Nature Magic X – Enlargement

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Phibes.5368


Nature Magic X – Enlargement. This trait now uses Signet of the Wild to trigger. This reduces the cooldown to 60 seconds and allow it to interact with the Signet of the Beastmaster and Signet Mastery traits.

Not understanding how the patch will affect this. Signet of the wild already gives what is roughly +25% dmg bonus to our pet, as well as stability for 10s. Therefore enlargement and signet of the wild are already more or less the same thing except enlargement gives +50% movement speed. So is enlargement still its own trait? why should we slot a trait which gives us what we already have? The cooldown is also already 60s. what will happen to signet of the wild if we do not slot enlargement?

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

You don’t have to activate the signet is how I read it. Its like having two copies of it.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I was just thinking about this, but it might be half a nerf. Signet of the Wild does not give 50% movement increase like Enlargement does.

But, at least now it could potentially affect the Ranger as well (with another 30 trait points).

I hope the 50% movement speed is part of it. Then the Ranger could get 8s stability and 50% movement speed at 25% health. Without the movement speed I don’t think the updated version will be used.

It seems to synergise well with Bark Skin, but it’s not possible to get all three traits (Signet of the Beastmaster, Enlargement and Bark Skin)

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


Wait a minute! I have to rephrase it to see if i understood: after December 10th, having the beastmarter sign

et trait from marksmanship on my trait, will allow me to trigger this one on my character aswell without having to slot the signet even though having a shared cooldown?

If so, bravo!

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I think so, in fact, they might not even share a cooldown and they might even stack (but now I’m worried that won’t be the case).

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Phibes.5368


well either the effects must stack or they must not share a cooldown. I still dont understand how enlargement affects signet of the wild at all besides the +50% movespeed, which to me isnt worth it at all for a trait slot. I just want to make sure that they arent taking effects away from signet of the wild in order for this to happen.

If they shared a cooldown that would make no sense at all, because signet of the wild’s cooldown is 60s itself. Therefore by the time the enlargement trait would next be available you would already be able to use signet of the wild again anyways. I just want to know whether or not enlargement will be stacking with signet of the wild, if they share a cooldown. and most of all WTF is the point of even pairing enlargement with signet of the wild if they do the exact same thing. i just cant see why anyone would slot the trait. Just pairing it with signet of the wild is not doing anything at all, in fact its a nerf if they are making them share a cooldown. Because you can already get the effects of both of them without sharing a cooldown as of right now if you choose to do so

I dont even feel like any of the changes to rangers are adressing any of the main problems we face and i am genuinely dissatisfied with the patch, i dont feel like any IMPORTANT changes have been made. Sure bark skin gaining +20% dmg reduction is nice, but u still have to be under 25% hp which at that point the odds are overbearingly favoring your death, unless you are in a 1v1 situation. And again this is only emphasizing more condition build play as it is in the toughness/condi line. And im not even going to start on why shortbows are broken as kitten but why should we have a flanking requirement to apply bleed when no other class has that requirement, shortbows are just not viable from any standpoint. We still have no boom skill, no kill power, overall dps of our auto attacks is not that high on any of our weapons and we have no condi removal. On paper yea the buffs to short range with a longbow seems like a buff, but why use a longbow in short range to begin with, they gave us stealth so that we dont HAVE to be in short range with a longbow. They ought to buff the max dmg of longbow autos across the board and give longbows some type of skill similar to that of mercy shot on the harpoon gun. the auto attacks of all of our weapons pale in comparison to just about any other class, especially melee weapons. I could handle longbow autos being where they are now, but rapid fire just doesnt cut it for dps considering that it is supposed to be our big damage ability. Mesmers can easily drop 4k with one illusory beserker, which takes a fraction of the time an entire rapid fire takes, making it much harder to dodge and much more consistent. In fact feeding frenzy on the rangers harpoon gun does the same amount of damage as a full rapid fire but we dont have to channel it, therefore in shorter terms harpoon guns are a much better weapon for rangers than a longbow which is kittened up.

(edited by Phibes.5368)

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Yep being under 25% is a big neon sign, saying pile on and kill me boys! Barkskin wont help much except in small skirmishes/1-1 maybe. However I see combining the new Enlargement with signet of the stone, so you can actually do a heal and then proceed to whoop some kitten .

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


It is within the game triggered (and is counted) as a signet, which means that it will be compatible with runes and traits that affect signets.

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


I’m designing a new build for ranger zerging around this patch
The traits are currently
Which I’m loving as I feel a lot of trait synergy

I had the idea that With enlargement and sig of beast I wouldn’t need an active stun breaker I would just use stability to prevent.

My question is in order for me to take this risk I want a backup I case of a boon rip
Is enlargement going to be a stun breaker when I hit 25% due to the stability?
They won’t integrate the cast time will they?

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It sounds good on paper but how useful is this really going to be? You have to sacrifice all the armor, condition damage, and traits that come with wilderness to get this to work which means you are effectively pigeonholed into a power build with much less armor than necessary and no off hand or martial training to make our weapons work at peak efficiency.

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Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


It is within the game triggered (and is counted) as a signet, which means that it will be compatible with runes and traits that affect signets.

Yeah, having this trigger the Runes of resistance could be pretty tasty.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


It sounds good on paper but how useful is this really going to be? You have to sacrifice all the armor, condition damage, and traits that come with wilderness to get this to work which means you are effectively pigeonholed into a power build with much less armor than necessary and no off hand or martial training to make our weapons work at peak efficiency.

Well its not a condi build,
And its by NO means a dueling build, it was made for wvw
And I’m using great sword
And my toughness comes from my gear
So I see no problem,

I just wanted to know if enlargement is going to be a stun breaker of if they will bring along some sort of cast time.

Nature Magic X – Enlargement

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It sounds good on paper but how useful is this really going to be? You have to sacrifice all the armor, condition damage, and traits that come with wilderness to get this to work which means you are effectively pigeonholed into a power build with much less armor than necessary and no off hand or martial training to make our weapons work at peak efficiency.

Well its not a condi build,
And its by NO means a dueling build, it was made for wvw
And I’m using great sword
And my toughness comes from my gear
So I see no problem,

I just wanted to know if enlargement is going to be a stun breaker of if they will bring along some sort of cast time.

I don’t think traits usually have cast times. Most of the effects just trigger once the conditions are met.

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