New player feeling so... useless in WvWvW
You can’t expect to be lvl 60 and hit hard someone who is lvl 80 and has twice the armor and damage you have. Even then, i don’t know what are you using to hit “120” dmg on average.
As negative as this sounds; Yes pick up a guardian
Temporarily shelve the ranger, and just dabble in other glasses. Get the feel for them, and if they really don’t suit you, stick with the ranger
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro
I am currently in the same boat my first character I started was a ranger and realizing it needed some work it wasnt really bugging me so I just kept playing. However, I did just start a guardian and wow it really is a fun class especially if you buy a 2h sword right away. My point is if you feel like the ranger needs work and dont want to play a broken class try another class… in my position i went guardian but you can try whatever…
Have fun!
Best advice I can give you is ignore the people telling you to switch a profession because rangers are broken or suck or w/e they are saying. If you are in these forums asking for advice ON RANGERS, then you obviously enjoy the class. If you wanted to try another class, you wouldn’t come on this section of the forums.
No for the WvW, your aim for now should be to get to 80 if you want to do some serious competitive WvW. If you want to use WvW to level up, join large groups of people that go through key points. I’m sure you can find several guides on how to level in WvW. When you do level up to 80 there are several things you can do as a ranger depending on your build.
You commented on damage so I assume you want to have a build focuses on high damage. There are several builds over the forums. Find one that fits you the most. Change it a bit to suit your game style. I’m sure than when you get decent gear and have a good build you will do great in WvW, as long as you know how to play the class.
My advice. Keep your ranger, play other classes too.
I startet as a Ranger, went over to a Neco, played Guardian and now Mesmer. Some Engineer, Warrior, Ele and Thieve too.
I just play what is fun. Rangers unfortunately have lost alot of that, they feel stale, forced into 1 spec and are not really that great with it either. Ill wait for A-Net to fix it.
I wouldn’t go for guardian if your problem with ranger is not being able to hit people on walls…..
few days ago i 3 shoted low lvl/geared player guess why
Guardian has basically no ranged attacks to speak of, and limited mobility. My first 80 was a guardian, second a thief, and honestly I find myself playing my lowbie alt ranger in WvW more than either of them – she’s almost 40 purely from WvW play in fact. I get way more kills with her just because of the ranged advantage, a pet that creates a constant annoyance, and the longbow AE attack is great for taking/defending keeps. Yea, when you get rushed expect to die – but while Guardians are hard to kill you basically have to suicide rush for an opportunity to kill anyone, and most classes can run from you easily.
I have a blast with my Ranger at 80 in WvW. Full exotic gear and a balanced spec with power and toughness being my two highest stats. I get more kills each night than my mesmer, elementalist, or engeneer buds who I play with and only the mesmer dies less..I got 60 kills tonight and only died 4 times, once cause I wasnt paying attention and got zerged, and 3 times to the same broken thief. It was very rough until I got to 80 and geared out and messed with my traits and stuff but now its an absolute blast.
It is pretty annoying to sit there watching magic users hurl all sorts of sparkly nonsense at people on the walls while watching my hail of arrows, which obviously clear the edge and hit the player provide nothing but a lovely rainbow of “OBSTRUCTED”.
It is pretty annoying to sit there watching magic users hurl all sorts of sparkly nonsense at people on the walls while watching my hail of arrows, which obviously clear the edge and hit the player provide nothing but a lovely rainbow of “OBSTRUCTED”.
Now i have to ask, which bow are you using? I don’t hope you are using axe og shortbow to throw/shoot at foes on top of walls. These are the worst weapons for a siege IMO, try use longbow and do barrage on wall where people are hurling things at you. Remember to get the trait with 5% more range to longbow. It will keep people away from the wall edges.
Place yourself on higher ground if possible, I have no problem with hitting enemies on wall. Its all about about where you place yourself
I wouldn’t go for guardian if your problem with ranger is not being able to hit people on walls…..
Surprisingly easier to hit people on walls, and people on the ground from walls, with a guardian, go figure.
This post bothers me. A new player is so biased by what he reads that he will give up before even giving the class a fair shake.
Undergeared lvl 60s are going to be tough no matter what class you play. Get something to 80, get some exotics, then see how you perform. Rangers are good in all but the most competitive pvp. Don’t believe everything you see on forums, and dont ever base your opinion off of what you read.
[Bush] – Dragonbrand
These are the worst weapons for a siege IMO, try use longbow and do barrage on wall where people are hurling things at you. Remember to get the trait with 5% more range to longbow. It will keep people away from the wall edges.
Place yourself on higher ground if possible, I have no problem with hitting enemies on wall. Its all about about where you place yourself
When I play my Mesmer and have to defend a keep the least thing I am worried about is a ranger, seriously. Longbow #5 has nice cooldown and does no damage and if you can shoot me it is because I WANT you to #3 #2 me and after #3 you have this nice bubble around you ^^
What makes battlements a nightmare for any defender are elementalists, necromancers and the occasional sceptre guardian with their #2. Rangers … nah, not really.
I focus on healing power/power/toughness with longbow/greatsword and do great in WvW. I can solo camps by myself and do pretty well in a 2v1 situation.
I said I could handle it, am I going to eat my words? I have reached 60 and I feel so useless in WvWvW. I Can’t even hit a guard standing on a wall from almost any angle or spot! Everything gets obscructed or the target is invicible
Invicible – This is because the NPC is unable to find a path to you and attack you. This is working normal. Even WoW gets this.
Obscructed on the other hand. If the target is in clear line of sight and you’re getting this then it’s the bug. ANet has already acknowledged this as a bug yet has done nothing to fix it even though it has been occurring since day one of release. I’ve heard that all ranged classes/skills experience this but I’m not 100% sure. I personally believe if it was all classes then it would have been fixed so that the Warrior’s range attacks work correctly.
Last, even though your level and gear is bumped up to level 80, you’re still at a slight disadvantage because you don’t have all your trait points and skills unlocked.
ยป My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
(edited by krojack.4920)
It is pretty annoying to sit there watching magic users hurl all sorts of sparkly nonsense at people on the walls while watching my hail of arrows, which obviously clear the edge and hit the player provide nothing but a lovely rainbow of “OBSTRUCTED”.
Now i have to ask, which bow are you using? I don’t hope you are using axe og shortbow to throw/shoot at foes on top of walls. These are the worst weapons for a siege IMO, try use longbow and do barrage on wall where people are hurling things at you. Remember to get the trait with 5% more range to longbow. It will keep people away from the wall edges.
Place yourself on higher ground if possible, I have no problem with hitting enemies on wall. Its all about about where you place yourself
My level 80 doesn’t even carry a melee weapon…i just switch between longbow / shortbow for attacking / defending keeps and such. I figure with the rate of fire on the shortbow, thats my melee weapon..even nerfed.
If I’m flipping camps, I run with axe/warhorn & shortbow.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon