No recent guides on Ranger?

No recent guides on Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nasir.2195


Is there any updated guides on reaching a higher level of play on Ranger on another website or something? Alot of people tell what Rangers are capable of but, they never really explain on how to get there.

(edited by Nasir.2195)

No recent guides on Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Some of the skill set for ranger are difficult to really capture without practical experience, like keeping track of the cool down on the dogs leap so that you can have it on the next swap or getting the feel for using weapon evades on sword/dagger while the auto attack is on.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

No recent guides on Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sina.9208


Is there any updated guides on reaching a higher level of play on Ranger on another website or something? Alot of people tell what Rangers are capable of but, they never really explain on how to get there.

Check out Brazil’s DnT ranger guide, it’s fairly old, but it is still current.

Some of the skill set for ranger are difficult to really capture without practical experience, like keeping track of the cool down on the dogs leap so that you can have it on the next swap or getting the feel for using weapon evades on sword/dagger while the auto attack is on.

For Pve I wouldn’t use a dog pet :P

No recent guides on Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


For Pve I wouldn’t use a dog pet :P

For PvE it more of hoping the encounter wasn’t designed to destroy the dodge less pet as they seem to completely forget that they designed the pet system for a 10+ year old stand and cast game not the action based one they seem so proud of.

PvE isn’t the entity of the game, and like it or not most of the balance come from them focusing on conquest style 5 v 5 spvp and forcing the rest of the game to work around that framework.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

No recent guides on Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


My recent guides on Ranger have been “Forget bows, just use melee weaps.”, “Don’t bring a Ranger to WvW, they’re virtually useless, bring another class.”, “Rangers aren’t meant for dungeons.”, “New players shouldn’t play Ranger.” and a few other comments on map chat/TS3 that are too offensive to mention here…

Obviously, these aren’t actual guides, just other player’s opinions, but especially given that the official GW2 guide specifically says we are bow specialists, I’m not a happy bunny, at all, to learn that that is incorrect (in most people’s opinions) and that we are considered virtually useless in virtually all situations, apart from possibly soloing.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth