Veteran Of The Mists
Aurora Glade
I had some ideas on CA form that might help make it feel more fluid and help us make use of all skills as i find myself only using 2, the other 3 feel too clunky/situational and difficult to use,
1st is skill 1 cosmic ray the radius is so small its immposible to heal a moving target with so i think it should be changed to something like this, (Cosmic Ray: Fire orbs of energy at the targeted foe bouncing to nearby foes and allies damaging and blinding foes while healing allies it hits) and it should fire 3 orbs at a time that bounce to 3 targets with a cooldown similar to solar beam,
2nd is skill 2 seed of life again i find it a bit clunky/difficult to use so i think something like this would be better, (Seeds of Life: Scatter seeds around you that explode on impact healing and cleansing allies of conditions) now it scatters 5 seeds in an area around the druid but increase the cooldown to 3 sec,
And finally skill 5 natural convergence, i find this skill gets me killed when fighting more than 1 or 2 enemies in wvw so i think this might help, (Natural Convergence: Channel your celestial powers trapping foes with a black hole immobilizing them while pulsing weakness on foes and protection on allies) this way the skill can turn the tides in battle and since it roots the druid it should apply the immob instantly,
one last thing i would change not with CA but with staff, sublime conversion feels clunky also trying to line it up properly, i think it would be better if it was a circular wall that converts projectiles from all directions b/c in wvw projectiles almost never come from one direction, thats all, thank you.
Reasoning: There is so much cleanses in the game, putting Bleed on AA will just put it on par with Engie pistol. Since this is a hybrid weapon, dealing 50% damage on flank will still do its purpose rewarding proper positioning.
Poison Volley
Quick Shot
Reasoning: I feel this skill should give you quickness regardless as this is a very good disengage skill, added quickness for a successful flank so you can use a heal or disengage right away.
Crippling Shot
Reasoning: Granting the pet superspeed will make the most out of the cripple so you get the bleeds more reliably. Most people said torment is good on this but I heavily disagree, you are putting too much damaging conditions on a High Rate of Fire weapon. I also feel torment is counterproductive with cripple. Immobilize on the other hand, makes SB a better kiting weapon, and good for chasing down people. Immob + Superspeed on flank will get chasers for sure.
Concussion Shot
Reasoning: Confusion just fits the name perfectly, also we get that needed condition variety for rangers.
FINAL THOUGHTS: With these changes, I am pretty sure shortbow will be more appealing. It will become a true hybrid weapon. I matched the Damage and Damage Coefficient of the AA with the Thieve’s trick shot so Crossfire is getting a little buff.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
I reckon spiders should have their F2s become ground targeted attacks that the player can aim to give them more versatility, perhaps even doing the same with the Wyverns would make their F2s more appealing..
How about we greatly speed up all f2 attacks so they actually hit instead?
The problem is not the speed imo.
Look for example the Drake’s f2, even with quickness, if the target walks off the radius, it is cancelled.
They just need to retweak the f2s like make Drake’s f2s a bigger cone so that it can be cast without a target like 360 radius or even 480
Jungle stalker f2 should be made a leap like all the cats so you get the might faster, 3 seconds is such a long cast time and easily interruptable.
This is only some of the few examples.
Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?
Cmon people do not let the thread die!))))
Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?
Cmon people do not let the thread die!
Hitting off with reverting it back to +10% damage instead of crit would be a good thing.
Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?
Cmon people do not let the thread die!
Hitting off with reverting it back to +10% damage instead of crit would be a good thing.
Why not let’s go with that and Add “Gain 2 might stacks when you swap weapons. ICD 7 Seconds”
It is a GM after all. Also The flanking mechanic is very hard to pull off.
Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?
Cmon people do not let the thread die!
Hitting off with reverting it back to +10% damage instead of crit would be a good thing.
Why not let’s go with that and Add “Gain 2 might stacks when you swap weapons. ICD 7 Seconds”
It is a GM after all. Also The flanking mechanic is very hard to pull off.
It would be a nerf to our PvE environment. Nope, we don’t want neither need that.
Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?
Cmon people do not let the thread die!
Hitting off with reverting it back to +10% damage instead of crit would be a good thing.
Why not let’s go with that and Add “Gain 2 might stacks when you swap weapons. ICD 7 Seconds”
It is a GM after all. Also The flanking mechanic is very hard to pull off.
