My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


How I would re-balance/standardize Celestial Avatar Form and its related traits.

Astral Force/Generation:
-No longer charges with dmg/healing tics
-(spvp/wvw)Generates at 6 2/3% per second (effectively 15sec cd) when in combat
-(pve) Generates at 10% per second (effectively 10sec cd) when in combat
-Using Celestial Avatar Form causes Astral Force to decay at 10% per second
-Resets to 0% on exiting
-Resets to 0% OOC

Celestial Avatar Form Skill changes:
-Cosmic Ray strikes location immediately on use and is now an instant cast with an appropriate after cast. Range increased to 1500. Radius increased to 180.
-Lunar Impact reworked to a 600 range teleport to target location dazing yourself and dazing and blinding foes in a 360 radius. 10sec recharge.
-Rejuvenating Tides now also applies regeneration.
-Natural Convergence now applies roots instead of black hole and is also a stun break.

Related Traits:
-Swap Celestial Shadow and Lingering Light traits
-Lingering Light rework/revert, directly healing an ally puts an astral wisp around them. 15sec cd per ally. Astral Wisp now causes burning to enemies it passes through.
-Druidic Clarity now removes 3 conditions on entering and exiting celestial avatar form from self, pet and 4 nearby allies.
-Verdant Etching now also causes Seed of Life to remove an additional condition.

*Essentially it removes the ability to super charge AFG while also bringing it into play on builds that are not reliant on aoe regen/staff/select foods/gear and so on.
*Reworks some of the redundant/under-used CAF skills and also one in particular that trumps the others so significantly its practically on auto-cast for most druids.
*Cleans up/Reworks a few traits to bring some things lost (through partially miss-guided nerfs) while putting some over tuned ones in a proper location on the tree or simply toned down.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


those could be the worst ideas in this forum in all the time i’ve been around… And i saw very bad ideas here….

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


How I would re-balance/standardize Celestial Avatar Form and its related traits.

Astral Force/Generation:
-No longer charges with dmg/healing tics
-(spvp/wvw)Generates at 6 2/3% per second (effectively 15sec cd) when in combat
-(pve) Generates at 10% per second (effectively 10sec cd) when in combat
-Using Celestial Avatar Form causes Astral Force to decay at 10% per second
-Resets to 0% on exiting
-Resets to 0% OOC

Nerfs across the board, and severe nerfs at that. Shorter duration. Longer cd in pvp, looses all AF on exiting the form and OOC, meaning CA will NEVER be available until at least 15 seconds of combat has passed. 15 seconds of combat in pvp is a looong time…

These suggestions are trash pure and simple, imho .


Celestial Avatar Form Skill changes:
-Cosmic Ray strikes location immediately on use and is now an instant cast with an appropriate after cast. Range increased to 1500. Radius increased to 180.
-Lunar Impact reworked to a 600 range teleport to target location dazing yourself and dazing and blinding foes in a 360 radius. 10sec recharge.
-Rejuvenating Tides now also applies regeneration.
-Natural Convergence now applies roots instead of black hole and is also a stun break.

Most of these sounded good, but of course you had to add that “dazing yourself” crap to Lunar Impact. Also, the addition of being able to teleport to target location isn’t worth changing this to only be able to cast this skill once every 15 seconds (pvp) – that’s a huge, huge nerf (I don’t count with Quick Draw, you don’t balance things around the possible use of that trait).


Related Traits:
-Swap Celestial Shadow and Lingering Light traits
-Lingering Light rework/revert, directly healing an ally puts an astral wisp around them. 15sec cd per ally. Astral Wisp now causes burning to enemies it passes through.
-Druidic Clarity now removes 3 conditions on entering and exiting celestial avatar form from self, pet and 4 nearby allies.
-Verdant Etching now also causes Seed of Life to remove an additional condition.

I’m not sure what swapping CS and LL traits around would accomplish, but ok.

The rework to LL, does that mean that the wisps now ONLY cause burning, and not healing, or do you mean for them to burn as well?

Druid Clarity sounds like a very nice buff to me, and gives the trait far more utility than the complete, selfish condi wipe it is currently, so yes please.
Verdant Etching almost back to what it was, that’s another ‘yes please’ from me. Actually, bring it back completely to how it used to work.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

(edited by OGDeadHead.8326)

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


No disrespect Justine, but anet made some of the worst support roles and skill designs in my history of mmo gaming and these suggestions do nothing to change that. It’s also suggestions like these that push player right back into dps zerker meta builds.

Druid is awful heal support outside of stationary combat, and we don’t need to make it worse because of the low skill players who refuse to improve themselves in wvw/pvp modes.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Ranys.4028


People posting here like “these are the worst ideas we ever saw” have obviously not read your other forum post.

I like some of your ideas, but I would hate the “back to 0% OOC” I’ve worked for that astral force, let me keep it.

Problems with Verdant etching is that you still have to stay for the time it needs the seed to explode and the range is too small. I’d like to see a radius buff so I can dodge some attacks/stuff while I’m trying to stay at my seed. As I’ve mentioned in my thread about this: It’s way too hard to hit allies with ancient seed. It’s way to hard to even hit myself.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Lonami.2987


Just make it work like Death Shroud:

  • Can enter it whenever you want, not just at 100%.
  • Provides a secondary health bar based on the energy. Gives more survivability, but if you get attacked you lose the energy you need for the skills.
  • Make it last much more longer. Nerf skills a bit if necessary, so they’re balanced around casting them more.

