Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

Think the post says it all,

Middle of a field-OBSTRUCTED



Dynamic Event-OBSTRUCTED

can you guys even fix this or not? I am going to say probably not.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Apophis.8561


this is VERY annoying. and it happens all the time. especially when i go to interupt something with concussion shot and im literally 2 ft away and then it misses (not due to blind or block) and there goes one of the only interupts rangers has on its full cooldown. also the pathetic snare 4 skill seems to have this problem as well.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


it’s same for all ranged attack but think we suffer the most
anyway as far as i know they are aware of the problem and are looking into it


Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Himei.5379


It is a problem for all classes but Rangers more so. On my thief on the same zone I would get a Obstructed 1 in 100 shots while on a ranger it would be ~15 in 100 shots. That is a major difference especially when you time your skills well to CC only to waste it.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: leonardoraele.3725


Just use the good sense and get out from behind the freakin wall.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

I believe they said this will be addressed in the next patch. I hate when it happens especially on a critical moment like when I go to point blank shot a dangerous melee opponent and they get obstructed.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Just use the good sense and get out from behind the freakin wall.

If you are gonna troll, or have no idea what it is, dont post. He is talking about a projectile bug that people randomly get. Every class gets it, ranger seems to get it more than others. Ive gotten it on rifle warrior and thief using dancing daggers, but not as much as ranger with his longbow.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Strongfort.2451


To my knowledge they have ignored all bug reports about this and have not acknowledged this ultra critical issue at all, but I may have missed the post.

If someone could please link where they said they are fixing it it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: leonardoraele.3725


I have never had such problem when I’m in free space; with no obstacles/obstructions.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: ImagoX.4718


I’ve seen this VERY occasionally, but certainly not consistently – 1:15 obstructed ratio seems insanely high – where the heck are you observing this and under what conditions?

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Shilian.5873


The obstructed bug is frustrating, and it really cut down our dps which isn’t that good anyway.

Yesterday i had a lot of fun on AC exp, my war is build Toug/Vit, hammer/greatsword with Valkyrie/Knight armor

While my ranger has a full set of Berserker and it run glass cannon lb/sb.

I ended up doing more damage with hundred blade than Rapid-Fire.

Let’s wait for the patch.

Sorry mate, you where right, it was pretty confusing, hope it’s understandable now.

(edited by Shilian.5873)

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: aPutridCorpse.8792


I can see your text clearly but I can’t make out what you’re saying

Level 80 Asura Ranger
Level 30 Human Guardian

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Xolosheep.1649


This is one of the most annoying bug I have. Do other characters / pets supposed to obstruct arrows or not? Because I see a lot more obstructed arrows when people are zerging, for example, the champion abomination. Rapid fire and almost half of the arrows would be obstructed. The target isn’t half embedded in the wall or behind vegetation / rocks. :S

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Hopefully they fix this and make it so hunters call isnt obstructed either if they los us.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: florence.1674


I’m beginning to wonder if it’s a way for the server to compensate for the fact that the target might have protections or shields, etc.

When you fire 1 shot, should it deal damage? Your client would like to, but the server has not informed your client whether your target has done something like heal, or cast a protection, or stealthed out, or run behind a rock, or cast an aegis. Maybe the lazy way out is just to negate your hit by making it obstructed and then the server is ordered to update you on this target right away.

Just guessing.

Lately, it’s not just obstructed. I have been getting “Out of range” for targets clearly in range too.

WvW law #1: nobody in WvW can count.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

No, its just a bug, one they need to fix if they want ranged fighters to be viable in pvp or in this game at all. Nothing I hate more than a critical attack being obstructed randomly in open fields.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I find it particularly annoying in WvW. I am defending on a parapet and can see scores of baddies below. The only way for me to hit these enemies is to stand on TOP of the protective walling….thats not how castles work at all. However, the attackers, who cannot even see me, can put their AoE ‘ring’ half way up the wall and hit everyone from the walls edge to the back of the parapet, this is totally counter-intuitive to the so called advantage that defending a wall should have.

I should get

a) a LoS advantage
b) a height advantage
c) a damage mitigation for being behind a few feet of stone

Instead, I am obstructed, clumped up and AoE able by targets I cannot target.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadow Phage.9084

Shadow Phage.9084

I’m beginning to wonder if it’s a way for the server to compensate for the fact that the target might have protections or shields, etc.

When you fire 1 shot, should it deal damage? Your client would like to, but the server has not informed your client whether your target has done something like heal, or cast a protection, or stealthed out, or run behind a rock, or cast an aegis. Maybe the lazy way out is just to negate your hit by making it obstructed and then the server is ordered to update you on this target right away.

