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Keep in mind as I discuss this build, I’m primarily playing it in a PvP setting. Not to say that the build wouldn’t be viable across a wide array of content, but there would definitely be tweaks to be made.
Layout of this thread: build link, text version with trait choice discussion and optional choices, then weapon choice discussion and optional weapon choices, then overall discussion and strategy, with options for WvW.
Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNAV8fjEVl1dVWWg2Bi2jMZeMxKYI3jSRqTVwmK-TsAAzCpI+S9l7LzXyisFNqYVxeBA
Skirmishing: Sharpened Edges
Wilderness Survival: Shared Anguish, Offhand Training, Empathic Bond
Nature Magic: Vigorous Spirits, Nature’s Vengeance, Spirits Unbound
Heal: Healing Spring
Utilities: Sun Spirit, Stone Spirit, Lightning Reflexes
Elite: Spirit of Nature
Weapons: Shortbow with Sigil of Earth, Sword with Sigil of Earth, Torch with Sigil of Minor Corruption
Amulet: Rabid Amulet with Rabid Jewel
Trait Choices:
Sharpened Edges: Adding points to skirmishing in general for bleed procs from sigil of earth is useful, but Sharpened Edges serves to put out even more pressure, since you’ll be critting quite often and condition damage ignores toughness. The only other option here is Agility Training to have your pet keep up with the enemy. However, I feel that the pressure output is better with Sharpened Edges, which is why I run it, because I prefer the damage to be on the player.
Shared Anguish: This is a free stunbreak, and essentially allows you to take 2 stunbreaks into a fight. I can’t begin to express how many times this has saved me, especially in 1vX situations where a single stun break just won’t cut it. However, another good option for teamfight situations particularly is Vigorous Renewal. Pulsing Vigor may not help rangers out as much because it doesn’t really stack with Natural Vigor, but the rest of the team will sure benefit from it.
Offhand Training: This makes torch even more amazing. A 1200 range burn, and now torch 5 covers the entire point on most maps. Very useful, and a strong skirmishing option overall. You can also opt for Hide in Plain Sight, which is a target drop on CC, which is useful as well, but when you stealth, you are no longer holding the point, which lessens the usefulness of the option, and your ability to perform. Another good choice here is Martial Mastery, because it means your sword evades will recharge faster, meaning potentially more survival. It is a more defensive option though, and I prefer the offensive option.
Empathic Bond: This is rangers most reliable cleansing. I wouldn’t ever use a single build without it at this point, unless rangers get some other strong cleansing option.
Vigorous Spirits: More health and more easily activated spirit effects. This is like a must on the Spirit build, and it’s an absolute BnB (bread and butter) choice.
Nature’s Vengeance: This is a very PvP oriented option. It allows active effects to be larger and makes the spirits trigger them on death. This option can be absolutely amazing in team fights with the elite Spirit, because its another free group Rez on Spirit death. Additionally, for the utility spirits, it allows you to punish people who kill your spirits. They may not be the best active effects ever, but a long duration blind and a 2s immobilize can definitely help you gain the advantage in a fight. The only other option I would consider here is Nature’s Protection. The protection gained from it can be a life saver, and is probably the better option in WvW especially.
Spirits Unbound: This is the other BnB for this build. You are now capable of roaming with your support. You spend less time finding a safe spot and you are more capable of taking spirits where they are needed. However, a big part of using this trait is knowing not to jump into cleave range of heavy damage. Sit back, use your bow, and control the enemy with shortbow 4 and 5, and leaps with 3. Most singular opposing players won’t have the cleave to be able to instantly kill the spirits and still win the fight, so take advantage of good positioning and play keep away until burning procs on top of all the bleeds and poison and they melt or run.
Shortbow: absolutely necessary. The other option is axe/dagger, but I personally don’t like that option because it requires point blank range to be effective, which means you have to sacrifice your positioning often to do more damage and it can potentially get your spirits killed, rendering the build less effective. With shortbow, you are going to be able to sustain very good damage and bleeds, while strafing and playing keep away with enemies, and it is a very effective tool for this build.
