My PvE ranger build/

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


My PvE build:

I normally change my #7 skill to fit the situation, Bark skin and Invig bond are a must-have for me but the other traits you could play with to fit your style and still probably tank just as well. GS evade is pretty important. I switch to SB for single targets which is why I use Air instead of Fire sigil. At 25% health you drop 50% of damage, add protection and multiple regens and you’re basicly unstopable til you heal up enough to get back in the fight. Invig bond can give you a boost when your HP is on the edge without putting you over the 25% mark (and its a good party heal in general for a ranger. I’d say the crit chance is pretty decent for a celestial build and I get 1-1.5k per hit between me and my pet. and 5k from GS#2/drake skills. My build focuses more on survival while still maintaining a shred of offensive power. I’ve solo’d many dungeon bosses/mobs after the rest of my party wipes. Though I’d be interested to see how well this set up works with Nomad stats

(edited by dakotawilliams.5921)

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

My PvE build:


I’ve solo’d many dungeon bosses/mobs after the rest of my party wipes. Though I’d be interested to see how well this set up works with Nomad stats

Do you suspect a reason for the rest of your party is wiping? Is it a regular occurrence?

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


You see that right there is none of my business.


My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


That is not a PvE build, that is a WvW build. Your party is wiping because they’re down a member.

This is an incredibly common misconception among PvErs, that if you are alive and the party dies, you’re doing it right and they’re doing it wrong. What it means is probably you’re not helping them.

Judging from your picture response, you will be hostile to that, but I’m not trying to attack you. If you want, feel free to message me in game and I’ll show you how effective a team can be. You’re doing PvE wrong.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


So…essentially you’re saying that if a party full of zerkers can’t keep themselves alive longer then a short amout of time, then it’s the tanky ranger that’s at fault and not the 4 guys who can’t keep themselves alive with their build.


My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m saying you’re definitely not helping anything by being selfish in your build. Actually I resend my offer to help. Dungeon runners will keep finishing dungeons in 5 minutes, and tanky people will keep finishing them in an hour with 4 dead party members thinking they’re doing something right. Nothing will change.

There have been a few dungeon running competitions in the dungeon forum featuring rewards of 4000 gold or hundreds of dollars worth of gems. If you think your build is up to snuff, by all means compete in them. Also the first one had a rule of “if anyone dies, they are out of the competition forever” and yet people still ran all berserker. Interesting.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


Invigorating bond heals like 1/3 of a zerker’s health, and I give vigor to party when I swap pets/use healing skills, don’t most hard hitting builds pride themselves in not getting hit at all vs tanking? Vigor alone should be more than enough “Team support” to keep 80-90% of player (the zerker pop.) alive. the other 10-20% is like me and can manage with or without me… if the hard hitter can’t do their job i’ll make sure im still standing to finish off what’s left at decent speed.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


I’m saying you’re definitely not helping anything by being selfish in your build. Actually I resend my offer to help. Dungeon runners will keep finishing dungeons in 5 minutes, and tanky people will keep finishing them in an hour with 4 dead party members thinking they’re doing something right. Nothing will change.

There have been a few dungeon running competitions in the dungeon forum featuring rewards of 4000 gold or hundreds of dollars worth of gems. If you think your build is up to snuff, by all means compete in them. Also the first one had a rule of “if anyone dies, they are out of the competition forever” and yet people still ran all berserker. Interesting.

I don’t claim to be the best and I posted this for constructive feedback. If you wanna show me a better build I’d be happy to run a dungeon with your ranger or something and compare playing style.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m saying you’re definitely not helping anything by being selfish in your build. Actually I resend my offer to help. Dungeon runners will keep finishing dungeons in 5 minutes, and tanky people will keep finishing them in an hour with 4 dead party members thinking they’re doing something right. Nothing will change.

There have been a few dungeon running competitions in the dungeon forum featuring rewards of 4000 gold or hundreds of dollars worth of gems. If you think your build is up to snuff, by all means compete in them. Also the first one had a rule of “if anyone dies, they are out of the competition forever” and yet people still ran all berserker. Interesting.

I don’t claim to be the best and I posted this for constructive feedback. If you wanna show me a better build I’d be happy to run a dungeon with your ranger or something and compare playing style.

My rage wasn’t really directed at you.

I’ma step out of this thread because I don’t like the eternal struggle between berserker and play how you want groups, neither side ever is satisfied.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: TurtleDragon.3108


Invigorating bond heals like 1/3 of a zerker’s health.