It would be a nerf to our PvE environment. Nope, we don’t want neither need that.
How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.
SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”
Not anything specific beyond roll back the ranger to the Beta release form. The class was a useful spiker and crowd control class that was still squishy when forced to melee (though the sword dagger builds would disagree with me on this).
How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.
SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”
Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.
How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.
SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”
Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.
I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.
Furious Grip
Hunter’s Tactics
Reasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:
Not anything specific beyond roll back the ranger to the Beta release form. The class was a useful spiker and crowd control class that was still squishy when forced to melee (though the sword dagger builds would disagree with me on this).
Beta Ranger was sooooo good they completely nerfed it from Beta and then Druid…. I think beta ranger would compete for top dps in the current environment with some tweaks and SB+A/T.
Suggested tweaks are starting to resemble those QoL suggestions on the previous thread I linked at the beginning. Might as well port those over to the OP.
Just to note, the cooldowns can be 8s to be compatible with Warrior Runes. Otherwise, you are leaving out Quick Draw (9s) and Primal Echoes (8s) – inconsistencies across the board, man. Something all professions need less of when it comes to traits.
(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)
Suggested tweaks are starting to resemble those QoL suggestions on the previous thread I linked at the beginning. Might as well port those over to the OP.
alright, which thread is it again? also is it cool if it merge the ideas of your thread here?
How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.
SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”
Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.
Furious Grip
- CD reduced to 7 seconds
- CD reduced to 7 seconds
Hunter’s Tactics
- Increased Damage while attacking from behind or the side. Gain 2 Might Stacks when swapping weapons. ICD 7 seconds
- Damage Increase: 10%
Might 2 stacks (10s): +60 Power, +60 Condition DamageReasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:
Funny thing is the skirmishing minor used to be a 10% damage modifier and then they went and nerfed it to 10% crit in their unbelievably stupid belief that this was actually a net buff change in one of their bigger ranger trait revisions.
We also got worthless garbage like Strider’s Defense, an RNG defense against projectiles that requires you be swinging your weapon and a cooldown reduction on a weapon whose cooldown skills are used situationally and not on cooldown (as they are a DPS loss compared to autoattack, and you don’t want to go blowing your evades just because).
How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.
SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”
Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.
Furious Grip
- CD reduced to 7 seconds
- CD reduced to 7 seconds
Hunter’s Tactics
- Increased Damage while attacking from behind or the side. Gain 2 Might Stacks when swapping weapons. ICD 7 seconds
- Damage Increase: 10%
Might 2 stacks (10s): +60 Power, +60 Condition DamageReasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:
Funny thing is the skirmishing minor used to be a 10% damage modifier and then they went and nerfed it to 10% crit in their unbelievably stupid belief that this was actually a net buff change in one of their bigger ranger trait revisions.
We also got worthless garbage like Strider’s Defense, an RNG defense against projectiles that requires you be swinging your weapon and a cooldown reduction on a weapon whose cooldown skills are used situationally and not on cooldown (as they are a DPS loss compared to autoattack, and you don’t want to go blowing your evades just because).
Yeap it was 10% before, it was better no doubt, but flanking is such a situational mechanic that you only benefit from the trait IF you successfully flank. So I added another effect to it, only fair right?
Suggested tweaks are starting to resemble those QoL suggestions on the previous thread I linked at the beginning. Might as well port those over to the OP.
alright, which thread is it again? also is it cool if it merge the ideas of your thread here?
Go for it.
How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.
SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”
Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.
Furious Grip
- CD reduced to 7 seconds
- CD reduced to 7 seconds
Hunter’s Tactics
- Increased Damage while attacking from behind or the side. Gain 2 Might Stacks when swapping weapons. ICD 7 seconds
- Damage Increase: 10%
Might 2 stacks (10s): +60 Power, +60 Condition DamageReasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:
Funny thing is the skirmishing minor used to be a 10% damage modifier and then they went and nerfed it to 10% crit in their unbelievably stupid belief that this was actually a net buff change in one of their bigger ranger trait revisions.
We also got worthless garbage like Strider’s Defense, an RNG defense against projectiles that requires you be swinging your weapon and a cooldown reduction on a weapon whose cooldown skills are used situationally and not on cooldown (as they are a DPS loss compared to autoattack, and you don’t want to go blowing your evades just because).