Sword: This is going to be your utility and defense weapon. You have a permanent cripple on autoattack when needed, as well as an evade back and a leap, which can be utilized as a leap through Healing Spring, or a disengage. Sword 3 is very useful for staying alive, and can also really mess with opponents that have telegraphed damage skills, like D/D eles. I think sword right now is a necessary option on every ranger build. Some people argue greatsword, but I think that once people get over the learning curve of the sword, it is the better weapon.
Torch: This is how you keep permanent burning on your target. It is your go to damage weapon. There is not a better choice for damage output. For a more defensive option, you can go with dagger, but you will lose the ability to keep up permanent burning, which is the strongest source of damage in this build.
Rabid: High condition damage, strong toughness rating and precision rating. There isn’t a better damage option for this particular build, and it helps immensely with survival.
Pet Choice:
I’m not going to go over every potential pet option in the game, I’m just going to explain my choice of Wolf and Drakehound. Canines by default provide the best pressure against moving opponents, and the wolf and drakehounds F2 abilities are very control oriented, which ranger weapon skills severely lack. Overall canines are one of the best choices for this build due to the aforementioned reasons.
This is a movement based playstyle. In a very concise quote: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Shortbow is very control oriented, while providing one of the best pressure outputs in the game. Sit at a distance and circle strafe, cripple, daze, stun, whatever it takes to keep them away from you and the damage off of you. Most classes can’t deal with you at range due to the high toughness and good vitality of this build, and the spirits can actually absorb quite a bit of single target damage for you. Classes that can (necros particularly) are unable to deal with the high amount of evasion you can achieve, so as long as dodges and evades are utilized properly, you will almost always come out on top. Just remember; positioning is everything. Do not jump into the fray in teamfights if you can sit back and attack. Your damage doesn’t get any better any closer, but you can keep spirits up better if they are out of cleave range, as well as you making yourself a harder target to focus down in general. In small fights or 1v1s, just keep moving. You have the options to keep most melee opponents from ever landing hits on you, and you can outdamage most ranged opponents.
WvW: In WvW, condition damage isn’t necessarily the best option for bigger groups. In small groups you’ll be fine, and you can switch out lightning reflexes for Signet of the Hunt when traveling, with full rabid gear.
However, if you choose to go power, I personally think the best option would be to go 10/0/30/30/0 with Steady Aim, and Knights Armor. You can switch to the longbow if that’s you preference, since you might need a 1200 range weapon, and will probably be in a larger group, with sword dagger as your other set, and Sun Spirit being replaced by Frost Spirit, since stacking burning on a single target won’t net as much damage output as 10% more on a hit, mostly because you have to fight for condition “slots” and targets generally melt to groups, so you want to be as useful as possible while being able to bolster your own damage. Alternatively, P/V/T armor could work fine, though you would lose out on damage output because of less crits, in favor of more vitality to have a bit more staying power.
The Elite in WvW can also be changed based on preference. Entangle is always a good harass option, even better in the rabid build than a power build. Rampage as One is always beneficial for its stability as well. I’m not fully versed with all of the racial elites, but just use your judgement, as the elite doesn’t really change the effectiveness of the build in WvW as much as it does in PvP.
Utility options: Sun Spirit and Stone Spirit are both strong options, however, for an even more offensive build, you can choose to go with Storm Spirit over Lightning Reflexes. It may seem strange at first, but with this build, Storm Spirit hits between 2.5k and 3k damage noncrit. It is a much more offensive option, but will leave you without an active stun breaker, so the tradeoff is up to you.
Current condi meta build as discussed with Battosai: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNAV8YjEVl1dVOVg2BiVBB1ekJJhJ3jS5/TVwmK-TsAgyCpIATBmDMDYSwsgN8Y5xeBA
This build accomplishes providing a high vitality rating to survive the condition output of the current about of condition focused builds in the metagame. As described by Battosai below, it has high protection uptime, and a very decent armor rating considering how offensive the build is designed to be, making the build very strong at survival, as well as condition pressure. Weapons were not discussed, however, Shortbow is a simple poking at range option so that you don’t have to risk the spirits deaths and can have more leeway on when to enter melee range with spirits, while sword/dagger is a bread and butter survival option with lots of evades to help survival, and to aid the tactic of attrition by evading damage while letting conditions tick on them. Another option would be to go axe/dagger in a more offensive setup, to be able to burst bleeds while still having the amazing dagger 4 evade.
(edited by jcbroe.4329)
Stop giving away the best ranger build currently lol….
Yeah its great build, I run my own version of it but its really solid.
Jcbroe, thanks for posting. This looks interesting.
How often does protection stay up? Or in other words, have you experienced a gap in the protection buff due to spirit time out/death etc?
Also, how effective are have Solar Flare and Quicksand? Do they hit your opponent(s) or do you have to lead them into it like a trap?
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
Jcbroe, thanks for posting. This looks interesting.
How often does protection stay up? Or in other words, have you experienced a gap in the protection buff due to spirit time out/death etc?Also, how effective are have Solar Flare and Quicksand? Do they hit your opponent(s) or do you have to lead them into it like a trap?
There are times when the Spirit is dead, but the longest gap in time I’ve experienced is about 20s of downtime on the Spirits, and with the attack speed of the shortbow, having the Stone Spirit up means having protection basically when you’re capable of proccing the hit.
As far as Solar Flare and Quicksand, I land the blind a lot more than the initial immobilize, but people seem to like walking through the quicksand and crippling themselves. I land them much more when I’m defending/contesting points though, because it forces the opponent to be in range of them.
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
The damage output isn’t as high as Sharpened Edges. On average, I can keep about 5 stacks of might on the pet, and condition damage for burning increase +25 for every 100 condition damage. 5 stacks of might is only 175 condition damage which is a bit less than a +50 damage increase, and Sharpened Edges has no ICD, meaning it can proc twice every ~1.2s, which is a +216 base damage increase without stacks of corruption.
Although I’m not accounting for the +175 power the pet also receives, which could equal out in the end.
I’ve actually been playing this with great success since the last patch I really like this sPvP build
Added to the compilation thread!
I’ve actually been playing this with great success since the last patch
I really like this sPvP build
Added to the compilation thread!
Also, I’m going to edit in some info I just learned real quick and have been playing around with this morning.
New utility options section at the bottom (I tried to layout my thread like a page from smogon lol).
(edited by jcbroe.4329)
My variation, though, is 10 in MM for the pet condition duration trait, then I run double spiders. It’s a beautiful sight to see them waste their condition removal, only to be immobilized again inside a bonfire <3
It makes sense as a variation. I’m still personally pretty dead set on Sharpened Edges. I honestly don’t think the shortbow is a good weapon in condition builds without it lol.
i suggest running ten points into marksmanship and taking sharpening stone on procc.
i run the spirit build with a carrion amulet + rabid jewel ( think i’ve explained it somewhere here a few days ago) and with forge runes.
forge runes give burning duration + protection duration.
so with 30 points into nature magic you get 3 seconds of protection on dodgeroll.
furthermore you will increase your burning duration by 25%, also your survivability is higher in this condi meta due to the high hp pool ( you still have 2520 armor with around 80-90% protection uptime; once you drop below 50% health you get 15 seconds of protection from forge #6 on a 60 second cooldown, which makes it an effective 45 second cd) and your pressure is higher than rabid as well due to the added power damage.
the thing that makes spirits atm so strong is that each spirit can procc each others spirits passive effects – so the immobilize suddenly burns and same goes for the active of the lightning spirit, giving you little to no downtime on burning without going for torch offhand or any other burn utility.
there’s some more tricks to it i’m not willing to share as of yet.
Our second Ranger in our Skirmish group (im the other) Runs a Spirit build. But its with Apothecary gear , he runs S/W + SB and the support he offers is quite good.
I will say , it would be neat to have an ability called “Natures Anguish” or something similar and allows you to send your spirits to a selected place and explode for extra effect.
My variation, though, is 10 in MM for the pet condition duration trait, then I run double spiders. It’s a beautiful sight to see them waste their condition removal, only to be immobilized again inside a bonfire <3
Double spiders?
My variation, though, is 10 in MM for the pet condition duration trait, then I run double spiders. It’s a beautiful sight to see them waste their condition removal, only to be immobilized again inside a bonfire <3
Double spiders?
Yes, mostly for Entangling Web. That’s 3 a second immobilize on a 20 second cooldown. With the latest balance patch, they deal pretty decent damage too and mostly get ignored because of all the shiny spirits on the enemy’s screen.
