Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Rather then nerf Rangers, they could fix the 1800 LB range bug and see where that takes us from there.

My issue fighting Rangers on other classes is the pets commonly chosen. The Wolf is in all reality, the biggest “l2p” thing I’ve ever been smacked with. But nerfing this would kitten Ranger. The issue is you have to dodge its knockdown and the Ranger’s knockback. Or you eat a whole RF.

That brings me to PBS, it is incredibly hard to dodge. Its being used as a offensive CC. The wind up animation is there now, but its too fast. Slowing this down, or adding adding a flashy particle effect (The Ranger flashes purple fire on the shot or something, purple looks nice with green.) anything of that nature would help. (Pin Down needs the same treatment, although I seem to avoid this more then PBS)

Just my two cents.

It also has a low CD. Smart ranger knows how to use this w/ hunter shot to reposition and pewpew you all day long.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Juken.5391


go back to the old rapid fire

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Blude.6812


Actually, can’t accept any nerfs. End of conversation.

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Loxsus.3841


Rebalancing is the only way, at this point, to go at the ranger if nerfs are involved. As it’s been posted and seen, in WvW and sPvP, rangers are fighting for a reason to be there and generally losing.

Nothing can be taken away from them at this point without compensation (which is true for a lot of classes, to be honest).

Take 10% off rapid fire? Then make volley of arrows instant cast.

… and then fix all our utility traits.

Because, let’s face it, we have ONE complaint right now against us and it’s Rapid Fire and it’s not even a valid complaint. But, as I’ve mentioned before, it DOES make longbow power ranger possibly one of the more easier ENTRY LEVEL classes to play. This doesn’t mean they’re good at it and it doesn’t mean the people they killed were good either.

People don’t want to be proven they’re anything less then good. Egos get hurt or whatever. My ego barely exists. I’d be lucky to hit mediocre but I’m ok with that. I can still handle a fellow Longbow ranger pretty easily (as it’s been said, if you get into melee with them they don’t seem to know what to do. Greatsword is still decent damage with built in evades and ranged blocks )

Despite what might be thought, just because a few vocal people are shouting I don’t think A-net will give it any credit.

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Nerf? Probably redesign of couple weapons’ AAs : Shortbow, Sword and maybe Longbow.

Shortbow with skills that are actually worth using and are more crucial/effective for the cost of bot auto spam.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Indie.4129


Make the pet a purse you can slap your enemy with. Or would that be a buff…

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Nerf Rangers really? I’m playing a ranger atm and Rangers feel like a subpar version of other classes depending on the spec.

(edited by RoRo.8270)

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

go back to the old rapid fire

That is a terrible idea. Old RF did significantly less DPS than just auto attacking. With old RF, longbow ranger is completely dead in PvP.

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Rather then nerf Rangers, they could fix the 1800 LB range bug and see where that takes us from there.

My issue fighting Rangers on other classes is the pets commonly chosen. The Wolf is in all reality, the biggest “l2p” thing I’ve ever been smacked with. But nerfing this would kitten Ranger. The issue is you have to dodge its knockdown and the Ranger’s knockback. Or you eat a whole RF.

That brings me to PBS, it is incredibly hard to dodge. Its being used as a offensive CC. The wind up animation is there now, but its too fast. Slowing this down, or adding adding a flashy particle effect (The Ranger flashes purple fire on the shot or something, purple looks nice with green.) anything of that nature would help. (Pin Down needs the same treatment, although I seem to avoid this more then PBS)

Just my two cents.

Personally, I wouldn’t care if LB range was no longer 1800. I think that amount of distance is unfair. Damage wise, the LB is fine. When a ranger nails you with a 10k rapid fire, that’s because he’s full glass. Any class running full glass will hit you that hard. The problem with ranger is that they can do it from 1800 range.

Now, here’s where you’re wrong. The wolf leap is incredibly unreliable and misses more often than not, so that cannot be a legitimate complaint. And either way, its balanced by its long recharge time. Same deal with fear, except its actually reliable.

PBS was a 3/4 second casting time some years ago, and this was bad. I know a 1/4 difference doesn’t sound like much, but it made the skill very clunky and easy to cancel if the target walks within melee range. Where it is now is fine.