Yeap it was 10% before, it was better no doubt, but flanking is such a situational mechanic that you only benefit from the trait IF you successfully flank. So I added another effect to it, only fair right?
It’s amusing, because they’ve got this flanking obsession with ranger, yet outside Serpent Strike or Dagger 4 we don’t really have a way to stay there, unlike thieves with flanking strike spam and their far superior mobility.
They also gutted our endurance regen and vigor saying we had too many dodges, and then proceeded to gift all of those dodges back to thieves and then daredevil, but on steroids.
When Robert Hrouda still worked here, in his post he said that ranger’s burst was lacking because they were supposed to be among the best sustained DPS classes.
That never materialized either.
Pets won’t still attack objects or castle walls, ranged pets won’t even attack down walls.
I was doing the Chak Hive comb destruction event and having your pet just stare at the object you’re supposed to destroy reminds me how little effort they put into actually making the class work.
Hell, I was at Vinewrath, and the Teragriff’s 1-shot aoe still instantly kills the pet despite the AoE change. I bet Liadri will also be unchanged.
More importantly, why is that ridiculous 50 sec pet death penalty still there? Remove it, there’s no reason whatsoever for it to exist, if a pet dies just tie it to swap cd.
If I kill mesmer phantasms, their phantasms aren’t gone for 50 seconds (and the pet makes more of our damage than phantasms do theirs).
If I do enough damage to a warrior, he suddenly doesn’t do 12-15% less damage for 50 seconds. It’s an atrocious design.
Just curious folks, there is sooo much projectile hate in the game and Ranger’s are supposed to be masters of the bows.
We need unblockable stuff for our bows IMO, so any ideas on our existing traits so that we could incorporate this idea?
Already one in the QoL link with Opening Strikes + Remorseless.
As far as I’m concerned, I believe the thread which had suggestions of Sharpening Stone making attacks unblockable – either the next 5 strikes or a set duration – is a much better route for additional access to a powerful attribute.
With those 2 changes (the Opening Strike traits & Sharpening Stone), having access to unblockable attacks can be: flexible across all weapons, versatile in multiple setups, limited enough so it’s not over-empowering, and bumps the effectiveness of an outdated utility.
@Wondr: I love those suggestions, was thinking something similar. The marksmanship line is burdened at the moment with 3 minors that really do not do much unless you take Remorseless.
@Wondr: I love those suggestions, was thinking something similar. The marksmanship line is burdened at the moment with 3 minors that really do not do much unless you take Remorseless.
Exactly. The previous remorseless was better in a sense since it resets with stealth so you can keep up the vuln stacking.
The more I check, the more I see how subpar ranger stuff is (on top of the pet), I think I should just make this as a megathread and not limit the suggestions to only the traits.
@Wondr: I love those suggestions, was thinking something similar. The marksmanship line is burdened at the moment with 3 minors that really do not do much unless you take Remorseless.
Exactly. The previous remorseless was better in a sense since it resets with stealth so you can keep up the vuln stacking.
The more I check, the more I see how subpar ranger stuff is (on top of the pet), I think I should just make this as a megathread and not limit the suggestions to only the traits.
i would agree except if the devs dont show any interest in reading the small posts about bugs… What does make you think they will go thru 5 pages long thread?
@Wondr: I love those suggestions, was thinking something similar. The marksmanship line is burdened at the moment with 3 minors that really do not do much unless you take Remorseless.
Exactly. The previous remorseless was better in a sense since it resets with stealth so you can keep up the vuln stacking.
The more I check, the more I see how subpar ranger stuff is (on top of the pet), I think I should just make this as a megathread and not limit the suggestions to only the traits.
i would agree except if the devs dont show any interest in reading the small posts about bugs… What does make you think they will go thru 5 pages long thread?
Uhm this thread already has a dev post on it, meaning they just read it. The bug threads might be getting read but they just don’t reply.
Not trying to defend Anet here but I might as well do something instead of just whining how terrible ranger is.
Also, I kinda thrive on this stuff, theorycrafting. So please if you can post more ideas. Thank you.
Also, I kinda thrive on this stuff, theorycrafting. So please if you can post more ideas. Thank you.
My idea:
Sword’s Serpent Strike now always puts you behind your target, regardless of your former position.
Dagger skill #4 no longer makes your character move to the side. Now has 600 range.