Assuming 837 Healing power (b/c you didn’t fill in your armor and weapons)

1900/10805= 17.5%
1900/15082= 12.6%
1900/18732= 10.1%

A bit hard to take you seriously when you make outrageous claims like this.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

Dakota if you are after a build for dungeons, then it’s gonna be Sw/wh + GS or Sw/Ax with frost/spotter + zerk. The issue with running a build so heavily reliant on survival is that for the other 4 people in your team it is like playing a 4/5 party dps wise. Things take longer to kill and so there is a higher likelihood of things going wrong.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


Just a short reminder. “Meta” is made by people who refused to accept previous meta, and believed they can do better. You know, the people most meta worshippers call “burden” at best;)

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Just a short reminder. “Meta” is made by people who refused to accept previous meta, and believed they can do better. You know, the people most meta worshippers call “burden” at best;)

Just a short reminder that a lot of guilds and ANet themselves are putting up a LOOOOT of gold/cash to shove in your mouth. If you think you are any good, please enter these tourneys.

But there is a zero percent chance you win. I have over 1.2k gold sitting around I don’t want. If you win one of these PvE tourney’s I will give 100% of it to you. I will even give that gold to a third party on these forums if you don’t believe me.

*I should stipulate that you aren’t running a meta zerker build, which I took as obvious, but I’m putting 1,200 gold on the line after all!

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


I don’t like my health going from full to dead if I fail to dodge the weakest of attacks but I also don’t like doing absolutely no damage. I believe my damage with celestial stats are fair enough but I’d would go full Nomad before I’d go back to being full Zerker.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


Invigorating bond heals like 1/3 of a zerker’s health.

Assuming 837 Healing power (b/c you didn’t fill in your armor and weapons)

1900/10805= 17.5%
1900/15082= 12.6%
1900/18732= 10.1%

A bit hard to take you seriously when you make outrageous claims like this.

thanks for point that out! (Fixed) 1900 is base for IB I get at least 2500 out of it and if im using a Fern Hound then 1/3 is closer to the truth for at least the light armor class. but I knew 1/3 was a bit of a stretch, 1/4 is still nothing to laugh at either for ranger heal.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

I don’t like my health going from full to dead if I fail to dodge the weakest of attacks but I also don’t like doing absolutely no damage. I believe my damage with celestial stats are fair enough but I’d would go full Nomad before I’d go back to being full Zerker.

Keep in mind that sword has in built evade on skills 2 and 3, and if you are really uncomfortable, you have a third evade if you opt for Sw/dagger. Not only this but greatsword auto attack has an evade, and it also has a channelled block skill. I play on a 600ms+ connection perfectly fine with a zerker ranger due to this. I particularly enjoy the channelled block on GS for when I know an attack is coming but my connection is to slow for an immediate response. Ranger also has a high base HP, even in full zerker there are very few, if any attacks that will kill you in a single hit from full to zero.

The current meta build also requires some traits placed down a line that gives you extra vitality as well, so that your frost spirit has a 70% chance and you can get the bountiful hunter damage modifier.

(edited by J Eberle.9312)

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


I don’t like my health going from full to dead if I fail to dodge the weakest of attacks but I also don’t like doing absolutely no damage. I believe my damage with celestial stats are fair enough but I’d would go full Nomad before I’d go back to being full Zerker.

Keep in mind that sword has in built evade on skills 2 and 3, and if you are really uncomfortable, you have a third evade if you opt for Sw/dagger. Not only this but greatsword auto attack has an evade, and it also has a channelled block skill. I play on a 600ms+ connection perfectly fine with a zerker ranger due to this. I particularly enjoy the channelled block on GS for when I know an attack is coming but my connection is to slow for an immediate response. Ranger also has a high base HP, even in full zerker there are very few, if any attacks that will kill you in a single hit from full to zero.

The current meta build also requires some traits placed down a line that gives you extra vitality as well, so that your frost spirit has a 70% chance and you can get the bountiful hunter damage modifier.

I don’t care about damage, if Celestial stats aren’t enough to put me at a decent DPS with a GS I might as well start working on my Nomad armor. I’ve tried ranger sword a few times and died constantly even with this build so needless to say i hate sword. I like my tank build and i was just looking for ways to improve it for better tanking with the same DPS. nothing is better than the rush of being the last man standing against a boss/mobs and coming on top.

