"My pet needs help!" ANet

"My pet needs help!" ANet

in Ranger

Posted by: zamrai.3784


Hi guys,
in this topic I would like to bring to your notice a fact that ranger pet’s mechanics needs some serious improvements. I know there are changes to ranger coming up but I don’t know if they cover up any of issues related to pets.

I have spent more than 200 hours with my ranger character so far and latest runs through Arah made me see how much pet control options are lacking at the moment.

First, we need a way to hide our pets for as long we wish. Now we can hide it but it appears again as soon we get ourselves into fight. There are some places in dungeons with foes we don’t want to aggro, and our pet running carelessly around can be a serious threat to whole group.

Second, pet AI need some serious re-work. When I jump on some stair my pet doesn’t jump there with me, it just runs all the way around, aggroing all mobs on his way straight to me. Temporarily turning the pet off isn’t always a solution because this option goes on cooldown everytime when I switch my pets. May not be available the exact time I need it the most.

Third, when pet dies it shouldn’t keep aggro anymore, should become like invisible for foes. Last time my very pet got me killed because running to me after its death he still got mobs after him. I couldn’t do anything, that was most annoying.

Fourth, we need more options to control our pets behavior, not just “fight” and “don’t fight” but also “stay where you are”, “stay away from me”, “stay close to me” etc. This can also be replaced by one single option to turn the pet off.

All these issues I mentioned became a serious problem in difficult dungeons when in order to survive one needs to have maximal control over one’s character INCLUDING PET. Now we barely have any options for our pets, so they can be not only major source of annoyance but also a threat for whole group.

Best regards

(edited by zamrai.3784)

"My pet needs help!" ANet

in Ranger

Posted by: Haya jii san.1978

Haya jii san.1978

It hurts me that people nowdays do not bother to take a brief look on the forums before they post w/e they would have in mind … Seriously, spare a min or 2 next time !

https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/Pet-overhaul/first#post649887 = What you are looking for !

Thorough post on pets in general. Feel free bringing new ideas etc

"My pet needs help!" ANet

in Ranger

Posted by: zamrai.3784


It hurts me that people nowdays do not bother to take a brief look on the forums

I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I did take a brief look on forum before posting my topic, must have missed yours then, when it fell down the site at that time. What a big deal?
I think Anet should be flooded with topics and posts about such things over and over again to remember we players are not happy with certain things and we need improvements to be done. It is for the sake of better gaming experience, for all of us.
Merging topics still functions, you know.