Also, I kinda thrive on this stuff, theorycrafting. So please if you can post more ideas. Thank you.
My idea:
Sword’s Serpent Strike now always puts you behind your target, regardless of your former position.
Dagger skill #4 no longer makes your character move to the side. Now has 600 range.
I do agree on the range increase because Ambidexterity does not compensate for the OH range anymore.
Sword QOL is very good as well, paired up with Wondrous’ Sword 1 (1st chain) cleave idea.
I wanted to touch up on the notion of traps, I know there are some threads there that discuss about this (I am guessing a lot were from me too) but as it stands now,traps will not see any competitive play.
I know DHs are obselete as well but their traps are waaaaaaaayyyyyy “stronger than ours” (Thief traps need rework as well)
So what would you guys do to our traps to make them more impactful in team fights (either support or damage)
Please! I would Love to hear your ideas!
Numbers buff and bring our godkitten trapper feature back. Ranged traps for the ranger.
If the Rangers in Ascalonian Catacombs can flood me with spike traps from range, why can’t I?
Rangers are not built to be frontline fighters, so traps will remain useless outside the niche circumstance of waiting for a zerg to get to your location as you kite back instead of helping your team keep their offensive momentum.
Rangers need serious help in the aoe department, and traps could serve that purpose besides a healthy buff to barrage, poison spread, and mainhand axe auto.
Rangers also need a serious look at stun breakers and condi cleanses. What we have is junk, not only of significantly higher cooldowns, but inferior effects to what other classes have. Signet of Renewal stands our like a sore thumb, and Lightning Reflexes is basically an inferior Shadow Step or Blink.
There’s also no reason whatsoever why signet of stone is a whopping 80 sec cd when Endure Pain can last 6 seconds, and trigger twice for warriors with a lesser cd on top of their shield invulnerability.
Sharpening Stone is also an utter garbage utility. It needs to be changed. Make it so in addition to what it does, the next 5 abilities that crit, do so for 50% extra damage. It’ll probably still be weak in PvE.
But they gave all our preparations and stances to thieves…..while all we were left with were crummy pets and their crappy shouts.
Not sure what to add for Traps other than the already mentioned Vigor on Healing Spring when traited with Trapper’s Expertise.
Although, Frost Trap requires attention more than ever. Before Heart of Thorns, it was a rare niche to use a Frost Ranger build. However, it has fallen into near-obscurity since then.
I’d propose Frost Trap be replaced all together with the other, unused traps from the previous Guild Wars. Dust Trap, Smoke Trap, Barbed Trap, etc. comes to mind.
Not sure what to add for Traps other than the already mentioned Vigor on Healing Spring when traited with Trapper’s Expertise.
Although, Frost Trap requires attention more than ever. Before Heart of Thorns, it was a rare niche to use a Frost Ranger build. However, it has fallen into near-obscurity since then.
I’d propose Frost Trap be replaced all together with the other, unused traps from the previous Guild Wars. Dust Trap, Smoke Trap, Barbed Trap, etc. comes to mind.
I think frost should get a damage boost + pulsing slow.
Really? I know you have tons ideas mate!
Not sure what to add for Traps other than the already mentioned Vigor on Healing Spring when traited with Trapper’s Expertise.
Although, Frost Trap requires attention more than ever. Before Heart of Thorns, it was a rare niche to use a Frost Ranger build. However, it has fallen into near-obscurity since then.
I’d propose Frost Trap be replaced all together with the other, unused traps from the previous Guild Wars. Dust Trap, Smoke Trap, Barbed Trap, etc. comes to mind.
I think frost should get a damage boost + pulsing slow.
Really? I know you have tons ideas mate!
ok i’ll drop my ideas here. But i’m telling you, now it’s toolate to implement anything even in the very small chance some dev is actually reading this, thing that i seriously doubt,
trait should remove cripple for it’s effects.
The idea is for a trapper ranger to be able to reposition himself and still have some time to apply conditions with the attacks without changing much how the traps works or buffing their direct damage.
As to remove the damage from the traps it’s to avoid being revealed if the trap trigger, the same as the thieves which in the ranger should be fine as they have very little access to stealth.. Ranger then have 5 seconds to apply the conditions and lose the stealth or stay in stealth and lose the conditions application. if he use trapper runes could extend the stealth to 5 seconds thus the buff from the traps to be equal to that time.
