inspired Brazilhue to create his legendary PvE build that has been the meta for +2 years. He kept telling us the truth but didn’t have video to back it up. Finally Brazil took a video with his build and BAM instant meta. Everyone thought he was on crack but he sure showed us.
Read this thread.
Oh wow, gw2guru, haven’t been there in ages. Totally forgot it was GK that made that build originally, except it didn’t get much attention until Brazil used it. Props to him and his guides that helped explain how to use the sword with auto attack on.
I’m easily the best at making cosmetic armor sets /deal
I’ll be honest here, and will examine some rangers a little…..
Durzlla – No opinion. Pocast is good though
Jcbroe – Takes the middle ground way too often on the forums instead of forming an actual opinion. Podcast is good though.
No One – One of the few Rangers that I can take seriously because he doesn’t make overly dramatic posts about how broken the class is, nor does he make a million posts about how the Meta must be followed because everything else is so obviously bad that you suck for not doing exactly what they tell you the meta is.
Too many Rangers to list here – Opposite of No One.
GuanglaiKangyi – taught you about frost/spotter and Brazil popularized the build……Influential? definitely, but only because so many players are unskilled for a long time. They couldn’t figure out basic combos on their own until they watched someone else do it, and still can’t figure out many basic combos beyond frost/spotter.
Chopps – He could argue with you about anything and make it a decent argument. I never had a back and forth with him, but many of his posts were a great read.
MighteousRex – Self described greatest player in the game. Do I need to say anymore? He’s the greatest player in the game! Why aren’t you worshipping the ground he walks on?
RoyalPredator – Gotta give this guy credit for all his billions of borderline crazy ideas for fixing/improving the Ranger Class.
Chrispy – Has an opinion that always opposes the Meta following masses, and is way too confrontational. Can never tell if serious, or sarcasm. Seriously, who would ever consider this guy to be an influence on anyone? Stay away from this guy!
so, who has the most influence?….I don’t know..Prysin? Orpheal? Warriorj? AEFA?….hmmm. I’d say… No One
ah yes, No One . They have influence! The best thing about No One is that anyone can be No One at any time and make an impact on how people view and play the class.
(edited by Chrispy.5641)
juxo <——- over 9000% best ranger, desolation pve god
#1 PVE Commander EU
Desolation motto: Guests Go Home
I think any one that posts a thread with constructive criticism deserves a mention on that list.
Most of you will and probably do hate my guts, good for you, keep hating, i’ll still be right. Doesn’t matter if i tell you to L2P in a nice way or right to your face, if it is an L2P issue, it is an L2P issue. No ore no less.
I don’t understand how you call Xsorus rude and arrogant and then you pull something priceless as this. Even if you are right, and you are aggressive and entitled like this, how are people not supposed to hate you (if they indeed do)?
was sposed to reply to this a day ago.
Sorry mate, but i never said I was nice, nor that i intend to be nice. Therefore, you either like me or you do not. I could hardly care either way. Friendship can hinder constructive discussions just as much as hatred can as friends rarely want to blatantly say the other is wrong, even if he/she is. But if you hate eachother, aside from the flaming and trolling, you would certainly not be afraid to speak your mind.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Oh you’re entirely right, like I said I didnt mean it in an at all bad way towards you or the other hosts. There just isnt a huge audience on the forums, or on YT, or on twitch, or anywhere for GW2 content which means theres really very hard for someone to influence the game or play in any real way.
It’s then not helped by the different play modes.. For example I will admit to having no clue who these “famous” PvP rangers people are talking about are.. because PvP combat is so far removed from WvW Roaming (which is all I do) I really couldn’t care less what PvP rangers are doing, or PvE ranger for that matter.
GW2 just isn’t like that.. It’s not like Dota (picked purely because its the other game I play regularly) where litterally millions of people watch the big tournaments and then go take the tactics, heros picks, item builds, etc they see used and try to use them in their games (with varying degrees of success). All of which brings me back to there being no influencial Rangers, IMO.
I totally understand, and that’s exactly what I mean hahaha. I’m not offended at all, everything I do I do on a volunteer basis because I simply enjoy being part of a community. I never figured I would ever have any influence, and I prefer organizing information and theorycrafting over being argumentative and making “listen to me” posts. In fact, I turned down being an SOAC podcaster the first 5 times I was asked and suggested other people (like Battosai and Eurantien) lol.
But the thing I’ve been thinking about is, notice how many people “came out of the woodwork” for the ranger CDI. There are no numbers on any of the mentioned outlets except MAYBE youtube that even suggest there are as many people receiving the information we organize as a community as the amount that appeared during the CDI. So I’ve just been generally curious if we need a new outlet or if part of the blame lies on ANet for not promoting its sub-communities enough like other games do, because “they don’t want to show any preference.”
For example, wouldn’t it be amazing if the GW2 reddit had a sidebar that showed off all of the live GW2 channels on twitch?
Also, not to be rude, even though I know it kind of is, but 99% of the videos on youtube of ranger gameplay are garbage, and that’s the games biggest outlet outside of the forums lol. The 1% that are okay/good are actually all forum goers anyhow, so they shouldn’t feel insulted, but I get on there for all the other videos and it’s just “dubset, bearbow, autoattack, barrage.” It’ll be like traps on a Survival of the Fittest build lol.
The day the ANet actually says anything to me directly or thanks me for any “contributions” I’ve made will be the day that I inflate my ego and consider myself more than just another forum member hahaha.
(I removed the name as to not direct insult at a specific person) For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
I don’t view anyone in the WvW/PvP scene as being terribly influential. That area is all about personal skill, not so much your build. As long as you have an idea of how the game works and how to accomplish the goal you’ve given yourself, you can make anything work. I guess whoever came up with the stock spirit build would be the most influential, but I have no idea who that is. Probably Anet, since it’s painfully obvious when looking at the skill tree there is a spirit build available.
For PvE it’s a lot simpler, because there is a mathematical answer. There are one or a couple “correct” builds that mathematically do more damage than other builds. I’m not sure who exactly came up with it (not Brazil), but Brazil has definitely popularized the current ranger meta build.
The most influential ranger has to be Burnfall, no doubt.
The most influential ranger has to be Burnfall, no doubt.
He is too busy harassing the thief forums as of late, thank the gods.
I’m a relatively new GW2 player.
Fluffball, JC, AEFA, Durzzla, Eurantien… if I see a post where they were commenting I take it seriously. I don’t really know anything about other the “Ol’ Big Names” since I’m a latecomer.
And Prysin
He uses the L2P to often when he could say something less “rude” but… He is Prysin. His arguments are mostly valid and the arguments help discussing things. So I count him as a top tier contributor on the ranger forums. And he helps me to keep my crying post’s number low, because you know:
“Prysin gonna get ya – L2P!”
Just kidding!
Kudos for the aforementioned gals and guys!
(oh, and L2English for myself, sorry)
The most influential ranger must be the guy from arenanet who wrote the ranger class summary, effectively saying rangers are good archers, should range from far and let their pet tank.
you are mistaking most influential with biggest troll.
Whoever at Anet that wrote that description must have been uncapable of being honest.
Not really. He’s had the biggest influence on everyone who’s been enticed to play the class by attaching a high-demand/loved play style to its description, influencing a lot of people into… playing other classes and/or games because such description is a blatant lie.
Without any doubt this guy is the best
Almost every good ranger has learned from him
I came into this thread expecting this. I am not disappointed.
I’ll be honest here, and will examine some rangers a little…..
Durzlla – No opinion. Pocast is good though
Lol does this mean I have no opinion or you have no opinion of me xD?
And I’m flattered by how many people consider me influential, i haven’t been on the forums nearly as much as I have been… Hopefully I’ll be more active, and hopefully we will get more people looking at the podcasts/watching streams!!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Xorsus was stuck in the old bm meta and refused to play anything else to any notable degree. He was rude, arrogant and had more then a few snide remarks in his posts.
