Noone plays ranger in WVW

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


Rangers are a pet class if you picked this class without knowing that then you probably picked the wrong class. If ranger received a buff for not having a pet it would force players who specifically pick the class for their pets to play without pets or be kicked from groups.

Anet has already said they have not intention of adding perma stow. This may change but I would stop playing the class is they did (probably game as well).

How come necromancers aren’t a pet class? Or mesmers, since clones and phantasms are basically just summoned AI pets?

How would changing the pet mechanic make the ranger any less of a pet class, if the mechanic remained pet focused?

I’m just curious, because a lot of rangers transitioned from guild wars 1 to guild wars 2 thinking they would continue playing their ranger class, not a “pet class.” So while you look down your nose at everybody that doesn’t like something that you like, just remember that there were a lot of players that expected a lot of different things than what the class currently provides, and that the marketing used to advertise the ranger class never suggested anywhere that rangers would be forced into always using pets, which is extremely deceptive to people until they actually try the class and find out they are stuck with it.

Being a guild wars 1 veteran, I absolutely hate that rangers are forced to use the pet in this game; something that wasn’t true for the first game. It’s like a lot of really good, old ideas were trashed, in order to try to reinvent the wheel with a bunch of new, bad ideas. And, lore wise, rangers forgot how to use preparations, stances, and most of their traps and spirits, in order to gain what? The ability to always have dopey the almost as useful as it was in guild wars 1 animal always running around trying to be useful, and never really quite hitting the mark exactly where you’d want it in anything other than general PvE.

As Durz mentioned somewhere else, I’m not sure they should do away with the pet entirely. But the pet should be implemented as additional damage on top of the rangers damage output, and then the pet concept can be redesigned as the pet not being “out” until you bring it out, then it stays out and does damage for a period of time, with a cooldown. The pet will have the potential to last until it’s cooldown is over, meaning you can just resummon it to have it permanently available. You have the ability to do a unique attack with it still, and the pet swap gets replaced with a call back, which takes it’s remaining lifespan and knocks a portion of it off the cooldown, where as if the pet dies, it goes on full cooldown.

Now you have a class that can always use the pet, even if they aren’t built for it, but can have the damage come from the player. On top of that, you can still choose to play as a beastmaster, which would, in the suggested redesign, be more focused around cooldown reduction, and damage and utility increases, just like other classes mechanic traitline do for their mechanic.

This, I think, would be the best way to open up some versatility for the way the class can be played, while thematically keeping it as a “pet class.”


and through in a crossbow

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


Hey guys I’ ve opened this topic just to make you all realize the lack of rangers in wvw..and above all the lack of rangers using shortbow..I have a question for Arenanet: Why there are so few rangers around?^

I’m a full LB/SB ranger roaming around in WvW.. Thing is, by the time you’ll have noticed me, you probably will be dead.. ;-) :p

What build do you use? Do you have a link?

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


You re the only one here who really understands the point..I’ ve spent tons of gold too finding a balance but without success..Once beastmastery build was nice..but they nerfed it..shortbow was nice..but they nerfed it..= ranger inferior to any other class


I assume you are speaking about me.

Yeah, I today decided to re role. I love using conditions so am working on a necro but lvling is sooooo boring. I did try to lvl a thief once before because I got soo mad in wvw but I got bored of that after I got to lvl 28.


I don’t even like any of the other professions :/ they don’t feel right, but they are soooo powerful compared to Ranger that I think I’ll just have to be bored while lvling for the next few days….

^^^ A Necro just look at the amount of conditions!!! :O

Eh mate I’ m happy that at least you had the will to reroll another class and play it..whereas me that I liked only ranger..well I think I’ ll quit

You said that 20 Days ago already.
Don’t think constructive feedback is one of your strengths…

“It’ s time to quit or if I change my mind to level up a thief or a mesmer which are really competitive class.” – 14 Days ago

“Well Maybe It’ s just me but I m going to quit becouse seriously I loved so much playing with pets and now it’ s simply impossible..” – 19 Days ago

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


You re the only one here who really understands the point..I’ ve spent tons of gold too finding a balance but without success..Once beastmastery build was nice..but they nerfed it..shortbow was nice..but they nerfed it..= ranger inferior to any other class


I assume you are speaking about me.

Yeah, I today decided to re role. I love using conditions so am working on a necro but lvling is sooooo boring. I did try to lvl a thief once before because I got soo mad in wvw but I got bored of that after I got to lvl 28.


I don’t even like any of the other professions :/ they don’t feel right, but they are soooo powerful compared to Ranger that I think I’ll just have to be bored while lvling for the next few days….