The new conditions is mostly as support tool, as the damage source should be traps, so the ranger may choose to carry just one trap without trait for the utility.
Blindness for the flame trap should be fine, as most weapons are single target (or in an straight line) or are melee. Otherwise could apply vulnerability.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
While pets are always the number 1 issue with ranger, there are also some synergy problems that do not allow lean builds to prosper.
Take condition builds for instance:
- trap traits conflict with sharpened edges, you have to pick one or the other
- traps offer no utility and thus you are forced into things that is not a condition build essentially
- Wilderness survival has 2 condition traits that should essentially be 1 traitTo be honest, we should probably take a page from the Dragon Hunter trap book on how to make trap offer utility alongside damage, yet still not be overpowered. This would go hand in hand with some trait re alignment in the Skirmishing line:
Skirmishing traits:
- Sharpened edges made an adept minor
- Hidden barbs made into a master minor
- Hunters tactics changed into 10% extra crit chance on bleeding foes instead of when flanking
- Furious grip and tailwind merged into a single trait at the master level
- Striders defense moved to adept tier
- New trait : Preparedness – drop a spike trap when CCed.Trap changes:
- every trap will offer some utility and/or boon alongside its current effects
- Flame trap pulses 5 seconds of 2 stacks of might
- Spike trap is a Stun break, cast time removed. CD reduced from 45 seconds to 35 seconds
- Frost trap CD reduced to 25 seconds. Pulses 1s of resistance and protection on activation
- Vipers nest pulses 2 seconds of fury.This, or something similar, would close off traps as a valid utility group. They have been left alone for so long and have significantly fallen off in terms of viability. Dragon hunter traps are amazing in concept, and it really does not matter whether DH are OP or UP.
Yep. Traps were much better when they could be thrown 600, and even then they were kinda weak.
The only reason anyone ever uses traps is for the stealth with the runes. The traps are useless except versus the student-grade AI in this game.
Oh and Spirits. are. useless. now. (for pvp/wvw). Who in their right mind would ever used them in their current state?
IMHO spirits either need major buffs or (my preferred option) make them castable at 900 range and invulnerable to damage. They are spirits after all right?
Not sure what to add for Traps other than the already mentioned Vigor on Healing Spring when traited with Trapper’s Expertise.
Although, Frost Trap requires attention more than ever. Before Heart of Thorns, it was a rare niche to use a Frost Ranger build. However, it has fallen into near-obscurity since then.
I’d propose Frost Trap be replaced all together with the other, unused traps from the previous Guild Wars. Dust Trap, Smoke Trap, Barbed Trap, etc. comes to mind.
I think frost should get a damage boost + pulsing slow.
Really? I know you have tons ideas mate!
ok i’ll drop my ideas here. But i’m telling you, now it’s toolate to implement anything even in the very small chance some dev is actually reading this, thing that i seriously doubt,
trait should remove cripple for it’s effects.
- The trait applies 3 seconds of stealth when trap is placed. Conditions duration are increased. Cd is reduced.
- Remove the physical damage as the traps are condition based, which weaken the ranger builds as the ranger seems to be forced to go hybrid.
- damaging traps when placed gives the ranger a buff to apply different conditions the next few seconds (5 seconds as example). Each attack could apply one second base of said condition.
- healing spring pulse every second instead the actual 2. The next few seconds the ranger attacks will steal some life to make up for the lack of healing from this skill.
- Flame trap will grant the ranger to cause blindness.
- Viper Nest will grant the next few seconds the attacks to be unblockable.
- Spike trap. Cd reduced to 30 seconds. The ranger apply torment or confusion (because of the knockdown if you may) for the next few second.
- Frost trap. The buff will grant slow for the next attacks. The trap should apply chilled and weakness because it will not apply any kind of direct damage.
The idea is for a trapper ranger to be able to reposition himself and still have some time to apply conditions with the attacks without changing much how the traps works or buffing their direct damage.
As to remove the damage from the traps it’s to avoid being revealed if the trap trigger, the same as the thieves which in the ranger should be fine as they have very little access to stealth.. Ranger then have 5 seconds to apply the conditions and lose the stealth or stay in stealth and lose the conditions application. if he use trapper runes could extend the stealth to 5 seconds thus the buff from the traps to be equal to that time.
The new conditions is mostly as support tool, as the damage source should be traps, so the ranger may choose to carry just one trap without trait for the utility.