Chopps is studying, he got permabanned from these forums a long time ago. NA player, resides on desolation server in EU.There is only 4 people id consider to be worth listening to;
AEFAThese guys know’s what they are doing, are skilled, honest and innovative in their own right. A few heavily edited frag movies on YT shows nothing more then that; a player beating a horde of bads. Just look at all the Pr0 1-shot teef videos. or the uber leet solo lupi warriors.
Proof of skill is what you do ingame, not in a video with god knows how many cuts and edits. Even i can solo lupi, gonna take me 40+ attempts to get it perfect, but i could make 40 recordings post the one where i made it and “pretend to be a god”. Instead i play the game for real, i win some i lose some, but i never try to appear as if one lucky shot is how my usual gameplay is.
If you blatantly believe all the pr0 videos on YT you are just too gullable a person.Most of you will and probably do hate my guts, good for you, keep hating, i’ll still be right. Doesn’t matter if i tell you to L2P in a nice way or right to your face, if it is an L2P issue, it is an L2P issue. No ore no less.
I don’t consider Technobabble Build to be in the BM Meta.
But you’re right about me being stuck in the “BM Meta”, because for solo it was the best build we had/have for that.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
Good grief no, I just like to read the ranger forum.
I’ll be honest here, and will examine some rangers a little…..
Durzlla – No opinion. Pocast is good though
Lol does this mean I have no opinion or you have no opinion of me xD?
And I’m flattered by how many people consider me influential, i haven’t been on the forums nearly as much as I have been… Hopefully I’ll be more active, and hopefully we will get more people looking at the podcasts/watching streams!!
no opinion.
Oh wait, almsot forgot – Jubskie
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
I’m new to the forums but have played ranger for a long time and just noticed this thread.
For me the most influential rangers I’ve had the chance to meet are Sol and Tanbin both have been on Maguuma for a long time and are 2 of the best rangers I’ve ever seen. I don’t think Sol plays at all anymore but Tanbin still does. For straight sPvP inspiration I’d have to say Vyndetta/Tany , these 2 rangers are really really good in sPvP and was always fun watching them play.
Vyndetta and Tanbin are 2 rangers that have helped me out since I had first started ranger in sPvP. Both are extremely good at the class and probably the best I’ve seen all around and always had alot of wisdom and techniques to share that gave me alot of inspiration to continue to play the class. I learned alot watching them play and also play against them first hand. They didn’t make alot of videos, but Vyndetta was a very known sPvP ranger (I think in some of the best PvP teams too) and Tanbin isn’t too well known I don’t think but both insanely good.
Most notable forum inspiration I got was with Sol , Xsorus, Faux with build help in potential ranger builds and stuff and I learned a few things from watching their vids.
I still remember Faux’s epic RRR post. Sevan’s the one who unknowing got me hooked on LB sword/dagger. Tanbin posts great dueling builds that go unnoticed because people don’t know how good he his haha. Xsorus has cool ranger builds. Also, some great rangers don’t post at all so remain unnoticed.
I’m new to the forums but have played ranger for a long time and just noticed this thread.
For me the most influential rangers I’ve had the chance to meet are Sol and Tanbin both have been on Maguuma for a long time and are 2 of the best rangers I’ve ever seen. I don’t think Sol plays at all anymore but Tanbin still does. For straight sPvP inspiration I’d have to say Vyndetta/Tany , these 2 rangers are really really good in sPvP and was always fun watching them play.
Vyndetta and Tany never really struck me as inspirational/influential players. It has been over 4 months since I last played vs Vyndetta and Tany never stuck out. They are good players though. I just have never seen them post actively, or reach out to the community.
Theres a difference in being a good forum hero and a good ranger, all these so called in “influential” rangers have nothing to show for all the talk they do on the forums. By all means any ranger who thinks hes good in this game come duel me and ill see if your build is up to standards of this game. Because the crap builds that these so called “influential” rangers such as JCbroe and Durzzla have spit out on the forums is next to useless. Till I see some action in tourneys like say the Tournament of Legends i advise all rangers to stop getting information on their class from this forum.