(edited by dakotawilliams.5921)

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: dakotawilliams.5921


I by no means WANT my team to die but if they do all manage to get themselves killed despite my best efforts in that moment my DPS is a lot higher than all the zerker bodies lying around and I have good chance finishing the fight within the next few mins because i do have SOME dps with a fully traited pet and half the power of a zerker vs being a full tank

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

I don’t care about damage.

I like my tank build and i was just looking for ways to improve it for better tanking

Then dungeons just aren’t for you I suppose.

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: Tree.3916


Being philosophical for a moment, a question we should often ask ourselves is, “are you the type of teammate you would want on your team?” This is an interesting question that takes into account not only your playskill and build efficiency, but also your demeanor and attitude. No one wants to party with a highly skilled well built pseudo-elitist knob. No one wants to party with a super nice guy who runs awful builds, doesn’t know the encounters and contributes negatively if he even contributes at all.

So when looking at your “I don’t care about the rest of my party I am going to pew pew for no damage and contribute less than 20% of group damage and support” I have to say your attitude is fairly negative. Nobody wants to party with a guy who doesn’t care about the success of the group and isn’t willing to help to the best of his ability.

Further evidence is that you appear oddly proud of the fact that you’re “the last man standing” but you have not paused to reflect that this is so because you’re contributing least. Perhaps another player in your spot who did his fair share of damage while also supplying helpful support would have made it so that nobody died? It’s entirely possible -even probable- and yet it appears you have not considered it whatsoever.

In regards to build and player skill, I have a few observations. First, as others have said, your build is not efficient for PVE. People expect a ranger to provide traited Frost Spirit and Spotter to the party at a minimum. Even if you cannot comfortably run a Berserker build, you can contribute at least these things to provide value. I would reckon that so long as your brought these two things more groups wouldn’t know or care that you weren’t doing a great deal of damage personally. Omitting them is a blunder, and frankly, unforgivable. I am rather tolerant of pugs and I have reasonably low expectations, however I would not hesitate to relieve my group of the burden of a Ranger who failed to bring these things.

As far as your playskill goes, I have no first hand knowledge of it. But based on reductive reasoning, I can make a few educated guesses. The overly defensive nature of your build, along with a default ranged option leads me to guess you are either 1. inexperienced in PVE and require defensive crutches to survive encounters or 2. you simply play the same build in WVW and you are too lazy to make separate accomodations for PvE dungeons. The first is forgivable assuming the player is making an effort, but in your case from comments you’ve made, I understand you don’t care to make an effort. The latter less easy to forgive, as it reveals a laziness that is unbecoming of a good teammates and something that a skilled player wouldn’t tolerate of himself.

Based on the evidence as it sits in total, I have to conclude you are not the type of player anyone would want as a teammate and you probably know that to be true on some level even if you won’t acknowledge it publicly. But now I’ve laid it all out, where you go from here is up to you, and hopefully you take the appraisal for what it is and find it to be quite improving for you.

DnT Apply today if you think you can hang with the best of the best ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!

(edited by Tree.3916)

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorby.8236


…is in one word awful.

GS evade is pretty important.

Nope, evade on auto attack in one of the least important things about gs. Control over your character, skill 4, Burst with Maul, 3 for moving about, all trumps it.

I switch to SB for single targets

Fair enough, though you could just stay on GS since it’s roughly the same dps.

My build focuses more on survival while still maintaining a shred of offensive power.

There is not a shred of offensive power here, don’t fool yourself.

I’ve solo’d many dungeon bosses/mobs after the rest of my party wipes.


Though I’d be interested to see how well this set up works with Nomad stats

Dear Lord…


I’ve tried ranger sword a few times and died constantly even with this build so needless to say i hate sword.

Try a more zerker-y build with GS instead then? It’s “only” around 15% dps loss (comparing full zerk). My personal minimum requirements when pugging Rangers is:

  • Has traited Frost Spirit
  • Has Spotter
  • Primarily a mix of Zerker/Knights
  • Uses primarily a melee weapon (Sword or GS)
  • Does not use Bear

Rest of trait points/utils you can take whatever you want. I don’t think this is too much to ask for.

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: KSIBBQ.8123


My opinion… Zerker is a horrible way to play. End of story, use the build that you like! I personally like

My PvE ranger build/

in Ranger

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

Rest of trait points/utils you can take whatever you want. I don’t think this is too much to ask for.

Sadly for many people it is asking too much because then they’re not playing how they want.