Nature magic, allies aid

Nature magic, allies aid

in Ranger

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


The trait in Nature magic called ‘’allies aid’’ has a ‘’Search and Rescue’’ too, but its still the old one. Is that suppose to be the new one too but did they forget to change it into the new one?

Its quite odd that both have the same name ‘’Search and Rescue’’.

That trait should either have a rename or become the new ‘’Search and Rescue’’.

Nature magic, allies aid

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghorman.1368


They behave differently. The trait one will teleport your pet to you to help revive. The skill one your pet will teleport a downed player and itself to you to revive. With the skill one you don’t even have to help a downed player; your pet will revive them alone if you want.