New Trait Review

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I’m aware the traits are pretty much all but set in stone at this point as you (ANet) have already felt comfortable displaying them on twitch but I would like take a few moments to give my honest first impression feedback on the Ranger ones. I have not played with them at all but I do truly believe the feedback I will be giving in this post is not dependent upon having actually used the new traits or not. I urge, no, I beg you to take another look at these traits after reading this and ask yourself if this is really what you want to do with this profession. Please.

Marksmanship: Read the Wind- Longbow and Harpoon Gun projectile velocity is increased by 100%.
- I think this is a good idea for a trait. Honestly. I was so glad to read something like this. However I feel that this trait is really only aimed at Long Range Shot, a single skill on a single weapon. Not to say it won’t help with the other skills but lets be honest with ourselves, we know why it’s here. I strongly suggest merging this trait with Eagle Eye and increasing the damage gain from 5% to 10%. Why? Because this Grandmaster trait would now compress the some of the over abundance of bow traits available in this tree and provide a more meaningful boost that a Grandmaster trait should provide. What to do with the hole left by Eagle Eye? Keep it but change the functionality to “While wielding a Bow you gain 10% increased Critical chance.” But wait, doesn’t this just create another bow trait and undo that compression? Not if you look at it this way:
-Spotter: Not a strictly a bow trait, less effective in a large group or far away from group(using a bow).
-Piercing Arrows: Large group play bow trait, not needed in small groups or solo.
-Eagle Eye: Solo play skill. Greatly effective with both bows. Less important in large groups.
Why does this change anything? This makes you pick between 3 different situations instead of multiple bonuses effective in the same situation. Often one would take the slot of a Grandmaster trait just to bring the traits desired for a single situation. Yes, it’s still “cluttered” but with different choices for different situations and with the new trait system it will be easy to switch when needed.

Skirmishing: Strider’s Defense – You have a 15% chance to block ranged attacks while in melee.
*This is the absolute worst Grandmaster trait I have ever seen. Sorry to be so blunt about it. How was this even considered? This trait has absolutely no place in a skill based gameplay environment. None. This NEEDS, yes, “Needs” to be changed. You work on changing Sigils and Runes RNG procs to be more reliable then you go and introduce this? Really? I don’t mean to put you on the defensive but I expected more than this. If you need help I will gladly collaborate on this with you because I care deeply for this profession and frankly, it deserves more than….this hypocritical filler.

Wilderness Survival : Poison Master – Poison you apply deals 50% extra damage. Poison your pet’s first attack when they are swapped to.
I actually really liked this trait the first time I saw it. When I sat down and theorycrafted with it however I came to a completely opposite conclusion; I apply poison in so many different ways why do I need my pet to apply it and when I need my pet to apply it chances are I am not running conditions meaning the 50% damage on it is pretty much neglected or I’m not even bothering to spec into this trait line. Either way I’m losing a lot of effectiveness this trait might provide.

Nature Magic: Survival of the fittest – Remove two conditions and gain fury when using a survival skill.
One of the problems we have as Rangers is the sheer investments demanded of us for the most basic of condition removal. This just further exacerbates existing problems. A cool trait, yes. What we actually needed? No. I hope this isn’t the only condition removal help we are getting.

Beast Mastery: Invigorating Bond- Your pet heals in an area when executing command abilities (i.e. your F2 skill now heals in an area)
I love this idea. I hope the heal is decent. This could really help with the pet utility in large group play. My only problem is how limited the uses will be with how fast pets die in large groups and the huge recharge associated with pet swapping.

I have more to say but I’ll stop myself here. Sorry this post got much longer than I wanted. I gtg now, my fiance is giving me a death stare.

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I think Read the Wind could be excellent, but I will have to wait and see.

Imagine every shot from Long Range Shot and Rapid Fire hitting 99% of the time. Instead of 50% as it sometimes feels.
It could also make the stealth from Hunter’s Shot and the knockback from Point Blank Shot hit every time.

