Mounted Druid thoughts

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Mavander.3208


WoodenPotatoes had some crazy theory for mounting pets in his recent video and I was thinking, it actually would solve some of the problems rangers face.

Problems I can think of:
* They stand in fire
* They are limited by path-finding issues
* They have long delays between skill press and skill activation.

I’m sure there are others but that’s what immediately comes to mind.

If you’re riding the pet you can avoid area damage effects, move however you wish, and move in position so that a skill activation actually hits the target.

Now granted, none of this really works with our weapon skill sets in mind. You gunna squeeze your knees together and pull your pet when you swoop or monarch’s leap? How is a melee pet going to work when you’re using ranged weapons? Not gunna happen.

Just thought I’d share some thoughts. Feel free to leave feedback.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I thought of a pet mount mechanic for warrior as specialization back a few months. Basically the pet is only a mount when you are in that specs weaponset. No need to go back and remake ranger weapon skills.

(edited by Justine.6351)

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Mounting a dinosaur while gunning people down with the longbow? Call me in!

The only difficult weapon to port to mounted combat would be the sword. Swoop would simply be a charge with an evade frame at the end, that should be easy to design.

(edited by Wuselknusel.4082)

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Lily.1935


He’s reaching. Its extremely unlikely. Like, majorly. More likely why its taking them so long is because the druid has an ability based on your animal companion that they needed to sync up that was causing bugs.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


No please! Never add mounts in gw2. Let’s stay with tp and break the rules of traditionnal rpgs!
I would love if they get aspects (two or three) with glyphs for each one (becoming a sort of elementalist). And i hope this datamining thing become true.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Nemesis.6938


Proble is it would exclude a lot of small pets…what about them? I think its very unlikely as it would start a lot of issues regarding animations and hitboxes

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


You would only be able to mount the new pets, not the old ones.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Inexor.7804


Prepare to get disappointed, Engineers also thought they would get “not spirit weapons” and something with “fuel” – basically a new interesting mechanic and utilities.
They got spirit weapons with all of its well-known problems and a niche-niche-mechanic.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Zalani.9827


All i’m going to say is that if Druids get mounts, no sympathy for other classes wanting it.

Jadis Narnia-Sylvari Ranger of [EDGE]

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


No. Stop.

Add “United Chi” to your friends list or guild!

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Caiden.9074


It’s a cool idea, but it will never happen.
They would never add a class mechanic so controversial and discussed by the entire community. The outcry would be immense.

People have been talking and clammering over mounts since release. Giving it to a single class would ruin more than it would reward.

Just my thoughts.

A true warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Darasv.3601


There is a new mordrem unit that was in the beta that is mounted so the mechanic has been developed to some degree.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkness.9732


Rangers don’ t dream too much

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Luthic.7290


This is one of the single coolest ideas ive heard for a spec mechanci. They aleady have an example for allowing mounting, and they could in theory have a mechanic too dismount you as well as in the first personal story fight.

I cant immagine graphical limitations are hard. Just add a new pet type that can only be mounted, perhapvs via its f2. To compensate for damage all you have to do is increase your player stats by a flat number or a % increase like the Mallyx ult for rev.

alternatively you make it so the pet can do a attacks in sync with your attacks kinda like the shiro heal skill and still give the animal its own life bar (while being very tanky) and so cleave dmg could still be strong.

I really dont think that the druid will get it as it doesnt seem to fit themeaticly for me. But perhaps next round casue this sound A-fricking-Mazing

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Mounts as a cosmetic would be cool. I mean we already have the flying carpet and broomstick. And you know how Anet loves their gemstore mother lodes.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

There is a 0.001% chance of druids getting mounts as a new mechanic. Why do I say this? Because in a video earlier in the week WP mentioned that he was still under an NDA in regards to twitchcon. Therefore, any speculation he might put forward in regards to the druid, or anything else to do with the presentation at twitchcon would have to be either outright wrong or ambiguous to an implausible degree, which his theories on mounts were not. If he is right, then he has most likely broken his NDA and there will probably be repercussions to this.

I don’t know what sort of access WP has to the devs or his official place in GW2’s marketing (he IS an accepted caster/content creator by anet — or at least something to this effect was said at a previous con) or even the terms of his NDA, but I highly doubt that Anet would use his youtube channel for an official reveal without outright saying so. I wouldn’t be opposed to Anet switching to other media for their announcements, I just think that it would be more explicitly stated if this were the case.

For the record, I don’t think mounts really deserve a place in GW2 due to general game mechanics like waypoints and movement speed modifiers. They have reduced the number of waypoints to increase the immersion and the amount of a map that the player sees — adding a ‘faster travel method’ like a mount would work against this goal. Furthermore I would think that any ‘mounted’ class would be an elite specialization in itself — they would have to rework all the weapon skills at the very least, and at least once per pet family in the case of the ranger. By this I mean that the name “druid” does not confer any sort of mounted concept. I would think they would choose something like “outrider” or “Cavalier” or “Hussar” or any other term for a mounted combatant.

The idea of a ‘broomstick’ version of mounts would be met with mixed reaction — there is not movementspeed bonus so many players would find them frivolous or frustrating. That said, I do realize that many would like them for aesthetic appeal or RP reasons and that is a valid concern.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


We can’t even have capes, there will be no mounts.

Mounted Druid thoughts

in Ranger

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Mounting would be a bit hard for me to think possible.

1. It would really provide nothing in combat other than being able to control where your pet is currently standing. And 2. How do you mount a raven / owl / eagle??? I mean come on.