Just guessing.

Lately, it’s not just obstructed. I have been getting “Out of range” for targets clearly in range too.

No, its a bug with ranged attack(mostly arrow) mechanics. Same for “Out of Range”, while you are clearly in range. Though I notice OoR messages tend to pop up more when the target is moving (it seems to act as a substitute for ‘Miss’.) I think a lot of the OoR messages can be fixed by increasing arrow flight speed.

Obstructed is just…odd. I feel like it occurs more often when there is a large group hitting the same target. I notice it the most when attacking gates in WvW.

Mechanically, I think they did bows better in GW1. A height difference gave real (dis)advantages depending on if the target was higher or lower in relative elevation to you.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

They should bring back height advantage for bows. Like in gw1 if you had high ground on your target you did a good chunk more damage and had almost twice the range, and if they had high ground it lowered your damage on them. Thats an amazing realistic mechanic that Id love brought back. I was amazing at getting high ground and sniping people with my ranger from distances so far that by the time they got to me most of the time they used up their heals and were so low on health that they either died or just ran away. If they made it so with high ground rangers gain more distance and damage with bows, or even all bows for all classes have that effect, Id love it. Was one of my favorite tactical abilities in gw1. Nothing like being the only dps focused ranger in gw1 and knowing how to hurt people. Many pms came my way asking wtf.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: xev.9476


In a world with magic, dragons, talking plants, and gods you’re concerned with how realistic a height advantage with a bow is? Seems remarkably arbitrary.

I’ve also noticed that obstruction occurs most often in large DEs. The only thing(s) between my arrow and the target are players…

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

I just want ot fixed, that is all, it seems very hard for arena net to deliver on this game, there are soooo many issues that players have to deal with, but this one for me is seriously getting me mad.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

In a world with magic, dragons, talking plants, and gods you’re concerned with how realistic a height advantage with a bow is? Seems remarkably arbitrary.

I’ve also noticed that obstruction occurs most often in large DEs. The only thing(s) between my arrow and the target are players…

Im a simple man, its the little things that count with me. Id love quivers too, but yes, having height bonuses definitely made playing ranger fun. Made standing on high ground a good idea if your team knew how to play with it. Such as keeping enemies in your range.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


I find it particularly annoying in WvW. I am defending on a parapet and can see scores of baddies below. The only way for me to hit these enemies is to stand on TOP of the protective walling….thats not how castles work at all. However, the attackers, who cannot even see me, can put their AoE ‘ring’ half way up the wall and hit everyone from the walls edge to the back of the parapet, this is totally counter-intuitive to the so called advantage that defending a wall should have.

I should get

a) a LoS advantage
b) a height advantage
c) a damage mitigation for being behind a few feet of stone

Instead, I am obstructed, clumped up and AoE able by targets I cannot target.

Yeah they got it backwards in this game. It’s easier to shoot up than it is to shoot down, which makes no sense. Not to mention you risk getting scorpion wired if you go near the ledge. No surprise there, given how they’ve handled the AOE cap situation where it’s also completely backwards, where if people turtle together will actually counter AOE.

I also find it ironic that you’ll need line of sight for Barrage. Isn’t not requiring line of sight the whole point in raining down arrows onto people? You’re just shooting into the air and letting gravity do the work…

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


I find it particularly annoying in WvW. I am defending on a parapet and can see scores of baddies below. The only way for me to hit these enemies is to stand on TOP of the protective walling….thats not how castles work at all. However, the attackers, who cannot even see me, can put their AoE ‘ring’ half way up the wall and hit everyone from the walls edge to the back of the parapet, this is totally counter-intuitive to the so called advantage that defending a wall should have.

I should get

a) a LoS advantage
b) a height advantage
c) a damage mitigation for being behind a few feet of stone

Instead, I am obstructed, clumped up and AoE able by targets I cannot target.

Yeah they got it backwards in this game. It’s easier to shoot up than it is to shoot down, which makes no sense. Not to mention you risk getting scorpion wired if you go near the ledge. No surprise there, given how they’ve handled the AOE cap situation where it’s also completely backwards, where if people turtle together will actually counter AOE.

I also find it ironic that you’ll need line of sight for Barrage. Isn’t not requiring line of sight the whole point in raining down arrows onto people? You’re just shooting into the air and letting gravity do the work…

You leave sense out of this! Sense, reason, and logic have NO PLACE HERE!

