Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
New Food = New Build
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
Fairly trolly build I think,
100% troll build that is completely useless, however I could see that being used in a guild party. Perhaps take a longbow and bear (black for any use out of it, and for FSM’s sake why do you have SotF with only 1 survival skill??) You could bait people in to attacking you while your party of berserker thieves and mesmers destroys everyone.
Not a new idea, but what else are you gonna do with that food on a ranger. It’s made for other classes I think. Oh please, give me more regen and swiftness uptime.
The +40% condition duration/33% lifesteal on crit food i think is the biggest one for rangers as it could open build diversity in trap builds coupled with sigil of blood and earth and krait runes.
I think the plate of roasted cactus is really interesting as well for LB glass cannon builds. (Let’s assume the person playing is not a complete idiot bearbow and has a decent build.)
Fairly trolly build I think,
100% troll build that is completely useless, however I could see that being used in a guild party. Perhaps take a longbow and bear (black for any use out of it, and for FSM’s sake why do you have SotF with only 1 survival skill??) You could bait people in to attacking you while your party of berserker thieves and mesmers destroys everyone.
Not a new idea, but what else are you gonna do with that food on a ranger. It’s made for other classes I think. Oh please, give me more regen and swiftness uptime.
Why Sotf with only 1 survival skill with that setup? Because its the best option in terms of choices. The other option is Shout build, but then you’re forced into spamming Guard over and over again.
My only problem would be I don’t think it’d be able to kill most things…But then again I’ve not stacked might like other classes have, So that does have potential I guess.
By the way, I like the idea of the Trapper food using the Lifesteal+Condition Duration, that could be interesting.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
Addressing a couple points.
Spamming guard has a low downside and a big upside. SotF triggering only on your “oh kitten” button is a giant, unforgivable waste. Any use of “Guard!” what-so-ever would be better, even if it was just for the swiftness of moving your neighbors around.
You won’t kill anything ever, at all not even once, never with that build. No deaths will ever happen. Nope.
Addressing a couple points.
Spamming guard has a low downside and a big upside. SotF triggering only on your “oh kitten” button is a giant, unforgivable waste. Any use of “Guard!” what-so-ever would be better, even if it was just for the swiftness of moving your neighbors around.
You won’t kill anything ever, at all not even once, never with that build. No deaths will ever happen. Nope.
Well, I’m getting some Condition Removal with Sotf, so its not a huge waste, and i’m giving the pet some Fury as well (though less so on my part, though you could use it with Horn 4) and i’m going up that line anyway….You could slot in Guard though and do the usual type of shout build (through dropping of Signet of Hunt, you’ll get speed from Shout then) I generally just dislike Guard in general because its annoying to do.
Killing, like I said..I’m not sure of the killing potential, I’ve ran Cleric Builds in the past, generally before I took the Hybrid type idea on Technobabble Build, I could kill some people..but it was a slow process, This I think would have slightly better damage potential then that old spec simply because the Might Stacking…My biggest problem with it is the lack of Poison Application. Got like two sources, and they’re not reliable.
I also don’t know how amazing Might would be stacked very high, as I’ve never done it on a Ranger at all really.
I disagree with your assertion that it won’t kill people though..I think it’d kill plenty of people, Problem is..Most of the people you’d kill would die to just about any build they ran across.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
Ranger might generation isn’t great, but it’s not impossible either. I’d run something like geomancy/battle and strength runes and mighty swap of course.
00644 w/ bird pets. Giving constant might to your birds for some higher damage hits (although might doesn’t scale too well with bird crits it still makes a difference). I personally like to not load dmg into my pets via traits and try to get as much condi application as I can.
axe/dagger – geomancy/battle
sword/torch – doom/battle
Synergizes well , constant poison uptime and with offhand training you’ll have a good deal of evasion as well and you’re stacking roughly 14 might I think consistently to yourself with 20% boon duration on top of the strength runes and mighty swap although I haven’t tested it yet. 15 second pet swap also helps in keeping the might generation up via mighty swap.
Might be worth checking out and test , ultimately though I think maybe a hybrid bm build with rabid and carrion mix or something with +40% condi food/33% lifesteal on crit with blood sigil will be a solid choice too. Maybe something like 03614 or 04604 OR 24602 with keen edge but then you’d moving more off the BM aspect. Traps obviously would work too I think, one thing I don’t like about traps is you generally run with 1 stun break. I like having atleast 2 if I’m roaming or dueling (lightning reflexes/condi signet) so I’m not sure. You may be able to do trap/spirit hybrid too for insane burn uptime (04640) but with that you’re losing out on might generation via mighty swap.
The new food definitely opens up options for sure!
(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)
I still havent seen any new food on the trade merchant… where do you get it?
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
Ranger might generation isn’t great, but it’s not impossible either. I’d run something like geomancy/battle and strength runes and mighty swap of course.
00644 w/ bird pets. Giving constant might to your birds for some higher damage hits (although might doesn’t scale too well with bird crits it still makes a difference). I personally like to not load dmg into my pets via traits and try to get as much condi application as I can.
axe/dagger – geomancy/battle
sword/torch – doom/battleSynergizes well , constant poison uptime and with offhand training you’ll have a good deal of evasion as well and you’re stacking roughly 14 might I think consistently to yourself with 20% boon duration on top of the strength runes and mighty swap although I haven’t tested it yet. 15 second pet swap also helps in keeping the might generation up via mighty swap.
Might be worth checking out and test , ultimately though I think maybe a hybrid bm build with rabid and carrion mix or something with +40% condi food/33% lifesteal on crit with blood sigil will be a solid choice too. Maybe something like 03614 or 04604 OR 24602 with keen edge but then you’d moving more off the BM aspect. Traps obviously would work too I think, one thing I don’t like about traps is you generally run with 1 stun break. I like having atleast 2 if I’m roaming or dueling (lightning reflexes/condi signet) so I’m not sure. You may be able to do trap/spirit hybrid too for insane burn uptime (04640) but with that you’re losing out on might generation via mighty swap.
The new food definitely opens up options for sure!
Yea, I think Condition Build would work better, but I just wanted to see if I could do something with Power on it. Fluff is right though, I don’t see the build killing anyone “good”. It’ll kill the fodder players, you know the ones who do to virtually everything, and you’d be able to just escape most fights while searching for fodder players….But ya, you won’t kill any good solo player with low poison up time I think.
Birds would possibly do ok with the Power Build, but yea..no poison so i’m not certain.
I do like the lifesteal idea on traps….That’d be very interesting I think.
Only problem with food is you have to make it yourself..Which is why i’d never personally run it if I did play still.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
I would switch to pirate runes instead of strength and abuse the parrot before it gets nerfed :p
try something more like this : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fNAQNAsYVnEqQFL2LIOsAXLGQToaFAvnhPNidPBHwDXwjE-TFSFABAY+TM1fa4UAUqSQi2fAMlfK8EACRfAA-w
Pretty decent beastmaster/regen build. Solid for wvw roaming, but I’ve always been trying to find the perfect food for it, that toughness, boons duration is literally perfect for this build. It’s not full troll either because the pet can still hit like a truck =p
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I think this is stronger than many assume pets become true beasts with some might stacking, I think getting more survival skills would be a good idea though and perhaps trade some clerics for more crit whether that is berserker or knight but some more crit wouldn’t be bad and swapping signet of the hunt for muddy terrain would give both increased control and higher fury uptime actually fury should be pretty much permanent then.
if you are going to troll you might as well go all out