Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Elyat.3270


Hey there,

As of a couple of days ago I got to level 80 with my Ranger, throughout my leveling I pretty much only used my longbow and a power/precision build. Thats was all fine and dandy – However when I began doing dungeons and WvW I began noticing other Rangers doing different from me, I kept dying a lot which didn’t help. I have looked over the internet for help and hints on what I should do but many people suggest different things.

If anyone can provide me some insight on what I should be doing in terms of gear, stats and builds that would be amazing!

Thanks for your time

Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


At least for dungeons, I think you just need to get more familiar with them, get better at dodging, get better at positioning. Most experienced rangers in dungeons run even more glassy power/precision gear than you probably use (pure berserker), and primarily use a more dangerous weapon set, sword/warhorn. (Melee range and has weird rooting issues that makes it more difficult to time dodges.)

If you don’t feel comfortable with pure berserker (power/precision/crit dmg), you can mix in some knight’s (power/precision/toughness) or soldier’s (power/toughness/vitality) gear, though this will obviously decrease your DPS.

People will probably tell you to use sword/warhorn as a primary set over longbow. This is because mainhand sword is the highest DPS weapon available to rangers right now, and DPS is king under current game mechanics. You can get by with lower DPS builds if you get used to dungeon mechanics, so using what you like shouldn’t stop you from completing most dungeons successfully, though it will probably take longer or not go as smoothly. But keep in mind at least that more DPS always makes for better dungeon runs.

As for WvW, if you are running with the zerg, it is always good to use Soldier’s (power/vitality/toughness) armor, also known as PVT. Survivability in a zerg is most important, since there are just so many people around that extra damage for a few seconds before you die isn’t as effective as an extra living person for the whole fight.

If you are planning to do roaming in WvW, someone else will probably have a better answer for you.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Elyat.3270


Ahh I see, made things alot clearer, In terms of gear should I use a mixer of Power/Precision and Crit with Power Pricision and Toughness too provide some in coming damage support – Thanks for the reply

Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


I don’t do dungeons but since 1 player can apply all the damaging conditions needed the way to go is usually power/precision. If you get more experienced you will manage to stay clear of danger, and you can go full berserker stats.

In WvW its a bit more complicated. If you wan’t to improve your chances of survival you might want to have at least 1 stun break, condition removal, some toughness and vitality. There are a few lonbow builds that you can run in wvw as well. If you just hit 80 I suggest you get some gear from the Temple karma merchants in Orr. Rabid and soldier stats are also available. Just don’t mix the two. You can check out sPvP where you can experiment with stats/builds, and it won’t cost you anything. You can try them out to see what you like. If you run around in wvw and have problem with roamers its because most people that roam have a solid build with good gear. You can improve on that, but it takes some practice as well. Don’t let those mace/shield, greatsword warriors, and thieves take away your fun. The day will come when you can roflstomp them, and it will be all the sweeter. Well not warriors as they are now, but at least some thieves.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

in Ranger

Posted by: milknnuts.8610


Ahh I see, made things alot clearer, In terms of gear should I use a mixer of Power/Precision and Crit with Power Pricision and Toughness too provide some in coming damage support – Thanks for the reply

I’ve been playing since launch and been through the different meta changes. Most of my time is spent in wvw and pvp, so I can share my experience about this aspect of the game.
Firstly, as a ranger I advise not to mix and match stats, just go for a certain build and learn its intricacies. For example, power/prec/crit won’t really go well with toughness because adding so would make your main stats less potent. It’s either be a truck or a race car, rangers can’t be both.
Secondly, I also play Mesmer and thief, granted both are fun and easier to play in my opinion as they both have utilities designed for survivability. But they’re not as satisfying to play as my ranger, being a ranger is like being the underdog.
So to reiterate my point, stick with a build and learn its intricacies and you’ll eventually be able to build a better ranger that would suit you.

Need Help With Ranger Gear and Build

in Ranger

Posted by: felixdacat.3804


Definitely pick gear/traits/skills that mesh with your style of play. I’ve run longbow and axe/horn in a sort of chill build for a while now and enjoy it. If you prefer direct damage over condition, stay with LB and back it up with GS or sword/whatever. If you’re playing in wvw, you’ll need stun breaks and condition clears for sure, and maybe a trap/muddy terrain for a little CC.

My newest source of fun in wvw (since bloodlust was added) has been the combo of LB#3, QZ and spike on a downed enemy, especially if it’s a thief.