^^^ A Necro just look at the amount of conditions!!! :O

Eh mate I’ m happy that at least you had the will to reroll another class and play it..whereas me that I liked only ranger..well I think I’ ll quit

You said that 20 Days ago already.
Don’t think constructive feedback is one of your strengths…

“It’ s time to quit or if I change my mind to level up a thief or a mesmer which are really competitive class.” – 14 Days ago

“Well Maybe It’ s just me but I m going to quit because seriously I loved so much playing with pets and now it’ s simply impossible..” – 19 Days ago

Not sure what point your trying to make. Clearly he loves playing as his ranger but he just cant. Like a lot of other rangers we are struggling to see the point of playing as it when we cant be effective.

He is just venting, letting out some annoyance over how broken the class is and the fact that now arena net have our money they don’t care….

I know exactly how Pegaasus feels because I felt the same not long ago and quit for a few months and that was before the major pet nerf. When I eventually came back I was still shocked at the state of the class but I just played it because it’s the class I love.

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey guys I’ ve opened this topic just to make you all realize the lack of rangers in wvw..and above all the lack of rangers using shortbow..I have a question for Arenanet: Why there are so few rangers around?^

I’m a full LB/SB ranger roaming around in WvW.. Thing is, by the time you’ll have noticed me, you probably will be dead.. ;-) :p

I feel like you die a lot lol

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Its strong solo roamer but not worth using for zergs

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Pegaasus.3280


Hey guys I’ ve opened this topic just to make you all realize the lack of rangers in wvw..and above all the lack of rangers using shortbow..I have a question for Arenanet: Why there are so few rangers around?^

I’m a full LB/SB ranger roaming around in WvW.. Thing is, by the time you’ll have noticed me, you probably will be dead.. ;-) :p

I feel like you die a lot lol

Well I’ ve played for like 10 months in Whiteside Ridge..and played so many times against Fissure server..The fact is that I haven’ t noticed such a ^^ strong ranger ^^.. You live in your dreams…))

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Pegaasus.3280


You re the only one here who really understands the point..I’ ve spent tons of gold too finding a balance but without success..Once beastmastery build was nice..but they nerfed it..shortbow was nice..but they nerfed it..= ranger inferior to any other class


I assume you are speaking about me.

Yeah, I today decided to re role. I love using conditions so am working on a necro but lvling is sooooo boring. I did try to lvl a thief once before because I got soo mad in wvw but I got bored of that after I got to lvl 28.


I don’t even like any of the other professions :/ they don’t feel right, but they are soooo powerful compared to Ranger that I think I’ll just have to be bored while lvling for the next few days….

^^^ A Necro just look at the amount of conditions!!! :O

Eh mate I’ m happy that at least you had the will to reroll another class and play it..whereas me that I liked only ranger..well I think I’ ll quit

You said that 20 Days ago already.
Don’t think constructive feedback is one of your strengths…

“It’ s time to quit or if I change my mind to level up a thief or a mesmer which are really competitive class.” – 14 Days ago

“Well Maybe It’ s just me but I m going to quit becouse seriously I loved so much playing with pets and now it’ s simply impossible..” – 19 Days ago

Aeri you say that my topics aren’ t constructive…Yeah you must be right.. More than 1000 views for my topic…….yes yes yes It mustn’ t be constructive :PPP I really really think you must be someone linked to Arenanet becouse you try to defend Ranger class even if we all know that It is totally broken…
Second : Excuse me Can’ t I reapeat what I think ?^ And just for your Info I’ ve already quitted the game.
Aeri instead of reading my topics..please go reading thieves topics…where everyone says rangers are just free loots..)) Defend your loved and perfect ranger class in thieves forum…

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


Your posts are in no way constructive, because you only complain with a made up thesis without supportin it with arguments.
A constructive post would at least contain a few points of how the situation can be fixed.

If I’d some up the content of your posts it would be “rangers suck, I quit” <- not constructive.

To make youself a usefull addition to our community, you could start by using the edit button and then put some arguments behind your statements so there is actually something to discuss.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

(edited by Aeri.5738)

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


1k views with only 50 comments normally doesn’t translate into constructive…. Not to mention as the person above me said its essentially just a “rangers suck QQ” thread and just about everyone else shooting you down.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Your posts are in no way constructive, because you only complain with a made up thesis without supportin it with arguments.
A constructive post would at least contain a few points of how the situation can be fixed.

If I’d some up the content of your posts it would be “rangers suck, I quit” <- not constructive.