So it might actually become a reliable weapon. Evade/Aegis/Block/Projectile Reflect/Projectile Block are still there of course, but that’s only fair.

I’m probably having my expectation way too high again, but I’ll give it a try to see how much difference it makes.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Yay, another one…

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


wow I like the pet heals…

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


I think Read the Wind could be excellent, but I will have to wait and see.

Imagine every shot from Long Range Shot and Rapid Fire hitting 99% of the time. Instead of 50% as it sometimes feels.
It could also make the stealth from Hunter’s Shot and the knockback from Point Blank Shot hit every time.

So it might actually become a reliable weapon. Evade/Aegis/Block/Projectile Reflect/Projectile Block are still there of course, but that’s only fair.

I’m probably having my expectation way too high again, but I’ll give it a try to see how much difference it makes.

The only time where velocity is somewhat useful is above 900 units. Below that, they are harder to sidestep.

  1. - Long range shot – trait only useful at the longer range…
  2. - Rapid fire – is a loss of DPS in long range, and it hits at mid-range (hit=the ennemy can’t just A-D out of it)
  3. - Hunter’s shot – I usually use it at close range… not much point using it at max range
  4. - Point blank – once again, used at close range, so does not benefit much from the trait
  5. - Barrage – Really see not use for velocity in that.

Trait is only for how fast arrows go; not how fast they are launched;
and the only time velocity is really useful is for #1, at max range, so when people have eagle eye.
If people would dodge your shot, they are still going to dodge it.

I can see some roaming build use it, though I personally find Remorseless to be better (synergies with LB, applies to other weapons also…)

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I think Read the Wind could be excellent, but I will have to wait and see.

Imagine every shot from Long Range Shot and Rapid Fire hitting 99% of the time. Instead of 50% as it sometimes feels.
It could also make the stealth from Hunter’s Shot and the knockback from Point Blank Shot hit every time.

So it might actually become a reliable weapon. Evade/Aegis/Block/Projectile Reflect/Projectile Block are still there of course, but that’s only fair.

I’m probably having my expectation way too high again, but I’ll give it a try to see how much difference it makes.

The only time where velocity is somewhat useful is above 900 units. Below that, they are harder to sidestep.

  1. - Long range shot – trait only useful at the longer range…
  2. - Rapid fire – is a loss of DPS in long range, and it hits at mid-range (hit=the ennemy can’t just A-D out of it)
  3. - Hunter’s shot – I usually use it at close range… not much point using it at max range
  4. - Point blank – once again, used at close range, so does not benefit much from the trait
  5. - Barrage – Really see not use for velocity in that.

Trait is only for how fast arrows go; not how fast they are launched;
and the only time velocity is really useful is for #1, at max range, so when people have eagle eye.
If people would dodge your shot, they are still going to dodge it.

I can see some roaming build use it, though I personally find Remorseless to be better (synergies with LB, applies to other weapons also…)

Rapid fire is actually a DPS increase at long range now that you apply vulnerability to the target, however if the target has max stacks of vuln then you are correct that it’s a DPS decrease at such a range.

Also, Anet themselves have said that the traits purpose is to ensure your long range shots actually land, this trait is designed to make your shots over 900 to be more reliable, and it should do just that.

@OP, as much as I would love to see Eagle Eye and Read the Winds combined I doubt it’d happen, as I said in other threads you’d almost entirerly remove the counter play to the longbow if this was done because you could then have EE, PA, and RtW. Your shooting arrows from further than anyone else can even dream of fighting you, they’d be too fast to dodge, AND they’d pierce making body blocking unviable for a defense. All you’d realistically be able to do would be block/reflect while you can before being brought down, which is hardly fair for the receiving end. Also, if EE and RtW was merged if like to see EE actually turn into 50% chance to gain fury on hit with a ranged weapon, kinda like when it was bugged when GS mastery was added, but buffed a little to compensate for the ICD it’d obviously have.

