New BM ranger Vid
There have been quite a few BM videos the last couple weeks and I am going to give an honest run of trying one. The thing I cant get is that the skills really do not look that great to me. What are you using and why if i might ask? Especially as the third one.
speed training and rending attacks works for my pet choice… but beyond that… seams like thoe points past the master are not as usefull…. can you add some thoughts on that? Thanks!
ook copy and paste this:
Now for explanations. In the BM line I picked Speed training and mighty swap. Now Mighty swap is obvious as much as I swap pets. It synergizes with my pets pounces, since they usually do them right after I swap to them, making the crit even harder.
Speed training I realized helps because even when pets are stabled their CD timers are still going. You see in the vid how powerful those pounces are, and getting them off 10% more often is a appreciable buff.
Natural Regen is good becuase it synergizes with Bark skin and the amount of health it gives adds up over time. More importantly, it does not count as a buff, so you could also put regeneration buff on your pet and get double regen.
Next up is Wilderness Survival. The first trait, survival training is obvious. I use survival utils.
Second is a toss up, during the vid I was using greatsword training BUT I also really like Camouflage. It isn’t a very long stealth but it does break lock and gives you a couple seconds to put distance between you and target.
The last one, Bark skin, is just great. It helps you but it REALLY helps your pet. As you see in the vid I charge into the red horde a few times and cling on long enough to score a kill or two.
In the Power tree I took Keen Edge because realistically, in most fights you will get your health put below 75% right away, which just adds on to my burst.
(edited by Lorelei.3918)
I’ve been giving this set up a pretty good look for a while and I was wondering what you thought about swapping the 10 points in marksmanship for 10 in skirmishing to get the 30% extra crit damage from pets. Seems to be a good idea seeings as how much is invested in pet dmg for the build. Just a thought.
I really like the setup though so far and with consumables and corruption sigils you can add another 25-30 damage to the bleeds which makes targets melt away a lot faster.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Just a correction, while stabled your pets CDs completely reset, it’s why F2s are ready everytime they come back in, and why wolves will KD when they come out, so speed training is only really useful for when you keep your pet out longer.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
You mean 30% more damage on crit. Ooo, idk, thats a toss up. I think I like the power minor more then the skirmishing minor though. I only weapon swap when I’m trying to…get away…hey maybe it would work out.
yeah it seems to be about 50/50 to me seeings as how you lose 10% cond. duration by removing the 10 points in marksmanship :/ but you gain an extra 10% crit dmg and 30% pet crit dmg…. so i dunno. Kind of a toss up
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Just a correction, while stabled your pets CDs completely reset, it’s why F2s are ready everytime they come back in, and why wolves will KD when they come out, so speed training is only really useful for when you keep your pet out longer.
Yeap, Speed trainng is a huge waste…You’re better off with the Cripple Tactic on Wolves/Spiders
As for 30% crit vs 50% duration of conditions from your pet, It depends, if he was running a Spider Cripple Build i’d say do the 50% duration, however since he’s running wolves, he’d be better off with 30% crit.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
but the cripple tactic is worthless seeings as how f2 skills give chill and fear, cripple doesnt help either one of those except for a cover condition. And we were more discussing 10 points in marks or skirmishing not which 10 point skirmishing trait. althoug the 50% duration on pet cond is worth looking at too…
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I normally don’t say anything negative when people put had work into so much hard work into videos like this.
1st food? You didn’t have food up even once. That’s huge! Use food!
2nd stone? Oil? Anything? These things are huge as well.
These to things could be as much as 10-15% crit or 150-300 condition depending stats and stacking combinations.
Look into it. Thanks for video.
Black Talons
I normally don’t say anything negative when people put had work into so much hard work into videos like this.
1st food? You didn’t have food up even once. That’s huge! Use food!
2nd stone? Oil? Anything? These things are huge as well.
These to things could be as much as 10-15% crit or 150-300 condition depending stats and stacking combinations.Look into it. Thanks for video.