Been running pretty much the same thing for months.. thanks for letting the devs know what’s next on the nerf agenda -.-
Although I hadn’t tried the forge runes out yet, was considering it.
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
People finally starting to get turned onto spirits? Pfft Durz and I been using them since launch. Ahahah remember that? Back when you all said we were dumb and spirits suck and we don’t understand how they work? Where’s Sebrent now so I can rub it in his face? Oh, ya, he ran out of math to do so he quit.
I use spirits in dungeons even. I’m so sick of people saying “rangers bring no team support”…except spotter (150 precision), aoe condi removal, water field, flame field, aoe regen, fury, aoe protection on hit, aoe bonus damage on hit, pet tank+revive, instant revive spirit, up to 20 stacks vuln on opening strike or reflection/pull/weakness depending on secondary. Gee, rangers don’t do anything!
(edited by Chopps.5047)
What gear set up would you recommend for this for WvW.
What gear set up would you recommend for this for WvW.
Should be all the info you need in thread, just, in wvw consider taking Nature’s Vengeance. There’s so much aoe, vengeance helps make sure the spirit gets it’s secondary off. You can even get it off twice: cast, use secondary, secondary procs, spirit dies, secondary procs again.
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
if I recall correctly, the burning damage is calculated using the Ranger’s condition damage, not the pet or other players, npcs etc. that are triggering it. I know it is affected by the duration increases from the Ranger.
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
if I recall correctly, the burning damage is calculated using the Ranger’s condition damage, not the pet or other players, npcs etc. that are triggering it. I know it is affected by the duration increases from the Ranger.
Can anyone confirm? This is pretty big stuff O_O
I’m basing this on the assumption that if boon duration and condition duration increases applied to the Ranger affect the duration of affects applied by spirits, the condition damage would be applied as well.
When i equipped the sun spirit with my build the burn damage was 2900 and it procs quite frequently. i think they should put stun breakers in the spirits as an on use or something so people would be more likely to use them
This is a very nice build! I am actually using it now in wvw.
I recently started doing sPVP (hello achievement points lol) and im using very similar build. Same traits, pets and gear, but I use 3 spirits (more mobility and DPS with storm spirit) and Axe/Axe instead of shortbow.
Axe/Axe because of pull, reflect and bouncing autoattack. Its actually hillarious to see longbow rangers knocking themselves off the cliffs in skyhammer
Personally I opt to have my spirits be stationary. I’ve been quietly compiling bosses and dungeon instances and locations that keep the spirit in range and out of combat, but of course there are still instances where that is not feasible. It’s still a work in progress.
So is this build using all Knight’s gear?
i suggest running ten points into marksmanship and taking sharpening stone on procc.
i run the spirit build with a carrion amulet + rabid jewel ( think i’ve explained it somewhere here a few days ago) and with forge runes.
forge runes give burning duration + protection duration.
so with 30 points into nature magic you get 3 seconds of protection on dodgeroll.
furthermore you will increase your burning duration by 25%, also your survivability is higher in this condi meta due to the high hp pool ( you still have 2520 armor with around 80-90% protection uptime; once you drop below 50% health you get 15 seconds of protection from forge #6 on a 60 second cooldown, which makes it an effective 45 second cd) and your pressure is higher than rabid as well due to the added power damage.
the thing that makes spirits atm so strong is that each spirit can procc each others spirits passive effects – so the immobilize suddenly burns and same goes for the active of the lightning spirit, giving you little to no downtime on burning without going for torch offhand or any other burn utility.
there’s some more tricks to it i’m not willing to share as of yet.
That makes a lot of sense given the meta, and is a stronger option currently. I was just putting up the setup that I’ve been running on my ranger for some time.
Unfortunately I haven’t tpvp’d in awhile because of no team and solo q vs premades. Its much more of a boycott than anything; I don’t agree with trying to play tournies solo in their current form, especially when hotjoins already have all of the functions in place to create a successful solo q and it hasn’t happened. However, I find myself to be adequately aware of whats going on in tournies, and I would be capable of holding my own on my class against upper bracket teams if I could manage to find a team, but the population is too small lol :/
That being said, the reason why I hadn’t really adapted the build just yet is because I’m not sure how (or if) the necro build (which is the main problem imo for rangers in the condi meta) is going to get changed for the upcoming tournies for EU/NA.
