Norn Ranger build wvw

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’ve found a build that’s proving very effective in kiting and escaping and dealing a very decent amount of damage

Running Valkarie armor with runes of the warrior
Specing for pet regen/eageeye/piercing

Running zyhper/qr/swaping between stone/hunt/wild depending on situation mostly hunt for movespeed (just for passives)

Accesories are berseker with Valkyrie upgrades

26k health with good toughness and reliable damage
In order for this build to work you MUST turn off autoattack on skill use. Great sword is mostly for getting out or range or chasing. With auto attack on you reengage it has to be off so you can turn and run when you need too.

Here is the kicker my elite is snow leopard. THE BEST ESCAPING SKILL EVER I can’t count how many time I got zerged. Popped elite stealthed and used my 1600!!!!!! dash than leaped for an extra 900. NOTHING can catch you EVER!

Also it’s great for chasing or LEAPING INTO THE ZERG. The pounce crits for over 6k and you can stealth in zerg and dash to the back line swipe away pounce and dash out restealth it has a 9 sec cd. Aslo when you transform you sporting over 38k health with improved armor.

For pets I run Dog/wolf for cc. This build is working very well in wvw and pve. I havn’t tried it pvp yet but I’m thinking it could have applications as well. You’re not going to solo a lot of champs, this isn’t a roaming solo cap build. But it’s fun, lots of cc lots of escapes. Catch me if you can.

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Ah and I’ve dubbed it a Bruiser build.

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Been having a lot of success with this build as I’ve grown more comfortable with it and confident. 1v1’s really aren’t a problem I’ve got a strong pet I deal strong damage myself I have a lot of escapes and chases. I’m tanky with substain this build isn’t amazing it’s just perfectly balanced between ranged/melee and damage/defense. I haven’t found any weakness yet or come across anything I couldn’t handle.

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Otanikun.8701


Can you put the build in a template plse.