Blindness for the flame trap should be fine, as most weapons are single target (or in an straight line) or are melee. Otherwise could apply vulnerability.
thanks for the input. I gotta disagree with the stealth though. This is essentially counter productive for pvp. Also we have if you really want that kind of playstyle.
I agree on additional conditions tho, as long as they are not damaging. otherwise it will be condi bombing galore.
I do think Making traps throwable again and make it 900 range would be a very very good start.
When it comes to Honed Axes – 1st of all I believe some of the suggestions should just become baseline. The AoE on #3 could / should become baseline. As well as #5 cast on the move. What I personally think the trait could do is plain and simple swap of Ferocity into Precision (synergy with Sharpened Edges) with a feel of an active or trigger effect on it (if you hit more than 1 target with an Axe skill, your movement and attack speed is increased by 5% for 3 seconds, stacks up to 5 times). This is just a suggestion. Numbers are not important.
Agree, axe #3 being AOE should be baseline, that makes a lot of sense. Axe is crap without it, and Honed Axes is crap as a GM trait. I’d venture that axe #1 should have a bleed as well, and remove the might.
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
I’d venture that axe #1 should have a bleed as well, and remove the might.
No thank you. I’d prefer to keep the might.
Axe 1 used to have a bleed and it was trash. weapon effect conditions from the ranger, all of them, are very short duration with no trait to increase duration or provide more stacks of anything but bleeds. Anet should consider bringing down burning and buffing bleeds and poison a bit.
poison master and sharpened edges would then provide rangers with a niche bleed/poison build. poison master and refined toxins should be merged with the condi buff from ambidexterity. OH recharge reduction can be added to another trait or create a new trait.
I agree on additional conditions tho, as long as they are not damaging. otherwise it will be condi bombing galore.
I’ll agree with this. Normalization of the direct damage inflicted by all our traps would also be a great, yet minor tweak. A small bump in some traps’ current conditions, too.
Applying Frost Trap’s current damage and coefficients to all traps, as it yields the highest, would aid in the overall damage; one that would be beneficial if done across the board.
Flame and Spike Trap could use a minor condition duration boost. At the moment, they are 2½s and 6¼s, respectively. An increase on the burning duration to 3s and bleeding duration to 8s would even things out a bit.
Last, but not least, to touch up on adding non-damaging conditions to traps I suggest those apply to the on-trigger portion only. 3s Blind of Flame Trap, 3s of Slow on Frost Trap, 2s Immobilize on Spike Trap, and 4s of Weakness on Viper’s Nest.
Having those on by default should make them more potent while avoiding any condition-bombing aspects. Again, all very small tweaks, but it would help out traps a bit more.
I’d venture that axe #1 should have a bleed as well, and remove the might.
No thank you. I’d prefer to keep the might.
why? the damage from axe on a power build is abysmal (dmg coeff on #1 is 0.5, the second worst of any autoattack, even Ele air staff which also bounces to 3 targets is 0.66). might as well make axe a full condi weapon.
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
I’d venture that axe #1 should have a bleed as well, and remove the might.
No thank you. I’d prefer to keep the might.
why? the damage from axe on a power build is abysmal (dmg coeff on #1 is 0.5, the second worst of any autoattack, even Ele air staff which also bounces to 3 targets is 0.66). might as well make axe a full condi weapon.
Some people are attached to their terrible gimmick builds they swear are great in WvW.
I’d venture that axe #1 should have a bleed as well, and remove the might.
No thank you. I’d prefer to keep the might.
why? the damage from axe on a power build is abysmal (dmg coeff on #1 is 0.5, the second worst of any autoattack, even Ele air staff which also bounces to 3 targets is 0.66). might as well make axe a full condi weapon.
Some people are attached to their terrible gimmick builds they swear are great in WvW.
One reason I can think of is boon share builds with NM.
I agree on additional conditions tho, as long as they are not damaging. otherwise it will be condi bombing galore.
I’ll agree with this. Normalization of the direct damage inflicted by all our traps would also be a great, yet minor tweak. A small bump in some traps’ current conditions, too.
Applying Frost Trap’s current damage and coefficients to all traps, as it yields the highest, would aid in the overall damage; one that would be beneficial if done across the board.
Flame and Spike Trap could use a minor condition duration boost. At the moment, they are 2½s and 6¼s, respectively. An increase on the burning duration to 3s and bleeding duration to 8s would even things out a bit.