All that being said, I’m sure your build is a more “tried and true” setup because of how often you get to test it against other high level players and optimize it accordingly. I was just posting up a general (and still very effective) version of the Spirit Build that could also be adapted to WvW to try to cover a wider array of playstyles.
Also, tricks you’re not willing to share? That seems very vague, I wonder if I know them myself lol. I knew the Spirits could proc each other, I’m still debating whether or not to put it in the main posts. I’ll have to figure out myself if there is any real setup for it (besides immobilize being good for setting up damage in general, and potentially being able to use it to land Storm Spirits active which additionally can proc sun spirit).
But thank you for the advice/contribution, it’s always appreciated. I’ll update it to the bottom of my third OP with as much description as I can fit, but I can’t guarantee that the sigil choices will optimized, or even good choices.
(edited by jcbroe.4329)
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
if I recall correctly, the burning damage is calculated using the Ranger’s condition damage, not the pet or other players, npcs etc. that are triggering it. I know it is affected by the duration increases from the Ranger.
Can anyone confirm? This is pretty big stuff O_O
I thought I answered it above (in response to companions might) lol. I tested it in the mists though before I posted it, but even if it does proc off the pet, it wouldn’t reach the damage potential that Sharpened Edges has.
However, if what Lunchbox is saying is true, then Sun Spirit is always going to proc off of the rangers condition damage, which means that it is most likely always a better option than Frost Spirit unless you’re attacking something that can’t be burned. Unfortunately, without enough people to coordinate the test, nobody is going to know how much damage is being done by somebody else that procs your sun spirit.
So is this build using all Knight’s gear?
Not that one I have posted, but it is an option. I’ll post a link for you, and you can fill in your weapon, rune, and accessory choices (I like to mix and match with berserkers, but that is a personal preference).
Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQBNSUVW3VZZBaHIWF2T7RmkEmcPKl/PFA-j0wAJwioxqOJiq9HER1A-w
This is a very basic skeleton layout, so that you can add in the weapons you’d like and runes, and switch around accessories and accessory upgrades as necessary. Also, when it comes to utility selection, what was described in the original posts still applies, although I now believe that Sun Spirit does more damage against targets that can burn than Frost Spirit.
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
if I recall correctly, the burning damage is calculated using the Ranger’s condition damage, not the pet or other players, npcs etc. that are triggering it. I know it is affected by the duration increases from the Ranger.
Can anyone confirm? This is pretty big stuff O_O
I just tested this and the burn damage is indeed increased by cond damage/cond duration. before my food/stone it was 1750 and after its 2640. quite the increase
Not that one I have posted, but it is an option. I’ll post a link for you, and you can fill in your weapon, rune, and accessory choices (I like to mix and match with berserkers, but that is a personal preference).
Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQBNSUVW3VZZBaHIWF2T7RmkEmcPKl/PFA-j0wAJwioxqOJiq9HER1A-w
This is a very basic skeleton layout, so that you can add in the weapons you’d like and runes, and switch around accessories and accessory upgrades as necessary. Also, when it comes to utility selection, what was described in the original posts still applies, although I now believe that Sun Spirit does more damage against targets that can burn than Frost Spirit.
Would this not be better with condi gear instead of knights?
Not that one I have posted, but it is an option. I’ll post a link for you, and you can fill in your weapon, rune, and accessory choices (I like to mix and match with berserkers, but that is a personal preference).
Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQBNSUVW3VZZBaHIWF2T7RmkEmcPKl/PFA-j0wAJwioxqOJiq9HER1A-w
This is a very basic skeleton layout, so that you can add in the weapons you’d like and runes, and switch around accessories and accessory upgrades as necessary. Also, when it comes to utility selection, what was described in the original posts still applies, although I now believe that Sun Spirit does more damage against targets that can burn than Frost Spirit.
Would this not be better with condi gear instead of knights?
The main post is in condi gear. But the point is, if you are zerging in WvW, which is what a lot of people choose to do in WvW, then condi gear doesn’t really do the job because targets drop too fast for you to do meaningful damage. So the Spirits are there to boost your teammates damage, as well as bolster your own, because Sun Spirit is still outputting more damage per burning tick than Frost Spirit, and Frost Spirit would have to proc back to back to back to make up the difference, which is statistically unlikely. Also, providing group protection isn’t too shabby either.