As for Poison Mastery it’d ensure you’d have 100% poison uptime and would open the door for different weapon combos instead of NEEDING a Weapon with poison. Additionally after doing the math your poison would essentially become a second burn, which is a HUGE DPS increase especially since poison nerfs healing done as well.

As for stridders defense I personally would like to see it be more like “everytime you evade with a Melee weapon you gain Aegis” or “block the next projectile” with an ICD (for obvious reasons), because atm 15% is too low, and it’d just lead to winning, or losing close fights purely based on RNG.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


@OP, as much as I would love to see Eagle Eye and Read the Winds combined I doubt it’d happen, as I said in other threads you’d almost entirerly remove the counter play to the longbow if this was done because you could then have EE, PA, and RtW. Your shooting arrows from further than anyone else can even dream of fighting you, they’d be too fast to dodge, AND they’d pierce making body blocking unviable for a defense. All you’d realistically be able to do would be block/reflect while you can before being brought down, which is hardly fair for the receiving end. Also, if EE and RtW was merged if like to see EE actually turn into 50% chance to gain fury on hit with a ranged weapon, kinda like when it was bugged when GS mastery was added, but buffed a little to compensate for the ICD it’d obviously have.

As for Poison Mastery it’d ensure you’d have 100% poison uptime and would open the door for different weapon combos instead of NEEDING a Weapon with poison. Additionally after doing the math your poison would essentially become a second burn, which is a HUGE DPS increase especially since poison nerfs healing done as well.

As for stridders defense I personally would like to see it be more like “everytime you evade with a Melee weapon you gain Aegis” or “block the next projectile” with an ICD (for obvious reasons), because atm 15% is too low, and it’d just lead to winning, or losing close fights purely based on RNG.

-Fair for the receiving end? Longbow has limited defense and the multitude of gap closers on ridiculously low cooldowns available to almost every profession is counterplay enough as getting closer not only allows you to deal more damage but also take less damage. In addition to that is actually having to dodge, block, reflect, ect. the longbow for once instead of simply stepping to the side not a realistically fair expectation after investing 30 trait points into it?

-Next, there isn’t a lot of weapons you’d really even want to bring that are focused on conditions that don’t already poison. You could use a Warhorn and get lots of crit bleeds but you’d have to be spec’d into that separately already. I’m not saying it’s a terrible trait I just feel if you’re specc for condi you probably already have a couple ways of poisoning already.

-I don’t really care what they do with Strider’s Defense because it isn’t going to get any worse. As you, I, and many others have said, it is a completely hypocritical and skill less trait that has no place in a game trying to be skill based. None what-so-ever.

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
Apply @ | |

(edited by Castaliea.3156)

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@OP, as much as I would love to see Eagle Eye and Read the Winds combined I doubt it’d happen, as I said in other threads you’d almost entirerly remove the counter play to the longbow if this was done because you could then have EE, PA, and RtW. Your shooting arrows from further than anyone else can even dream of fighting you, they’d be too fast to dodge, AND they’d pierce making body blocking unviable for a defense. All you’d realistically be able to do would be block/reflect while you can before being brought down, which is hardly fair for the receiving end. Also, if EE and RtW was merged if like to see EE actually turn into 50% chance to gain fury on hit with a ranged weapon, kinda like when it was bugged when GS mastery was added, but buffed a little to compensate for the ICD it’d obviously have.

As for Poison Mastery it’d ensure you’d have 100% poison uptime and would open the door for different weapon combos instead of NEEDING a Weapon with poison. Additionally after doing the math your poison would essentially become a second burn, which is a HUGE DPS increase especially since poison nerfs healing done as well.

As for stridders defense I personally would like to see it be more like “everytime you evade with a Melee weapon you gain Aegis” or “block the next projectile” with an ICD (for obvious reasons), because atm 15% is too low, and it’d just lead to winning, or losing close fights purely based on RNG.