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: ImagoX.4718


They should bring back height advantage for bows. Like in gw1 if you had high ground on your target you did a good chunk more damage and had almost twice the range, and if they had high ground it lowered your damage on them. Thats an amazing realistic mechanic that Id love brought back. I was amazing at getting high ground and sniping people with my ranger from distances so far that by the time they got to me most of the time they used up their heals and were so low on health that they either died or just ran away. If they made it so with high ground rangers gain more distance and damage with bows, or even all bows for all classes have that effect, Id love it. Was one of my favorite tactical abilities in gw1. Nothing like being the only dps focused ranger in gw1 and knowing how to hurt people. Many pms came my way asking wtf.

+1… Loved that old mechanic in GW1.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

They should bring back height advantage for bows. Like in gw1 if you had high ground on your target you did a good chunk more damage and had almost twice the range, and if they had high ground it lowered your damage on them. Thats an amazing realistic mechanic that Id love brought back. I was amazing at getting high ground and sniping people with my ranger from distances so far that by the time they got to me most of the time they used up their heals and were so low on health that they either died or just ran away. If they made it so with high ground rangers gain more distance and damage with bows, or even all bows for all classes have that effect, Id love it. Was one of my favorite tactical abilities in gw1. Nothing like being the only dps focused ranger in gw1 and knowing how to hurt people. Many pms came my way asking wtf.

+1… Loved that old mechanic in GW1.

I know right? It was the my favorite gw1 feature, opened so many options and was exclusive to the bow, made you feel unique.

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: gadenp.7586


Obstructed is only 1 of the 4 types of bugs concerning bows we get.

The other 3 are:
2. Miss
3. Invulnerable
4. Out of Range

Miss – How the heck can once miss at point blank range in PVP. I think the hit boxes are too small and striving is too OP currently if a good opposing player can dodge most of our shots by striding while hitting you with a melee weapon, why you strive shooting with your bow.

Invulnerable – Stand on a rock, and see how enemies become Invulnerable, even if you have a clear shoot to them. Invulnerable can also appear for no reason, when you are on level ground and shooting the enemy in the face.

Out of Range – So many times I have gotten this issue when I am shooting standing right smack in the face of an enemy.

Lastly, Obstructed – The best example of this is AC path 3 or any time you need to destroy a burrow. 100% all your shots are obstructed, which makes rangers the last selected class for AC. You can use GS for super low DPS or a sword that roots you and gets you killed fast.

Ranger weapons have issues. For ranger bows, these 4 bugs combine to annoy one alot.

PS: These bugs happen alot more in Orr, zergs, PvP and WvW. For those that want to say, no I never seen it before while I am in PvE world. Or if your opponent cannot grasps how to strife.

(edited by gadenp.7586)

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: ski.4927


+1 to this post.

I can only hope that this is fixed in the upcoming ranger fix/change.

After switching to melee about a month ago, I decided to give the bow a try again 2 days ago. As a bow lover, I wanted to take a chance that they fixed the issue, or maybe it wasn’t as bad as I remembered it. However, After equipping my longbow, now referred to as longbad, I hit the WvW trail with my fingers crossed.

After about 20 minute of constant fighting, and having only approximately 1 out of every 5 arrows actually hit my target, it went back in the bank and I am a sad puppy all over again.

Please fix my longbow!!!!!

Turkish Krul – Druid

Obstructed, obstructed, obstructed.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Obstructed is only 1 of the 4 types of bugs concerning bows we get.

The other 3 are:
2. Miss
3. Invulnerable
4. Out of Range

Miss – How the heck can once miss at point blank range in PVP. I think the hit boxes are too small and striving is too OP currently if a good opposing player can dodge most of our shots by striding while hitting you with a melee weapon, why you strive shooting with your bow.

Invulnerable – Stand on a rock, and see how enemies become Invulnerable, even if you have a clear shoot to them. Invulnerable can also appear for no reason, when you are on level ground and shooting the enemy in the face.

Out of Range – So many times I have gotten this issue when I am shooting standing right smack in the face of an enemy.

Lastly, Obstructed – The best example of this is AC path 3 or any time you need to destroy a burrow. 100% all your shots are obstructed, which makes rangers the last selected class for AC. You can use GS for super low DPS or a sword that roots you and gets you killed fast.

Ranger weapons have issues. For ranger bows, these 4 bugs combine to annoy one alot.

PS: These bugs happen alot more in Orr, zergs, PvP and WvW. For those that want to say, no I never seen it before while I am in PvE world. Or if your opponent cannot grasps how to strife.

Actually the burrow thing is kind of a everyone bug. I missed even in melee. But I get your drift.