Stormbluff Isle

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Slade.2341


Yeah, isn’t it funny how enemy rangers are, supposedly, OP and yet, when you try to do WvW, you virtually always get (normally politely) asked to retire your Ranger (as they’re, apparently, virtually useless) and bring virtually any other prof (ideally, heavy armour) instead.

Isn’t it funny how enemy Rangers are, supposedly, OP and yet, when you do a dungeon you get told that “Rangers aren’t meant for dungeons.” and that “New players shouldn’t play Ranger.”.

Isn’t it funny how enemy Rangers are, supposedly, OP due to using ranged weapons and yet, you are told by people on your own side that ranged weapons are virtually useless, in most situations, due to them having far worse damage than melee weaps and that you should, therefore, use melee weaps whenever possible.

Isn’t it funny how enemy Rangers are, supposedly, OP and yet, by all accounts, Rangers on your own side are so underpowered and lacking in survivability that they should go home/switch to another prof whenever possible.

Isn’t it funny…

Seems to me (and it’s exactly the same situation in WoW with Warriors and DKs), that people who never like to lose, obviously, choose to play profs which are OP and have high survivability.

Then, because they are people who can’t handle ever losing, if they do occasionally lose to a Ranger, they simply whine to high heaven and demand endless nerfs.

All the while, these very same people still see nothing wrong in, simultaneously, telling everyone on their own side that Rangers are useless and that they should swap to a “good” prof.

ANet, wake up and smell the coffee, for goodness sake.

We’re not OP, we’re severely underpowered, especially when we use bows.

Otherwise, why are we constantly being told by people on our own side to not use bows (our natural weapon of choice) and to switch to another “good” prof, if possible?

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Slade.2341


I had to repost what you said again so maybe they see.I live my ranger and this kitteners been kittening about it for years!I am a realy good ranger,I wvw alot and kick kitten doing so but I had to learn all other classes just to bet them ,ranger need buff!When a war can press one and kitten up 6 people and never use anything else that is a problem!Ty,anet for what you did to stabiliy because gard isn’t a god mod class!I can remove fast whitch is good when everyone in god mod but ranger!Anet what happened to you?I been here sence gw1,I want my rainbow phoenix back not 2 to 3 pets with the same skills!the white raven ,come own here!Let think here with need buffs!We need what we earned in gw1 rainbow phoenix!Its was hell to get and some still play gw1 or re-got it just to get the things earned in it.So please lisen to us ,we only need a little buff not a big one !To make it so we do have to make a gard just to do wvw ,or get kicked before the group starts because you don’t want to chang to a different class!

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


How about a general change of mechanism that make rooted target impossible to knockback? (I’m just talking of the moving effect of the knockback, not the damage part and interrupt)

Root foes should stay where they are.

Edit : before any flame (cause I just though of something that could make people flame my post) I’m talking about the condition “immobilize” of course.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: Jermoe Morrow.9501

Jermoe Morrow.9501

There title says it all, with all the complaint thread centered around ranger it could very well be only a matter of time before they just throw the profession under the bus to quiet the mass.

So with that in mind where can the profession give up ground that could shut the complainers up, but without ruining the profession?

Things we could nerf on ranger:

  • Pet: reduce damage they take from AoE so that they can get in the way of enemies more often. Pet death also encourages pet swapping, which can confuse opponents in PvP, and should thus be discouraged due to the unfair advantage it gives rangers.
  • Sword: Remove the super OP root effect that the auto attack has. It means that rangers are more likely to have dodges available when they break melee, and is just game breakingly overpowered. Clearly dodges should break their chains so that when they run away they won’t have any dodges left.
  • Spirits: Remove the health on spirits. It is ridiculously OP that when you use a weapon with cleave near a ranger and his spirit, that you must worry about killing it and triggering its activated ability. Spirits should just not have health so there is no fear of killing them. Imagine if Warrior Banners had such OP health mechanics.

Seriously though, Ranger has only just gotten to a point where it isn’t complete garbage. Any nerf would make it garbage again, especial when its most OP build is easily countered by dodging, reflects, blocks, invulnerability, and/or getting into melee range. This is like touch ranger all over again: A build that could be countered by simply walking away, but that everyone screamed nerf at.

80s(name-race/class):Jermoe Morrow(main) – H/Ra
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N

Nerfs Rangers could tolerate

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Actually, can’t accept any nerfs. End of conversation.


This 1000s of times.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.