My WvW Zerging Setup

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’ve ran multiple builds in World vs World when zerging, and about anything works decently…I mean I ran a Rampager Build for the longest time before they nerfed Sharpening Stones with Barrage.

Thing is, one of the things many people don’t understand about Zerging most fights, Are decided 10 seconds into the engagement, The side that is the first to pull back is usually the side that loses because it causes a cascading effect of people running and your team getting mowed over.

With that said….Your individual damage doesn’t matter…If you hit for 1000 damage or 5000 damage it does not matter, The only thing that matters in a Zerg fight is how many people can you hit…That is it…

Now we have multiple weapons with some form of AOE….Mainly Axe/Greatsword/Longbow ….Axe and LB aren’t bad, Problem with Longbow is it has 1 AOE…..and it only hits 5 people with that AOE….

Axe is a bit more bearable because your auto attack bounces, But again.. Not super amazing.

The Absolute best weapon for zerging however is Greatsword, Because you’re going to be doing 1 thing…Spamming the 1 key and cleaving people. It has the added bonus of having an evade in the actual chain, So you’re taking less damage while doing it.

We also have the added bonus of having 20 seconds of stability at the start of most engagements with Rampage as One. This means we can pop our heal (TU) and Rampage and simply run in hitting the 1 key..This allows us to hit many people as possible.

Secondary Weapon is up to you, I generally run shortbow with my setup because I can stack bleeds on individual targets after the initial fight is over and mop up.

Pets you will want to flat out use Drakes, not only are they beefy, they do the thing you want most, Hit multiple people.

Gear Wise, simply look at my previous Technobabble Build.

The only difference between the two is I switch Moment of Clarity out by dropping 10 points, and picking up 10 in Marksman for Piercing Arrows. I also swap TB for Signet of Stone.

In the end, you have stats like this.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Looks quite nice. I think for me I’d lose the SB and the focus on condition damage maybe in favour of dual axe or LB on secondary weapon, and use stats lost in condition to impove precision.. but I guess thats personal preferance.

But I like it =)

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


The only thing I take issue with in your Build is your Pet choice. Drakes are fine pet choices, but its freaking hilarious watching them try to hit a moving target. Also, many Pet F2 attacks hit multiple enemies, and Canines have some of the most useful (like the wolf)

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Most of the time by the time you get your wolf into position to fear, Everyone is dead in a Zerg Fight.

That’s not to say you can’t use Wolf, Drakes are mainly there for random AOE hits they do with their Auto attack (since by the time you get them to cast their F2, the fight is also over as well, though the Swamp Drake can do it somewhat since its got 900 range)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Doug.9628


I see why you chose drakes; think moas (namely crimson) could be used as well? Seems like they might be decent for buffing just before the zergs clash, just to get that little bit of an advantage

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: Gorath.5076


@Xsorus, you gotta be a mind reader. I was jsut checking the forums before I was going to pose a question for a build such as you have just posted

So I’ll ask here instead:

I have given Chopps Hydralisks and Kjeldorans power build a spin.
* My Problem with the Hydralisk CC Build: low Damage and pigeon wholeing into a very specific task

  • My problem with Kjeldorans Power Build: Aparently I am nowhere close to being as good a ranger as he is, since I couldnt kill kitten with this build in either Duels or Small scale group roaming.

I was about to ask weather you could recommed a build, focused around GS, which is tanky, versatile and able to kill.
Does your build fullfill those specifications, Xsorus? I see an immediate Problem with your low condition damage, e.g. ..
I’d love to hear about some first hand experience! Your posts sounds a bit like you built it out of resignation about the lack of alternatives …

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: gotem.5284


Personal preference but I don’t like specs involved around a stupidly OP rune set that will most likely get nerfed in the future making this spec much weaker.

Until that nerf happens this spec is probably really good.

Ranger and Mesmer
Eredon Terrace

My WvW Zerging Setup

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


The rune isnt OP at all on rangers, we dont have access to a lot of interrupt skills