New to Spirit Ranger WvW

New to Spirit Ranger WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Arlette.9684


As the title says, I got my ranger to 68 and with the endgame WvW aproaching I’m really puzzled about gear choices and whether to use the Water Spirit or stick with Troll Unguent.

1. Rabid gear vs Dire gear vs Apotechary gear?
2. Water spirit vs Troll Unguent.
3. This has probably been asked a million times by now but, Spirit Active skills, how exactly do they work? I saw the radius but does the spirit cast the spell on your target, me or the spirit itself and everything within that radius is affected. If on the spirit itself (which is what I fear) how exactly does one land the spirit’s active effect with radius as small as 360.
4. Signet of Renewal vs Protect me?

Thanks in advance for the help

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

New to Spirit Ranger WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: law.9410


What kind of build are you running? If you have high regeneration uptime (shout heal) and signet of the wild, apothecary all the way for insane sustain. I don’t know about the spirit, but if your only form of healing is troll ugent, dire is probably better because it doesn’t scale that great from healing. As for sig of renewal vs protect me it probably depends on who you are fighting. The signet is great if a necro spite bombs you.

New to Spirit Ranger WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: snow.8097


apothecary: as spirit ranger u do not need so much healing power. with almost perma protection the normal heal is good enough.

rabid: all in all the perfect ranger stat combination. i play my pvp ranger with rabid. u will make good dmg together with very good sustain.

dire: good choice when u want to play more bunker. the only dmg u will do is the condition dmg.

water spirit: its a nice heal the only problem is the long cast time of the heal. very helpful in group play.

troll unguent: one of the strongest heals in game. start the heal when the fight starts and u gdt almost no dmg the first seconds.

when u play wvw with ur guild or other little groups play rabid with water spirit. in big zerg fights use dire and healing spring! a water field and every two seconds one condition clean for u and ur allies is very helpful in fights.

the effects of the spirits trigger around the spirits themselfs.

when u use empathic bond: protect me. when u use bark skin: signet of renewal.

Safi/Clio Del Ray |Ranger, Elonas Reach,
the skrittfinisher was my idea!

New to Spirit Ranger WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Arlette.9684


apothecary: as spirit ranger u do not need so much healing power. with almost perma protection the normal heal is good enough.

rabid: all in all the perfect ranger stat combination. i play my pvp ranger with rabid. u will make good dmg together with very good sustain.

dire: good choice when u want to play more bunker. the only dmg u will do is the condition dmg.

water spirit: its a nice heal the only problem is the long cast time of the heal. very helpful in group play.

troll unguent: one of the strongest heals in game. start the heal when the fight starts and u gdt almost no dmg the first seconds.

when u play wvw with ur guild or other little groups play rabid with water spirit. in big zerg fights use dire and healing spring! a water field and every two seconds one condition clean for u and ur allies is very helpful in fights.

the effects of the spirits trigger around the spirits themselfs.

when u use empathic bond: protect me. when u use bark skin: signet of renewal.

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. Kudos to you

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain