Noop ranger gear questions

Noop ranger gear questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Poke Bird.5847

Poke Bird.5847

Hello my ranger buddies, I am a new gw2 player and I just slayed Zhaitan 2 weeks ago in GW2. I’ve been following the meta after completing my personal story and bought a berserker sword, axe and long bow. The weapons have been working wonders but I’m worried that the meta will change entirely after HoT update. Will my weapons be useless? Should I wait till HoT release and then spend my gold on meta weapons then? Or Berserker items and scholar weapons will still be good and I can continue i investing my money on the berserker gears.

This is very important to me since earning gold is not easy for a newbie, I have a feeling that I just wasted my hard earned gold on some gear that might be useless or not that useful in the future:(

Thx if you can reply, I appreciate it very much

Noop ranger gear questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Razor.9872


The “meta” will most definitely fluctuate after HoT’s release, but I wouldn’t count your gear out just yet. I’m sure there will be a place for zerker Rangers somewhere. Don’t stress over it.

NSPride <3

Noop ranger gear questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


And mixing gear in a build is not uncommon, zerk weapons will probably always be a popular choice in a power mix.

Noop ranger gear questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I always like to point out in these threads that gold is the most valuable currency, so you can use other currencies to gear up. Some options are karma, dungeon tokens, WvW badges, laurels, and fractals. Just wiki those terms if you aren’t sure where to redeem them for gear.

Also if you’re determined to craft regardless of the cost, you can use that to gear yourself up.

And those weapons are definitely good choices. You can use them in WvW as well.

Noop ranger gear questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

A Ranger will always want a zerker set, so you are safe there, mate. Take Fluffball’s advice, look at other methods to aquire gear. If you are anything like me, you will end up with several sets with different stats.

A good place to start is here:

Noop ranger gear questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kitty.1502


If you want to be meta for 5 man content don’t roll ranger, ranger right now has no place in the “perfect” meta and it won’t with druid. Healing is useless for current 5 man content (this might change with fractals post 50).

For PvE Raids druid will most likely be meta, though ventari will make a case since they can do more dps while healing. Though each offer different forms of healing one is burst other is sustain. One is easier to heal on the move other is clunky while moving.

For WvW Zerg druids will see a lot of use as it is a great burst healer.

For sPvP & Roaming really need to see how the meta settles down, expect a lot of CC though and with limited access to stab and stun breaks this might be what makes this only an average tier class.

Tarnished Coast-[NOPE]
Kitten – Zerker Ranger –
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger –