Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: Dusk.4708


Hey rangers, my name that I am known by is Zero the Silent, I make videos requested by my guildmates, friends, and fans of mine that happen across my videos. I showcase some personal builds that i tweak to work in large scale group battles and skirmishes, recently, I got bored of my engineer and thief(whitch i also have videos of) so I decided that i was going to take my ranger whitch i only ever used in Spvp and rank him up for WvW. This video is a response to those who say that “rangers are next to useless in group fights!” and to prove it, me and my guildmate are only using rangers and its just me and him, nobody else!! (a pug or two join the fights but thats uncontrollable).

Nature’s Might: A Ranger Montage——

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: AEFA.9035


Good stuff. Ive been using shout condi on pvp as well, its very good with small duels on a cap point specially with soldier runes that remove conditions on nearby allies affected by shout as well. I think it can be potential for Tournaments since Spirits die easily now IMO.

Success is my only option, failure is not.

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


No one of those who play the bunker condi ranger says that rangers suck.

There was nothing special with the video, sorry. It’s just a regen condi bunker build that is used by too many. There are also too many videos with that build…..

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: KevlarZero.6849


Still it looks beautiful and it inspires me to evade a lot more than I have been!

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: Dusk.4708


thank you for the feedback everyone.

Also solrik, it is my version of the regen bunker that I am just showcasing for others, I like to look back at the great fights that i’ve had and when I throw my own little tricks into an already fun way to play a class these videos are the result, I know many people play it but im giving an insight on my playstyle because not only for rangers but ANY class: you can copy a build, but you can never copy someones playstyle.

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I’m going to be completely honest with you. I saw that you were using a bear and I immediately stopped watching.

Any “utility” that a bear provides is heavily outweighed by the fact that it’s a bear, meaning that it does nothing outside of tank. If you need a tanky pet, go with a drake.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: Dusk.4708


Any “utility” that a bear provides is heavily outweighed by the fact that it’s a bear, meaning that it does nothing outside of tank. If you need a tanky pet, go with a drake.

so you’d rather use a drake that has to stand in place to use its f2 ability in a cone and can’t take as much punishment as a type of bear, rather than use a bear whitch not only is tanky, but can take a beating when i use “protect me” as an anti-burst utility, and have an AoE condi clear on a short CD……doesn’t make much sense to me but, if it makes you feel better i use a black bear sometimes! ;D

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Any “utility” that a bear provides is heavily outweighed by the fact that it’s a bear, meaning that it does nothing outside of tank. If you need a tanky pet, go with a drake.

so you’d rather use a drake that has to stand in place to use its f2 ability in a cone and can’t take as much punishment as a type of bear, rather than use a bear whitch not only is tanky, but can take a beating when i use “protect me” as an anti-burst utility, and have an AoE condi clear on a short CD……doesn’t make much sense to me but, if it makes you feel better i use a black bear sometimes! ;D

River Drake and Marsh Drake both have bouncing 600 range projectiles that both deal decent to massive damage, the second best defensive stats outside of bears, and the cleave, and their attacks do decent damage.

I’d rather have a slightly less tanky pet that actually does something outside of being a sponge for Protect Me, while being able to be used with Protect Me just fine, then a pet that does nothing but soak damage.

Bears just have terrible opportunity cost in comparison. Please tell me you’re at least running a DPS pet as your swap.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: Dusk.4708


Even if i don’t have access to alot of power, do you still think that using a drake with their main dmg output as direct damage would it still work good? I use bear mostly for shake it off and the absorption from protect me, then have fear wolf for breathing room and knockdowns.

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


That’s fair enough, and I’m not saying it’s inefficient. I’m just saying you could get more damage from a different pet while having the pet perform a similar role to the bear.

Ultimately, the biggest decision you have to make is how useful that condition removal is to you, because if you do find yourself relying on it, then no matter what I say, it’s ultimately a difference in our playstyles, and I do know people that make bears work that are good players.

Last thing though, your own stat investment doesn’t affect the pets damage whatsoever. They have their own stats and own damage outputs that are completely independent of you as the player, and the only thing that affects your pets stats are traits, investment in the BM line, and your level.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: Dusk.4708


Ok thats somthing i needed clarified, and i just tried out the river drakes lightning and my god that does alot of dmg if it hits, also whitch drake do you think would be good to use i was looking towards either the confusion drake or the river but im not sure,

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


Also solrik, it is my version of the regen bunker that I am just showcasing for others, I like to look back at the great fights that i’ve had and when I throw my own little tricks into an already fun way to play a class these videos are the result, I know many people play it but im giving an insight on my playstyle because not only for rangers but ANY class: you can copy a build, but you can never copy someones playstyle.

I don’t want to be a total kitten, but there is no playstyle to it.
You did some really stupid things, like walking through the guardians fire field and got burned multiple times. Also failed to the guardian bubble multiple times.

Some improvements can be done on some of the skills. Splitblade; cast it only at point blank range, otherwise it’s a waste. Monarch’s Leap; try to combo it with your fire field, it is worth doing it. Lightning Ref.; use it to stun break, never to evade after a stun. Hornet Sting; use it if you need to heal up. Use the skill, heal, then go back in with Monarch’s Leap.

Even though it didn’t matter much in the video, try to focus the less mobile enemies. Focusing the most mobile one(s) will make you run around the place and deal less damage.

Either way, you won those fights, which means that you were better than your enemies. (I’m just opening my hands and sharing, not trying to put you down!)

All-in-all good job.

Some drastic changes you can do (which I always wanted to try out but there was noone to do it with) is to synergise with your friend so you can combo eachother and in turn deal more damage.

Confusion vs Damage;
It depends on who you are fighting. Many don’t even care about having confusion stacks on them and will keep using their abilities. I for example always stop attacking with high confusion stacks.

Lightning Breath can be amazing when fighting against mesmers/necros, if it hits.

(edited by solrik.6028)

Nature's Might: A Ranger Montage

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Actually, you guys are always thinking in terms of offence. The main weakness of Nature Voice shout builds, as has been proven already, is actually killing the pet. Kill the pet and the whole build goes down the drain as you cant proc NVoice or EBond.

Taking out a DPS pet or a wolf is kitten easy and the pet should be the main target for anyone seeing a natures voice proc. The bear dirrectly remedies this, so i sort of understand why.

Having said that, i would never run protect me with this build. It plays dirrectly into the weakness of this build. Maybe if its small scale combat and u cancel its effect when the pet reaches 50% HP or so.

Honestly, i would play spiders. They are obnoxious to deal with especially if you keep moving them around with Guard stealth. And ditch protect me for Sick em. Spiders are a guaranteed hit as they are ranged, and 40% extra damage from them 1/3rd of the time seems ok to me.