(edited by yiN.4059)
Need some help for a GS/Shortbow build
If you want something simular to your previous build try 20/30/20, throw in some knights/cavelier armour and use SoH, SoR and LR (or you can try QZ but I find LR too good to miss).
Youre not a tank by any means but yo should have enough DPS to kill people very effectively from range and as long as you are good at evading you should be able to keep yourself alive.
If you are lookinh for something totally different then there are several bunker/BM builds posted around atm.
Gunnar’s Hold
So you don’t suggest me a real change ? Just get some knights stuff and the 20% cd on GS ?
If I have only 20 pts on marksman i loose SoS so i don’t benefit of the last patch.
Can u remember me what is SoR please ? (my game is in french so i don’t have in mind every name in english)
Youre not a tank by any means but yo should have enough DPS to kill people very effectively
I had already some problems to finish quickly some players without QZ
If you are lookinh for something totally different then there are several bunker/BM builds posted around atm.
Yeah there is a ton of builds around here but that’s why i’d like some advice, I don’t really know what to choose to fullfill my objective.
SoR = Signet of Renewal, its your condition remover.
No what I posted above is not a huge change from what you had before because you said you wanted to avoid crafting a whole new set, which is why I suggested it. If thats the sort of play style you enjoy then that build will serve you well.
You could certainly go for 30/30/5/0/5 if you want to use signets. I think Xsorus posted his build like that last week. Its a solid general purpose build.
I had already some problems to finish quickly some players without QZ
This isnt a burst build and most likely you wont be killing people in 3 seconds. It has a lot of sustained DPS though and by taking 30 skirmishing and getting MoC grandmaster trait you can hit huge numbers with the GS for quick kills.
If you want something specifically for solo or small group fighting I would go for one of the 2 BM Bunkers we have posted around atm. They are really great for that, but you will be near useless in anything bigger than 10 vs 10 (execpt for being the nutter who runs into the enermy first and comes out the other side alive).
Gunnar’s Hold
Yeah i don’t really see the advantage of your build if I compare with my previous build.
you have less dps, a little bit more resistance even if you loose an invulnerability.
I think both are old builds, I have already tried 30/30/5/0/5 but i preferred my 30/25/0/10/5 even if it’s pretty much the same thing.
But with all the changes and patch we have to consider, maybe we need to think of something else, adapt the way we play ranger.
Some builds are still good, but some other not so much, and I think zerk builds have been nerfed hard with QZ.
GS, signet, pets buffed. QZ and zerk nerfed.
You spoke about 2 builds BM and Bunker but I have seen a lot of versions, which one did you advice me to try ?
(edited by yiN.4059)
Interrupt Daze is a good combination with GS/SB since they both have a Daze on the bar and is currently the build I’m learning myself. Try out a 20/30/10/0/10 or 20/30/15/0/5. The Runes of the Mesmer and Power/Precision/Toughness gear with Power/Precision/Crit Damage accessories is optimal. Use pets like the Black and Pink moa’s with daze/knockdown/fear effects to lock down the enemy with hard CC’s. An Asuran could also bring Technobabble for yet another daze which could make for more skill locking enemies from fighting back while you pump them full of damage. Note that you’re going to be using Moment of Clarity which combined with Mesmer runes is a +83% daze duration, but its ideal to use your dazes as interrupts every 5 seconds to gain attack of opportunity to boost your DPS. Be careful though, this build relies on the GS block and evasion and will need Sig of Renewal and LR to survive most fights. Also, don’t neglect the Attack of Opportunity bursts from the GS, SoH, and Clarity trait as these can really pack on the damage. This build requires a fair amount of skill to use effectively (I’m still working on improving my interrupts), but the pay off is breaking up incoming bursts, shutting down powerful long cast time skills, and stopping healing skills long enough to finish off low hp enemies. For sigils, nullification is a my preference especially in the event I need to strip stability to deliver the interrupts/dazes, but it’s also nice to have for getting rid of pesky DPS robbing boons like Regeneration and Protection. With the SB rate of fire and the incredibly high crit rate of this build it’s a guaranteed boon rip every 10 seconds.
Well, hope that helps!
I was refering to these bunkers. They are essentially the same but the first focuses on Direct Damage and the other on Condition Damage. Personally I’ve found the condition one more effective (which is surprising because I havent liked condition based builds in the past), but each has their merrits.
And for reference this is more or less the build I was talking about above just with a few differences.
Yes I am shamelessly posting other peoples work because I cant record
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Cufufalating.8479)
well thanks for the advices guys