Last, but not least, to touch up on adding non-damaging conditions to traps I suggest those apply to the on-trigger portion only. 3s Blind of Flame Trap, 3s of Slow on Frost Trap, 2s Immobilize on Spike Trap, and 4s of Weakness on Viper’s Nest.
Having those on by default should make them more potent while avoiding any condition-bombing aspects. Again, all very small tweaks, but it would help out traps a bit more.
My other take would be to take away the cripple then replace by making traps throwable again, atleast that we have something unique to only us rangers.
By removing cripple we can now introduce the idea of additional conditions on traps. Because with cripple, 1 trap will be producing 3 conditions. which is ewwww.
Another thing I wanna mention is spike trap. It has an awkward position because it doesnt pulse. Which can be easily evaded, triggered by AIs, etc.
I think this is also needs to be looked at because its also on an insanely high CD.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
By removing cripple we can now introduce the idea of additional conditions on traps. Because with cripple, 1 trap will be producing 3 conditions. which is ewwww.
I don’t share the same sentiment. When Thieves can trait so their trap applies its said effect, plus vulnerability to foes and might to the player, that’s 3 effects. Dragonhunters can trait to deal direct damage, apply boons, a daze, and in the case of some of their traps, apply a condition on affected opponents; that’s 3-4 effects.
As far as I’m concerned, 3 conditions – 2 being non-damaging – is not an issue. Especially, when one is Cripple, a condition that is easily cleansed thanks to -% condition duration stats, passive movement traits, and movement skills ignoring the effect.
As for ground-target traps, I’d prefer that to be on a separate trait if it were to return. If not, then I would be fine with Hidden Barbs receiving an additional function to form synergy with other utilities in other potential lines.
Something along the lines of: “When you break out of a stun, lay a Spike Trap.” It would give Rangers our own take in relation to traps and a stun breaker, while serving as a 2nd trap trait as Thief and Dragonhunter have.
A more selfish, up-to-date version of “Trapper’s Defense” while being merged into a master trait that could use some extra functionality besides bleed damage.
(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)
By removing cripple we can now introduce the idea of additional conditions on traps. Because with cripple, 1 trap will be producing 3 conditions. which is ewwww.
I don’t share the same sentiment. When Thieves can trait so their trap applies its said effect, plus vulnerability to foes and might to the player, that’s 3 effects. Dragonhunters can trait to deal direct damage, apply boons, a daze, and in the case of some of their traps, apply a condition on affected opponents; that’s 3-4 effects.
As far as I’m concerned, 3 conditions – 2 being non-damaging – is not an issue. Especially, when one is Cripple, a condition that is easily cleansed thanks to -% condition duration stats, passive movement traits, and movement skills ignoring the effect.
As for ground-target traps, I’d prefer that to be on a separate trait if it were to return. If not, then I would be fine with Hidden Barbs receiving an additional function to form synergy with other utilities in other potential lines.
Something along the lines of: “When you break out of a stun, lay a Spike Trap.” It would give Rangers our own take in relation to traps and a stun breaker, while serving as a 2nd trap trait as Thief and Dragonhunter have.
A more selfish, up-to-date version of “Trapper’s Defense” while being merged into a master trait that could use some extra functionality besides bleed damage.
Yeap, I just took a look and you are right.
If you say cripple is already worthless since it is reduced by those -% traits or foods or runes, why not change it altogether? like Immob?
0.5-1 sec Immob on creation, like muddy terrain, that will ensure a pulse will be counted as a successful hit.
On your trapper’s defense, sounds like a good idea, but you have to make spike trap instant and a stun breaker to reflect the changes.
Also our traps do not have inherent boons either except for HS, would that addition be reasonable or too OP now?
The cripple can remain as is. It’s near useless, but will still act as making every trap a viable snare instead of only Frost and, to an extent Spike.
As for the Hidden Barbs update, Spike Trap can remain as is. Just use a stun breaker of any kind and it’s laid on the ground. The ½s arming time remains so opponents can still react.
Boons can remain on Healing Spring, there is no need to spread it around. All that we require is an additional non-damaging condition on the trigger-portion of the offensive traps and we’re solid.