It’s just the zerg version is all. In a attempt to do enough meaningful damage to register for loot, while running Spirits, which are still helping.
Ah, you are correct. I think I had a different build open in my browser when I looked at it.
I’ve always wanted to play around with a spirit build (mobile banners, woo!), but I’ve been hesitant because of the effect recharge.
Does the 10 second internal CD affect only the person who activates the spirit, or does it affect the spirit itself, meaning for 10 seconds nobody gets to proc it?
I’ve always wanted to play around with a spirit build (mobile banners, woo!), but I’ve been hesitant because of the effect recharge.
Does the 10 second internal CD affect only the person who activates the spirit, or does it affect the spirit itself, meaning for 10 seconds nobody gets to proc it?
The ICD only affects the person who activates the spirit.
The ICD only affects the person who activates the spirit.
That’s what I suspected, but I wasn’t entirely sure. Thanks!
is that ICD per spirit or a lock out from all spirit effects for 10 seconds? also check out my spirit thread . im interested in hearing what the community has to say
Personally i’d swap sharpened edges for companion’s might to boost the burn damage from sun spirit procs that the pet will be applying.
The damage output isn’t as high as Sharpened Edges. On average, I can keep about 5 stacks of might on the pet, and condition damage for burning increase +25 for every 100 condition damage. 5 stacks of might is only 175 condition damage which is a bit less than a +50 damage increase, and Sharpened Edges has no ICD, meaning it can proc twice every ~1.2s, which is a +216 base damage increase without stacks of corruption.
Although I’m not accounting for the +175 power the pet also receives, which could equal out in the end.
You’re accounting for crit rate on the benefit for Companion’s Might (otherwise you’d have to assume 10 might stacks), but not for Sharpened Edges. While Sharpened Edges can proc twice every ~1 sec with a shortbow, it won’t unless you have a 100% crit rate. With the 41% crit rate in the build you listed, it will on average proc once every 1.24 sec.
With 1306 condition damage, a tick of bleed will do 107 damage. So procing on average every 1.24 sec, you’re getting +86 DPS. from Sharpened Edges with a shortbow. It may actually be worse because the wiki says something about a 66% chance to proc. I’ll assume it’s wrong – if it procs 100% of the time you crit, you’ll get +86 DPS from it on average.
With 10 BM the jaguar takes down the heavy golem solo in about 13.2 sec. That was pre-nerf so call it 14 sec. Assuming the golem has 22,000 health, that’s about 1570 DPS. (Armor doesn’t matter here because that’s post-armor DPS vs condition damage which ignores armor.) The jag has 1474 power with 10 BM, so it’s getting about 1.066 DPS per power.
With a 5 sec might duration and 1.24 sec between might applications, you’re keeping an average of 5/1.24 = 4.03 stacks of might on the pet on average. At 35 power per might stack, that’s +141 power. At 1.066 DPS per power, your pet is getting +150 DPS.
So assuming your pet can hit, Companion’s Might will help a lot more than Sharpened Edges. In fact, since both scale with crit rate, the ratio of their benefit will be the same for all chances to crit and all weapon speeds. For 1306 ranger condition damage and 1374 pet power (and assuming the pet is hitting instead of chasing), Companion’s Might will always be 1.74x better than Sharpened Edges. For Sharpened Edges to be better, you’d need more than 2150 condition damage.
Huh, I guess I’m the only spirit ranger with a super support theme… I go 0/0/10/30/30 and take Healers Clerity with Mercy Runes and a Clerics Trinket, I gotta say though, it’s done amazing things in group fights!
@OP: I would personally run dual spider instead of dual canines (or one of each) due to the HUGE amount of single target control spiders have, but that’s just me.
I just tried a combination of this and my rampager/trapper build.
Basically I used Signet of Hunt (WvW), Sharpening Stone, Sun Spirit, had full toughness gear on running basically same talent setup (though I used Longbow)
Whenever we fought a zerg I’d pop sharpening stone and Barrage into it, it’d proc burning on someone, if I was chasing someone I’d use Shortbow with it.
My condition damage with this setup is around 2040..Which means my burn is hitting for over 830 a tic
Not sure how it compares to regular trapper build and such, was interesting.
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