Also, maybe make the energy regenerate to 50% or something when out of combat. Or give ways to quickly raise it.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I guess people still don’t get how CAF is broken when you can enter/cast 3sec/exit it every 10sec for stun break, full condi clear, heal to full, fat aoe daze, aoe super speed, aoe stealth.

But yeah terrible to change the gating to 15sec in pvp/wvw and remove the healing off lunar impact while improving its other skills and traits…

Well I tried again in 2016, guess we just move on to the next elite spec in 2018 while druid gets gutted even further in 2017. Ya that’s right, they are not going to stop gutting druid, you can count on that without a standardized change to its gating.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


those could be the worst ideas in this forum in all the time i’ve been around… And i saw very bad ideas here….

Coming from you…that tickles me.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


I guess people still don’t get how CAF is broken when you can enter/cast 3sec/exit it every 10sec for stun break, full condi clear, heal to full, fat aoe daze, aoe super speed, aoe stealth.

But yeah terrible to change the gating to 15sec in pvp/wvw and remove the healing off lunar impact while improving its other skills and traits…

Well I tried again in 2016, guess we just move on to the next elite spec in 2018 while druid gets gutted even further in 2017. Ya that’s right, they are not going to stop gutting druid, you can count on that without a standardized change to its gating.

You say that about Druid as if there are not any counters…

Your suggestion are out of touch and do nothing to improve the crappy state ranger/druid is in.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


…the crappy state ranger/druid is in.

I’m the one out of touch,

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


…the crappy state ranger/druid is in.

I’m the one out of touch,

You think this is a good spec because it has a semi decent roaming build?

Druid is so good that’s why you main rev now…

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


…the crappy state ranger/druid is in.

I’m the one out of touch,

You think this is a good spec because it has a semi decent roaming build?

Druid is so good that’s why you main rev now…

They raid, they fractal, they spvp, they wvw. Not sure what is crappy about them, and certainly not sure what about them makes them only semi decent at roaming.

I still play druid. Just updated my staff from settlers to apothecary or more precisely toughness main stat to healing main stat. Notice how I change with the changes instead of flailing my arms saying “druid is crappy, nothing can fix it”.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


…the crappy state ranger/druid is in.

I’m the one out of touch,

You think this is a good spec because it has a semi decent roaming build?

Druid is so good that’s why you main rev now…

They raid, they fractal, they spvp, they wvw. Not sure what is crappy about them, and certainly not sure what about them makes them only semi decent at roaming.

I still play druid. Just updated my staff from settlers to apothecary or more precisely toughness main stat to healing main stat. Notice how I change with the changes instead of flailing my arms saying “druid is crappy, nothing can fix it”.

Your op targets wvw roaming Druid and feeds into the QQ from players who refuse to get better.

Yes, let’s nerf CA gain because interrupts and hard cc are not enough to screw over Druid in CA form…

Yes, let’s make CA 1 1500 range with a 180 radius because that going to hit moving targets right?

Self daze on skill 3 with a port so we can get screwed over even more in our timed CA form…

Add regen to CA 4 that already heals….

Using CA 5 is a gamble to live or die because of the self root, but no, don’t suggest removing the self root…

CA skills are crap support for moving teammates, and 1 well timed CC or focus fire is enough to squash half of our Druid mechanics… Damage is mediocre. Pets, that struggle to hit moving targets, are dead most of the time in pvp modes so that means a 3rd of our mediocre damage is debuffed… Poison debuffs all heals by 33%… AoE kills stealth… All the CC floating around are a death sentence and smart players time their CC bombs right after we exit CA…

I’m sorry, but you are completely out of touch with what ranger needs and the suggestions do nothing except support low skilled player complaints on these forums.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Yes, let’s make CA 1 1500 range with a 180 radius because that going to hit moving targets right?

Self daze on skill 3 with a port so we can get screwed over even more in our timed CA form…

Add regen to CA 4 that already heals….

Using CA 5 is a gamble to live or die because of the self root, but no, don’t suggest removing the self root…

yes cosmic ray would hit a moving taget if it was instant cast/instant strike with it having an after cast instead. the 1500 range and 180 radius would make it even more friendly to use.

I didn’t say 5second daze on ca3. id put some kind of inhibiter on it. An after cast would yes be more appropriate but I figured with a stun break on natural convergence the SHORTdaze could atleast be removed, allowing the current lunar beam/natural convergence combo to continue with the added benefit of being able to teleport onto your foes in targeted area first.

rejuvenating tides I put regeneration on because with regeneration no longer being nearly necessary to AFG AND the removal of the healing from Lunar Beam there was room for it.

Natural convergence I put a stun break on it. Id think that would be adding survivability on to Celestial Avatar, not to mention the TELEPORT on Lunar Beam.


My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Plenty of changes, with few being meaningful and some as harsh as Anet’s design choices. I’d look more into reiterating AF generation and the traits. CAF skills themselves require only minor alterations.

You’re onto something swapping traits around. There’s another pair that I think should be interchanged, in order to have a tier provide the player with a difficult but meaningful choice.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Well can mark off the 10/15sec pve/spvp&wvw recharge split.

My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


How about we let the class with heavy armor handle the healing and we’ll stick with range. I mean shouldn’t that be our specialty? Let the Guardian support and heal.

If this is an issue whereas we want every class to be able to do the same thing, forget it. Won’t work and others are already blurring the lines and doing sustain better or offering buffs, etc. I mean most of us probably have 100’s if not 1,000’s of tombs. Not like we can’t insta-level every class by now already not even counting in boosters.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)