It would address the issue of traps not being as threatening due to opponents moving out of their fields. Catching an opponent can at least be debilitating on the initial trigger, forcing them to use a condition cleanse or engage us for a short period of time debuffed.
Thematically, it fits very well into Skirmishing while not making traps overly strong.
The cripple can remain as is. It’s near useless, but will still act as making every trap a viable snare instead of only Frost and, to an extent Spike.
As for the Hidden Barbs update, Spike Trap can remain as is. Just use a stun breaker of any kind and it’s laid on the ground. The ½s arming time remains so opponents can still react.
Boons can remain on Healing Spring, there is no need to spread it around. All that we require is an additional non-damaging condition on the trigger-portion of the offensive traps and we’re solid.
It would address the issue of traps not being as threatening due to opponents moving out of their fields. Catching an opponent can at least be debilitating on the initial trigger, forcing them to use a condition cleanse or engage us for a short period of time debuffed.
Thematically, it fits very well into Skirmishing while not making traps overly strong.
Great. I would still argue making atleast 1 trap a stun breaker, so now you wouldn’t have penalties running 2+ traps on a build. +its more in design with the DH ones.
Fire trap should be atleast last for 4 seconds. and I think the cripple should be affected by the condition duration on the trait.
Any more suggestions? Really curious on other ideas. Cmon ranger subforumm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since noone wants to give their feedback, Here are the fused ideas of people who suggested. Imo these changes are very much reasonable and not very overpowered (DH traps will still be stronger since its an elite spec)
Flame Trap
Frost Trap
Viper’s Nest
Spike Trap
Hidden Barbs
General Changes: Normalized trap damage (same as frost trap), Traps deal 1 more non damaging condition on cast (non traited), Flame trap and Frost trap’s conditons are now 3 and 8 seconds base respectively. Frost Trap is now a stun breaker and grants 1 stack of Stability for 1s to streamline it with other stunbreaker traps like Fragments of Faith. The stability on their is to ensure that you don’t get CCed again after the stun break since Trap require an arming time. Hidden barbs has one more functionality.
Any more suggestions? Feedbacks? Thoughts?
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
Flame and Frost Trap can remain at 3 pulses since they already apply burning and chill on the initial trigger. If anything, as I said before, the condition duration of Flame and Spike Trap could use a small bump. Burning from 2½s to 3s and Bleeding from 6¼s to 8s.
Knock the blind down to 3s on Flame, up the weakness on Viper to 4s for condition duration normalization, and up the immobilization on Spike from 1s to 2s like how it was before with the old TE, as 1s is far too short.
Remove the stun breaker from Spike Trap as well. It’s already strong and should not be empowered any further, especially with my above suggestion of added functionality to Hidden Barbs. If there has to be a trap with a stun breaker, place it on a trap that needs it.
Frost Trap being the most-likely candidate. 30s/24s for a self-stun breaker that’s completely defensive as a debuff utility makes sense. It would cause far less outcry from opponents if a Ranger broke out of a stun and hit them with a Frost and Spike Trap with Hidden Barbs compared to a double Spike Trap as your suggestion above notes.
That being said, add 1s of Stability to Frost Trap with the stun breaker and it will be normalized with all other stun breakers with a cast time. Fragments of Faith being the rare trap exception due to it providing the user with 3 stacks of stability on-trigger.
Edit: ICD of Spike Trap on Hidden Barbs should be equal to the actual CD of 45-seconds. Might seem like a lot, but again, it’s a powerful trap and the ICD should be set accordingly. Obvious cooldown reduction if Trapper’s Expertise is taken, and that’s where choices will matter and come into play.
(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)
slams fists on table
I demand developers read this.
Let us not forget (oh how could we… xD) that we need our damage brought up to par.
With that in mind I would suggest:
- Great Sword auto attack chain damage buffed by 20% ( it is so bad its funny)
- Sword auto attack chain damage buffed by 15%, all parts of the combo now splash to 3 targets
- Serpent strike damage increased significantly (at least 100%) and poison stacks increased from 2 to 4
- Hornets sting cast time decreased to 1/4 or removed
- Axe auto attack damage buffed to be able to bounce off friendlies. The idea is that if a pet is on the target the attack will hit the foe, bounce to a pet and then back to the foe, effectively hitting him two times. The Friendly bounce would do no damage but count towards the might stacks.
- Shortbow auto attack bleed requirement removed. Confusion added to no5, immob added to number 4
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