-Fair for the receiving end? Longbow has limited defense and the multitude of gap closers on ridiculously low cooldowns available to almost every profession is counterplay enough as getting closer not only allows you to deal more damage but also take less damage. In addition to that is actually having to dodge, block, reflect, ect. the longbow for once instead of simply stepping to the side not a realistically fair expectation after investing 30 trait point into it?

-Next, there isn’t a lot of weapons you’d really even want to bring that are focused on conditions that don’t already poison. You could use a Warhorn and get lots of crit bleeds but you’d have to be spec’d into that separately already. I’m not saying it’s a terrible trait I just feel if you’re specc for condi you probably already have a couple ways of poisoning already.

-I don’t really care what they do with Strider’s Defense because it isn’t going to get any worse. As you, I, and many others have said, it is a completely hypocritical and skill less trait that has no place in a game trying to be skill based. None what-so-ever.

We have a lot of tools to reopen the gap tbh, we have barrage to create a cripple field, Frost trap and muddy terrain as well to help us create distance plus Sigil of ice to keep them further away, and then we can run malicious spiders to keep the enemy at range even better. Ontop of that we have Sword and Greatsword and LR to get back to range with relative ease, not to mention the ridiculously short CD knock back we have and a stealth that allows us to juke and throw the enemy off to get to safety (and better yet place traps without them seeing or hearing the placement). A good longbow ranger (assuming they’re going for damage + kiting) won’t be caught easily, or for long by anything short if a teleporting thief or a meditation guardian.

The main thing I see the poison on pet swap allow is what rangers did in GW1, spreading poison throughout the enemy team, we will absolutely have no issue maintaining poison on our one target, however we are primarily single targeted. The pet would allow for AoE application, and it MAY even apply to cleaves, who knows? I think it’s a nice addition that really brings back how kittening impossible it was to remove poison vs a ranger, because now there’s not a snow flakes chance in hell you’ll keep that poison off for longer than 2s.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


@OP, as much as I would love to see Eagle Eye and Read the Winds combined I doubt it’d happen, as I said in other threads you’d almost entirerly remove the counter play to the longbow if this was done because you could then have EE, PA, and RtW. Your shooting arrows from further than anyone else can even dream of fighting you, they’d be too fast to dodge, AND they’d pierce making body blocking unviable for a defense. All you’d realistically be able to do would be block/reflect while you can before being brought down, which is hardly fair for the receiving end. Also, if EE and RtW was merged if like to see EE actually turn into 50% chance to gain fury on hit with a ranged weapon, kinda like when it was bugged when GS mastery was added, but buffed a little to compensate for the ICD it’d obviously have.

As for Poison Mastery it’d ensure you’d have 100% poison uptime and would open the door for different weapon combos instead of NEEDING a Weapon with poison. Additionally after doing the math your poison would essentially become a second burn, which is a HUGE DPS increase especially since poison nerfs healing done as well.

As for stridders defense I personally would like to see it be more like “everytime you evade with a Melee weapon you gain Aegis” or “block the next projectile” with an ICD (for obvious reasons), because atm 15% is too low, and it’d just lead to winning, or losing close fights purely based on RNG.

-Fair for the receiving end? Longbow has limited defense and the multitude of gap closers on ridiculously low cooldowns available to almost every profession is counterplay enough as getting closer not only allows you to deal more damage but also take less damage. In addition to that is actually having to dodge, block, reflect, ect. the longbow for once instead of simply stepping to the side not a realistically fair expectation after investing 30 trait point into it?

-Next, there isn’t a lot of weapons you’d really even want to bring that are focused on conditions that don’t already poison. You could use a Warhorn and get lots of crit bleeds but you’d have to be spec’d into that separately already. I’m not saying it’s a terrible trait I just feel if you’re specc for condi you probably already have a couple ways of poisoning already.

-I don’t really care what they do with Strider’s Defense because it isn’t going to get any worse. As you, I, and many others have said, it is a completely hypocritical and skill less trait that has no place in a game trying to be skill based. None what-so-ever.

We have a lot of tools to reopen the gap tbh, we have barrage to create a cripple field, Frost trap and muddy terrain as well to help us create distance plus Sigil of ice to keep them further away, and then we can run malicious spiders to keep the enemy at range even better. Ontop of that we have Sword and Greatsword and LR to get back to range with relative ease, not to mention the ridiculously short CD knock back we have and a stealth that allows us to juke and throw the enemy off to get to safety (and better yet place traps without them seeing or hearing the placement). A good longbow ranger (assuming they’re going for damage + kiting) won’t be caught easily, or for long by anything short if a teleporting thief or a meditation guardian.

The main thing I see the poison on pet swap allow is what rangers did in GW1, spreading poison throughout the enemy team, we will absolutely have no issue maintaining poison on our one target, however we are primarily single targeted. The pet would allow for AoE application, and it MAY even apply to cleaves, who knows? I think it’s a nice addition that really brings back how kittening impossible it was to remove poison vs a ranger, because now there’s not a snow flakes chance in hell you’ll keep that poison off for longer than 2s.

They will close the gap by the time you get barrage off, it’s easy to avoid, one dodge and muddy terrain is passed, Frost trap is also tiny as hell w/o another 30pts and wont hit them until they’re almost on top of you as well and wont snare them long. Switching a weapon to use one skill to run away isn’t what I like to call kitting, just disengaging. I see no problems in forcing people to actually pay attention to what the Ranger is doing at long range instead of just telling the Ranger to bring a specific weapon set, 2 utility, another 30 trait points, and a specific pet just to maintain any semblance of range simply because his AA does significantly less damage as targets get closer. I feel this change would make the Longbow strong, yes, but you’ve also invested a huge amount of traits just for that goal. How is that “not fair” or OP?

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
Apply @ | |

(edited by Castaliea.3156)

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Nektera.9425


I think Read the Wind could be excellent, but I will have to wait and see.

Imagine every shot from Long Range Shot and Rapid Fire hitting 99% of the time. Instead of 50% as it sometimes feels.
It could also make the stealth from Hunter’s Shot and the knockback from Point Blank Shot hit every time.

So it might actually become a reliable weapon. Evade/Aegis/Block/Projectile Reflect/Projectile Block are still there of course, but that’s only fair.

I’m probably having my expectation way too high again, but I’ll give it a try to see how much difference it makes.

but you need to trade it with eagles eye or piercing arrow. which sucks

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


If you’re in a zerg fight, you don’t need faster arrows. If you’re in a small fight, you don’t need piercing arrows.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


They will close the gap by the time you get barrage off, it’s easy to avoid, one dodge and muddy terrain is passed, Frost trap is also tiny as hell w/o another 30pts and wont hit them until they’re almost on top of you as well and wont snare them long. Switching a weapon to use one skill to run away isn’t what I like to call kitting, just disengaging. I see no problems in forcing people to actually pay attention to what the Ranger is doing at long range instead of just telling the Ranger to bring a specific weapon set, 2 utility, another 30 trait points, and a specific pet just to maintain any semblance of range simply because his AA does significantly less damage as targets get closer. I feel this change would make the Longbow strong, yes, but you’ve also invested a huge amount of traits just for that goal. How is that “not fair” or OP?

Comments like this show how sad of a joke the community is when it comes to kiting….

Learn Something , also to make your Frost Trap bigger is 20 points, not 30pts, additionally you don’t need to stand on the frost trap, you just need to make sure they can’t leave it to get to you.

Also, if they’re burning Dodge Rolls to cover your snare field, they’re idiots, i would LOVE for you to waste your dodges to get to me, go right ahead, be my guest!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


without other trait reworks and further weapon tweaks, these new traits will do very little to make us more viable

Comments like this show how sad of a joke the community is when it comes to kiting….

rangers cant kite, everyone knows that. this is why no one plays them or takes them seriously. engineers and warriors, for example, can kite incredibly well. as a ranger, the only profs you can kite are guards, necros and other rangers. everyone else has the ability to get on top and smash you into the ground.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


What the heck are you talking about rangers can’t kite and then listing warrior? Warriors have a lot of movement skills on their two swords, and so do we. I wouldn’t really consider lots of melee movement “kiting” though. If anything the enemy would be trying to kite us.

Can we make it nearly impossible for a thief to land a backstab while we’re in our melee sets? Obviously. Can you park only in LB and keep people off you? Not really.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


Cant help but wonder what this trait would be like with the Eagle/Hawk combo (whistles innocently)

Beast Mastery: Invigorating Bond- Your pet heals in an area when executing command abilities (i.e. your F2 skill now heals in an area)

I’m betting an adjusted CD on their F2 if not traited it would be every 4.5 seconds lol

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Poison Master could be a cool trait if it would increase healing debuff to 66%. That would be actually very useful in PvP and maybe in some (future?) PvE scenarios. As it stands now, absolutely horrible and nothing interesting.

For other traits… D’oh I lost it when reading. A GM bugfix, GM poor-man’s RNG when most of the most dangerous skills are not even projectiles…. GM which will probably heal like a one Water Blast from Ele.

Last chance they have are some major, hidden for some reason, changes to weapons and utilities.

As it stands for now, that “Feature patch” adds nowhere as much as major patches in other MMOs.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Poison Master could be a cool trait if it would increase healing debuff to 66%. That would be actually very useful in PvP and maybe in some (future?) PvE scenarios. As it stands now, absolutely horrible and nothing interesting.

For other traits… D’oh I lost it when reading. A GM bugfix, GM poor-man’s RNG when most of the most dangerous skills are not even projectiles…. GM which will probably heal like a one Water Blast from Ele.

Last chance they have are some major, hidden for some reason, changes to weapons and utilities.

As it stands for now, that “Feature patch” adds nowhere as much as major patches in other MMOs.

There’s nothing fair or fun about having your healing reduced by 66% by a profession who can EASILY maintain +100% poison duration, as it is now it makes poison something dangerous to have on you (moreso than usual) and makes it so that no matter how much they cry, or beg, or plee, they will NEVER not be poisoned.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


I would love to know what people define as “kiting”. In my experience rangers are amazing at it, probably only beaten by GS + Staff mesmers. There is no pure melee build I fear fighting when running my SB / S+D trap build for that exact reason. Warriors? A joke. Guardians? An annoying joke because of retal and cleansing but overall not dangerous. D+P thief? Can troll but not much else. D+D? Lol please. The only melee build which is even challenging is a well played sword thief, simply due to shadowstepping.

Kiting does not mean maintaining 900+ range the entire fight. It does not mean immobilize spamming so your target can never ever move like engineers do. All it really means is out manoeuvre your opponent so they are spending time chasing and playing your game rather than dictating how the fight goes like they want to. Being at 250 range for 30-50% of the fight is more than enough to give you the upper hand against a melee target, and rangers can do that pretty easily on certain builds.

So please, can we move away from the idea that rangers cant kite just because you cant equip a LB and expect that your target will never ever get to you.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Poison Master could be a cool trait if it would increase healing debuff to 66%. That would be actually very useful in PvP and maybe in some (future?) PvE scenarios. As it stands now, absolutely horrible and nothing interesting.

For other traits… D’oh I lost it when reading. A GM bugfix, GM poor-man’s RNG when most of the most dangerous skills are not even projectiles…. GM which will probably heal like a one Water Blast from Ele.

Last chance they have are some major, hidden for some reason, changes to weapons and utilities.

As it stands for now, that “Feature patch” adds nowhere as much as major patches in other MMOs.

There’s nothing fair or fun about having your healing reduced by 66% by a profession who can EASILY maintain +100% poison duration, as it is now it makes poison something dangerous to have on you (moreso than usual) and makes it so that no matter how much they cry, or beg, or plee, they will NEVER not be poisoned.

Have to agree with Durz, 66% is way too much. 50% is probably the most you could get away with.

I would instead prefer something like poison turns into weakness or bleeding when cleansed, rather than being cleansed altogether. That would be more interesting than its current 50% damage boost.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


For me, as mostly old WoW Hunter PvP player, kiting could be even considered as an art in itself.

It’s a player’s ability to remain effective and viable when keeping maximal range possible from your target via movement, cooldowns and good CCand preventing his attacks/gapclosers.

It’s not possible in GW2 currently and ranged options are being punished for kiting. At least the ranger.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Poison Master could be a cool trait if it would increase healing debuff to 66%. That would be actually very useful in PvP and maybe in some (future?) PvE scenarios. As it stands now, absolutely horrible and nothing interesting.

For other traits… D’oh I lost it when reading. A GM bugfix, GM poor-man’s RNG when most of the most dangerous skills are not even projectiles…. GM which will probably heal like a one Water Blast from Ele.

Last chance they have are some major, hidden for some reason, changes to weapons and utilities.

As it stands for now, that “Feature patch” adds nowhere as much as major patches in other MMOs.

There’s nothing fair or fun about having your healing reduced by 66% by a profession who can EASILY maintain +100% poison duration, as it is now it makes poison something dangerous to have on you (moreso than usual) and makes it so that no matter how much they cry, or beg, or plee, they will NEVER not be poisoned.

Have to agree with Durz, 66% is way too much. 50% is probably the most you could get away with.

I would instead prefer something like poison turns into weakness or bleeding when cleansed, rather than being cleansed altogether. That would be more interesting than its current 50% damage boost.

The trait applying torment when we poison a target (like the poison is more potent or w/e) would go well with a class that is heavily based around kiting.

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New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


For me, as mostly old WoW Hunter PvP player, kiting could be even considered as an art in itself.

It’s a player’s ability to remain effective and viable when keeping maximal range possible from your target via movement, cooldowns and good CCand preventing his attacks/gapclosers.

It’s not possible in GW2 currently and ranged options are being punished for kiting. At least the ranger.

How the hell are ranged options being punished for Kiting? And we have an ample amount of tools to kite like in WoW, and other games.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Poison Master could be a cool trait if it would increase healing debuff to 66%. That would be actually very useful in PvP and maybe in some (future?) PvE scenarios. As it stands now, absolutely horrible and nothing interesting.

For other traits… D’oh I lost it when reading. A GM bugfix, GM poor-man’s RNG when most of the most dangerous skills are not even projectiles…. GM which will probably heal like a one Water Blast from Ele.

Last chance they have are some major, hidden for some reason, changes to weapons and utilities.

As it stands for now, that “Feature patch” adds nowhere as much as major patches in other MMOs.

There’s nothing fair or fun about having your healing reduced by 66% by a profession who can EASILY maintain +100% poison duration, as it is now it makes poison something dangerous to have on you (moreso than usual) and makes it so that no matter how much they cry, or beg, or plee, they will NEVER not be poisoned.

Have to agree with Durz, 66% is way too much. 50% is probably the most you could get away with.

I would instead prefer something like poison turns into weakness or bleeding when cleansed, rather than being cleansed altogether. That would be more interesting than its current 50% damage boost.

The trait applying torment when we poison a target (like the poison is more potent or w/e) would go well with a class that is heavily based around kiting.

Torment on poison would make me the happiest ranger of all lol

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


For me, as mostly old WoW Hunter PvP player, kiting could be even considered as an art in itself.

It’s a player’s ability to remain effective and viable when keeping maximal range possible from your target via movement, cooldowns and good CCand preventing his attacks/gapclosers.

It’s not possible in GW2 currently and ranged options are being punished for kiting. At least the ranger.