Yeah… i don’t normally use those either because i haven’t needed them so i don’t feel like wasting em for no reason (kinda weird seeing as how i’m a cook/huntsman with all the oils and a TON of the cooking recipes unlocked)
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Just a correction, while stabled your pets CDs completely reset, it’s why F2s are ready everytime they come back in, and why wolves will KD when they come out, so speed training is only really useful for when you keep your pet out longer.
Yeap, Speed trainng is a huge waste…You’re better off with the Cripple Tactic on Wolves/Spiders
As for 30% crit vs 50% duration of conditions from your pet, It depends, if he was running a Spider Cripple Build i’d say do the 50% duration, however since he’s running wolves, he’d be better off with 30% crit.
Actually, the wolves would be able to apply longer chill, fear, AND cripple should he take the 50% increase so it’s still really worth looking at.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Uberlander – It’s obvious why I don’t use those things: i’m cheap and too scatter brained to remember! Oh and I see you are from fort aspie, and you’re a commander? Looking forward to stomping you <3, that is if you ever come out of the castle. xD
Also can we PLEASE clarify something. It’s not “30% crit” its “30% more crit damage”. Wolf doesn’t crit very frequently. 30% more crit damage is for cats and other crit critters. 30% more speed would be good if it stacks with swiftness. I like the vigor on crit too, it jives with survival dodge rolling.
The condition duration one is in the power tree. It doesn’t state it’s 50% but that is what my testing is showing. Guess I know what I’m using now.
Now my traits are fine tuned. Thanks for the advice. It will be useful for all BM’s;T4AA1ymEMJZS1kiJqmMNJay2krJZTrFGLA (for the record)
(edited by Lorelei.3918)
What do expect from using Sigil of minor corruption two times? Also I would change the greatsword by axe/torch or sword/torch and focus a little bit more on condition damage.
Uberlander – It’s obvious why I don’t use those things: i’m cheap and too scatter brained to remember! Oh and I see you are from fort aspie, and you’re a commander? Looking forward to stomping you <3, that is if you ever come out of the castle. xD
Also can we PLEASE clarify something. It’s not “30% crit” its “30% more crit damage”. Wolf doesn’t crit very frequently. 30% more crit damage is for cats and other crit critters. 30% more speed would be good if it stacks with swiftness. I like the vigor on crit too, it jives with survival dodge rolling
The condition duration one is in the power tree. It doesn’t state it’s 50% but that is what my testing is showing. Guess I know what I’m using now.
Now my traits are fine tuned. Thanks for the advice. It will be useful for all BM’s;T4AA1ymEMJZS1kiJqmMNJay2krJZTrFGLA (for the record)
Way too many accessories!
What do expect from using Sigil of minor corruption two times?
Remember that the builder isn’t perfect. That sigil is misnamed. Now to address your question. The great sword is the only source of AOE I have. In wvwvw you do occasionally fight lots of npc mobs at once and for that I whip out the great sword.
Having the sigil on both weapons ensures that no kill with either wep goes wasted to the building of my corruption stack.
My 2 cents:
I agree with the criticism against Speed Training. I would recommend dropping Sharpening Stone for “Sick ’Em” and then swapping Speed Training for Commanding Voice (decrease cd on shouts). “Sick ’Em” is a pretty solid talent for a BM build and can be a great way to get some burst.
If you swap your Alpine Wolf for a Raven, then you can sync up “Sick ’Em” with the F2 ability for a big hit. This will cost you the chill from the wolf, but if you really want the chill, you could use an Owl instead of a Raven. The burst will be a bit smaller, but it is still more than the Alpine Wolf.
It’s so insanely cheap to use food! In one bag you have replaced the cost of the food. Just think having 900 hp and 67hp/s for 30 mins! Costs a whooping 60 copper. And you never lose food buffs for anything..
The edge is worth it in wvw.
Black Talons
(edited by UberLander.8326)