Need help with my build

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: thepartypanda.7312


hi as the title states I am in need of help deciding which stat combos, runes, sigils and trinkets to use with my build

the weapons for my build are shortbow/greatsword

the utility skills are heal as one (healing) signet of the wild, lightning reflexes, and vipers nest (utility slots) and entangle (elite) any advice on theses is also appreciated

the traits are

in skirmishing I took VI and X
in wilderness survival I took IV and X
in nature magic I took VI and IX
in beastmastery I took V

I plan to use this build for all aspects of the game

any advice about any aspect of the build is much appreciated

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: Kvera.1649


Hi partypanda,
Try use this for start and post your build for us:

Bánghrian [CopR] – Sylvari Ranger
The Copper Ram @ Jade Quarry

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


It’s not a good idea to run the same build in every aspect of the game. PvE is purely about damage, PvP is almost purely about surviving. WvW is a mixed bag.

Check out the typical PvE and PvP builds that rangers run and customize them to where you’re comfy and happy.

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


It’s not a good idea to run the same build in every aspect of the game. PvE is purely about damage, PvP is almost purely about surviving. WvW is a mixed bag.

Check out the typical PvE and PvP builds that rangers run and customize them to where you’re comfy and happy.

That and if you’re not level 80 yet, do whatever you want! If you are level 80 then it shouldn’t be a big deal to experiment with gear as long as you keep it on the ‘cheap’ side. Meaning, as you play in PvE you can collect the materials yourself and make the gear you want. If you want a solid all around build then you will need to start with bunker + something. Bunker builds are the best so far, the most important quality is to have at least 2500 in armor rating, ideally 3000 but if you have to compromise, do not go lower than 2500. After that focus on either power based damage (high ferocity + high precision and high power + high defense), or condition based damage (high condition damage + high toughness and then your own flavor, high regeneration power or spirits, or high survival, or signets). I’ll link you to this, which I wrote in the past I hope it helps:

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: thepartypanda.7312


thank you for the advice
here is the updated version

if the link doesn’t work please tell me so I can sort it out

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


thank you for the advice
here is the updated version

if the link doesn’t work please tell me so I can sort it out

Using greatsword + shortbow, it seems to me that you’re looking to use your favorite weapons but with the wrong approach. GS is a power weapon, while shortbow is a kiting weapon best used to apply pressure, most prefer to do this via condition damage and it’s a good idea as well. Truth be told, this weapon setup will not work for 100% of the cases, you will have to swap weapons to adjust.

Good news is that you can center your approach via critical damage. Greatsword spikes damage amazingly when you have high of ferocity, and so does shortbow by applying bleeding on critical hits. I suggest to try something like this:

Now PvP and WvW will most likely require you to change your setup a little, since you need to be very optimal with what you carry into these arenas.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

Need help with my build

in Ranger

Posted by: thepartypanda.7312


thank you i’ll give that a try and see how it works to my playstyle if not i’ll tweak it a bit post it again