How the hell are ranged options being punished for Kiting? And we have an ample amount of tools to kite like in WoW, and other games.

-Decrased movement speed when strafing comparing to melee running foward
-No 180 degree fire angle when wielding a bow
-Weapon skills (No talking here about Engi nade spam or such AoE that can be casted from face camera angle) requiring direct facing to pull off because most skills on quick turn will not work due
o long cast times and aftercast
-Channeled skills such as RF or Ghastly Claws breaking on turn, easily interruptable
-Longer and less damage-efficient combat requiring you to manage cooldowns even more
-No disengaging leaps/teleports on most of the Ranged weapons
-Kiting requires specific terrain and space
-Kiting is against the PvP mode – Conquest
-No weapon skillshot from range as opening strike – Ranger weapons
-Boon/Combo Finisher are both 600 range.

Just couple… Speak to any of serious rated WoW Hunters if kiting is comparable in both games… They’ll laugh

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

If it makes it anymore clear;
People say the practice was called ‘Kiting’ because it resembles somebody trying to fly a Kite. That is to say, somebody moves in a straight line or in circles with a mob steadily trailing behind them, in much the same way you’d run with a kite trailing behind you in an effort to get it to catch a breeze.

So, yeah, I wouldn’t call any of the stuff that happens in GW2’s PvP Kiting.
Then again, I’m not sure I’d want to.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


I’ve never played WoW, so obviously I cant make that comparison, but it does sound like you’re comparing apples and oranges. If you could strife at full speed and attack with a 180 degree angle it would be rediculously easy to prevent melee players from ever getting to you, which doesnt seem right to me.

I feel GW2 is pretty well setup to balance ranged vs melee in 1v1 situations, despite popular opinion being the opposite, because you can kite if you do it right, but at the same time you will never be able to kite indefinately because I cant imagine thats fun or anyone involved.

PvP gamemode being counter productive I’ll give you though.. thats the #1 reason I dislike PvP. Builds like hambow warriors only become so rediculous because of how you are forced to play on points and it does really crap ranger/thief/mesmer playstyles.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I suppose RtW could be good, but ONLY if they make it affect pet projectiles also, currently, they are just too slow to actually hit anyone.

If they implemented this, then the spiders and devourers would be great pets and synergize perfectly with LB rangers. I’d consider dropping Eagle Eye for RtW then, as your pet connecting with a vast majority of its ranged attacks would be a great increase and well worth the loss of +5% dmg and 300 range.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


I’ve never played WoW, so obviously I cant make that comparison, but it does sound like you’re comparing apples and oranges. If you could strife at full speed and attack with a 180 degree angle it would be rediculously easy to prevent melee players from ever getting to you, which doesnt seem right to me.

I feel GW2 is pretty well setup to balance ranged vs melee in 1v1 situations, despite popular opinion being the opposite, because you can kite if you do it right, but at the same time you will never be able to kite indefinately because I cant imagine thats fun or anyone involved.

PvP gamemode being counter productive I’ll give you though.. thats the #1 reason I dislike PvP. Builds like hambow warriors only become so rediculous because of how you are forced to play on points and it does really crap ranger/thief/mesmer playstyles.

As it stands for now, it’d be very hard to actually implement right kiting in the game. I mean, the mobility varies too much. You’d need most of stuff I described to make kiting with bow effective vs. Warrior or a Thief/Engineer. But at the same time if we want to implement some serious kiting mechanics, we have to take care of poor guardians, necros and maybe even mesmers because with the amount of kiting required to keep up with Warrior/Thief gapclosers we’d totally wreck any of less mobile professions on a open field. That’s why I’m not a fan of just saying : You and you will be slow whatever you do, you and you will be faster.
Quick thing I can think of is making m
x range for bows 1200 and making projectile straight-flying rather than slow and arcing.

At least 180 degrees is the minimal requirement, movement speed could stay if we had some good access to soft CC on bows.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.