Need a good solo roaming Tanky build
0/0/30/10/30 is the build I suggest to anyone desiring a tanky build. Aim for toughness/healing power/power or toughness/healing power/condition depending on your weapons of choice. Virtually any weapon runs well with this build, however personal preferences are sword and greatsword due to their natural defensive capabilities.
How about pets any specific pets u recommend?
The bear pets are the best tanky pets. Any of them Polar bear, Brown Bear, Black Bear or even that ugly “Bear” xD
If you like the idea of Full bow non-condition Damage I run a very tanky setup…3K Armor 20K + Hits
Check Sig for Vid and Build info in vid description.
Vol I –
Vol II –
uhh if this is in spvp then idealy you’d want a pet that can put out some damage (cats or birds) or cc (spiders or canines) you’d be durable and have an ok damage output
Yeah maybe I should have been more specific I want my self to be Tanky and durable not necessarily the pet i figure I would need a lot of my DMG to come from the pet
How about pets any specific pets u recommend?
I have great experiences with canines. Good damage, great CC, and most likely to hit moving targets according to personal experiments.
Bears, while strong, do too little damage, though worth contemplating if you desire to use Protect Me.
Here’s a list of the Pet types sorted (mostly) by health. Bear’s have an outlandish amount of health compared to the others however when it comes to defense a Devourer is the best.
I’ve played with a pair of Bears, Spiders and Drakes. While the Brown Bear has the ‘shake it off’ condition removal advantage, spiders have a great ranged attack and Drakes are surprisingly ‘tanky’ in crowds (and some champions). I’m looking to pick up a pair of Devourer’s for their ranged attacks and somewhat ‘tanky’ defensive skills. The Cat&Bird pets do have the best ‘crit’ output – but in my experience are way less dependable/useful then the other types outlined above.
Pet, Power, Crit, Defense, Health, Skill
Bear, 1511, 1374, 1374, 4122, Shake it off (cure condition self/group)
Boar, 1374, 1030, 1374 , 3092, Forage (Knock down target)
Spider, 1374, 1374, 1374, 2748, Paralyzing Venom (AoE) (Ranged)
Moa, 1374, 1374, 1374, 2748, Protecting Screech (3s/40s CD)
Hound, 1718, 1374, 2061, 1718, Regeneration (10s/25s CD 1300 health group)
Drake, 1718, 1374, 2061, 1718, Sonic Shriek AoE 250 (5s/25s CD Confusion )
Devourer, 1374, 1374, 2748, 1374, Poison Barbs (Ranged)
Leopard, 1374, 2061, 1374, 1374, Icy Pounce
Raven, 1374, 2061, 1374, 1374, Blinding Slash
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.
Thx for that vid that was amazing pretty much exactly what I’m hoping to accomplish.
Long range and up close versatility durable as hell and thx to all the ranger community for your valuable input. I have lots of testing to do!