To make youself a usefull addition to our community, you could start by using the edit button and then put some arguments behind your statements so there is actually something to discuss.

Read this post;

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I play ranger in WvW. And I like it. Especially in small groups my ranger shows his strengths, where the others are engaged in close combat and I hit everything from afar with my longbow. If they see me, I either use sword/warhorh to fight them up close, or I use #2 leaps in sword to get away from them and then shoot them again with longbow. That works suprisingly good. Until now I could hold my ground against any foe in 1v1 (and many use food buffs, while I don’t).

And in a Zerg Longbow rangers are the sniper of the Zerg. Hitting Trebs, where no1 else can hit them, picking of the weaker memebers in enemy Zerg and stuff like that. Playing Ranger feels a lot more tactical than playing thief, mesmer or necro (my other lvl 80 toons). This is what I enjoy about Ranger.

I see so many bad rangers in WvW, but there are some, who can play them very good. Say what you will, I enjoy it very much. And seeing today a 5 man team of the enemy server with rangers only contradicts the message of the OP anyway.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Sorry but you must not face great players. LB is horrible. Also, not using food buffs is just crippling yourself for no reason.

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


I would love to see an all spirit ranger zerg in wvw. That would be hilarious.

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Terkov.4138


I use LB/GS ranger in WvW (roaming, zerging and organized groups). Rank 177 now. Nice to meet you.

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Fomby.4295


As someone who loves to spvp with my ranger, I find it waaaaay too frustrating to WvW with my ranger.

Unless you’re running bears or you’re 30 into BM, your pet will still insta die to 15+ man Zerg. Queue zergs just have to look at the pet to kill it.

Otherwise I don’t think rangers are that bad, but pets are a big source of damage, so it sucks that it dies fast and gets CC’d up the wazoo.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: thrice.9184


Rangers are a pet class if you picked this class without knowing that then you probably picked the wrong class. If ranger received a buff for not having a pet it would force players who specifically pick the class for their pets to play without pets or be kicked from groups.

Anet has already said they have not intention of adding perma stow. This may change but I would stop playing the class is they did (probably game as well).

How come necromancers aren’t a pet class? Or mesmers, since clones and phantasms are basically just summoned AI pets?

How would changing the pet mechanic make the ranger any less of a pet class, if the mechanic remained pet focused?

I’m just curious, because a lot of rangers transitioned from guild wars 1 to guild wars 2 thinking they would continue playing their ranger class, not a “pet class.” So while you look down your nose at everybody that doesn’t like something that you like, just remember that there were a lot of players that expected a lot of different things than what the class currently provides, and that the marketing used to advertise the ranger class never suggested anywhere that rangers would be forced into always using pets, which is extremely deceptive to people until they actually try the class and find out they are stuck with it.

Being a guild wars 1 veteran, I absolutely hate that rangers are forced to use the pet in this game; something that wasn’t true for the first game. It’s like a lot of really good, old ideas were trashed, in order to try to reinvent the wheel with a bunch of new, bad ideas. And, lore wise, rangers forgot how to use preparations, stances, and most of their traps and spirits, in order to gain what? The ability to always have dopey the almost as useful as it was in guild wars 1 animal always running around trying to be useful, and never really quite hitting the mark exactly where you’d want it in anything other than general PvE.

OMG someone understands.

250 years of devolution.

+ 10,000

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

(edited by thrice.9184)

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

I’ve heard this a lot, but what precisely makes Rangers so good underwater? I usually avoid underwater combat, so I have little experience myself.

I’m not sure myself but once I had a fight with some “general” of enemy server and some invader, general was a ranger invader… I don’t even remember.

I was assaulter maybe (then) if it comes to ranks in WvW.
I has also blue lvl 78 speargun as a underwater weapon

so invader just died first.
General managed to nearly kill me but then cd on heal goes down and he did not.
I downed him something like two times.
and here the problem comes (actually I was surprised, why my so weak weapon could deal so massive dmg to him-maybe he had low vitality and tough and as roamer depends on pet in such things?) when he was in downed I had many many problem to get him down – after some seconds he was summmoning pet to ress him and pet was ressing more than I was damaging.
that would last long, and after second rally form him was that situation that I was nearly killed, but then my friend ended to managing with his two oponents (just on the land from us) and came to help with this one.

yeah yeah borderland puzzle wars

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Noone plays ranger in WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Tribio.8531


What build do you use? Do you have a link?

Well, I can’t use gw2skills or sites like that at work, so I can only link you to one of my vids where I explain the build:
(“tracklist” is in the description, so you can quickly jump to the build part of the vid)

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe